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  • I have never had a good experience with a Debian server. Every single time I had to add unstable or third party repos to get anything remotely current to run. What's the point if you have to add unstable shit anyway?

  • Rule
  • How so? The system of patriarchy is beyond any one individual to solve. Yet I'm damn certain you believe every man should still do their best not to contribute. Why should the system of animal exploitation (and environmental destruction, while we're at it) be any different?

    Is it because one of these requires actual work on your side? You are the one measuring the same thing by two different standards.

  • Proton Mail Finally Releases Desktop Apps With a Linux Beta Version
  • Proton seems on the wrong side of the usability - privacy spectrum. Every last feature I'd want from an online provider is impossible or massively neutered by the overly strict security.

    I wish there was a similar service in a trustworthy country with a more sane level of safety, like opt-in encryption for example.

  • What VPN would you recommend for torrenting?
  • Is a VPN even worth it for that use case? A seedbox won't cost that much more, esp. if you factor in electricity costs from keeping your machine running. And getting to 1.0 seed ratio is also much easier.

  • What would you change about your favorite Linux distribution?
  • Just in general: More sane defaults, less RTFM. Sure, you can configure everything, but MUST you? A lot of opensource developers seem to believe that configurability is a get-out-of-jail-free card for having to provide a good user experience out of the box.

  • Deleted
    *deleted by creator*
  • While it wasn't 100% free from hate, Heroes of the Storm had significantly less of it. Similarly, GW2 has a far friendlier community than WoW, because game design does matter.

  • Autofahrende immer Vorbild für alle anderen 🫶
  • NEIN, nicht wer sie am meisten gefährdet, sondern wenn sie als rücksichtslos empfinden. Eines davon könnte man nämlich mit Daten erforschen, und rausfinden, dass wie immer das Auto das allergrösste Problem ist.

    Und es ist doch absolut gesponnen so zu tun als ob der FAKT, dass Räder wesentlich weniger Menschen umbringen nur so ein unwichtiger Nebenfakt ist. Persönlich habe ich lieber 5 blaue Flecke vom Fahrrad als ein gebrochenes Genick vom Auto.

  • Autofahrende immer Vorbild für alle anderen 🫶
  • Das ist aber auch einfach die falsche Frage, bzw. eine ganz offensichtliche Suggestivfrage.

    Stell dir vor du hast einen Bruder und eine Schwester. Deine Eltern lieben den Bruder über alles. Er kriegt die besten Geschenke und ein eigenes Haus, während du dir mit deiner Schwester Geschenke UND Zimmer teilen musst. Natürlich "nervt" dich deine Schwester am meisten, es ist aber ganz offensichtlich nicht deine Schwester das Problem.

    Deine Eltern sind hier die Arschlöcher, und wenn dann auch noch Elternfans (ADAC) solche blöden Umfragen veröffentlichen, sieht Mord nicht mehr so falsch aus /s.

  • We're going in the wrong direction
  • The videos are literally the entire point of TikTok. It makes sense that the MAIN feature would autoplay. It's like complaining the pages in an ebook reader are "autodisplay", instead of every single page requiring an additional input to display the text.

  • TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • Well, thats only a relevant distinction if they meaningfully differentiate between Hamas and Palestinian. Considering they've talked about using nukes, that they think sacrificing an entire hospital full of innocents to maybe kill a few Hamas, and that we DAMN WELL KNOW how racism means generalizing anyone of a group to be the worst kind of that group, and the fact that the totally un-Hamas west bank is getting ethnically cleansed too, it's incredibly naive to think they'll leave any reasonable amount of palestinians alive.

  • Cigarette-style climate warnings on food could cut meat consumption, study suggests
  • Direct action to make WHAT happen? Any sane direct action concerning animal rights or climate change would NECESSARILY reduce the amount of meat available and/or increase the price. In the end, there is no alternative to eating far less meat. And you're delusional if you believe the very privileged western consumer base would accept those consequences.

    That is exactly why consumers must realize their consumption habits are unsustainable, and unethical.

  • Cigarette-style climate warnings on food could cut meat consumption, study suggests
  • The oil industry is, of course, doing all that polluting for the sheer fun of it. Our collective consumption habits, esp. in the PRIVILEGED western countries, have absolutely nothing to do with it.

    There is no sustainable way to eat the amount of meat we do, no matter how much or how little capitalism gets involved. Even assuming the absolute best (aka unrealistic) stats for grass-fed cows, we'd still have to reduce our meat consumption to 1/7 of where it currently is. Do you think that is doable just by destroying some companies? Do you think people would just accept that???

  • PHP is dead?
  • It does support it, it's just slower than JS. WA is faster in other aspects though, so frameworks that compile to WA (like the Rust framework Leptos) still end up being faster than a lot of JS ones.

  • Very clever...
  • I don't understand the need for Ctrl-C/V, when manually copying the text exists. I know it's snarky, but that's the level of difference we're talking about here. Or imagine, to delete a line, someone Right Arrows 50 times, then backspaces 50 times, instead of using the shortcut.

  • How to automate local DNS entries per project?

    In many projects, you might have custom DNS entries, for example for your development environment, or because something is prototype without a real DNS entry yet, or simply for convenience to not remember weird IP addresses.

    Currently, these special domains might be used in the configuration of a project (say, the DB server is db1.acme.local), and that's version controlled and everything, but creating the actual DNS entry (in the hosts file for example) is still manual and therefore error prone.

    Has anyone figured out a nice solution to this? Or do you all have super quick IT departments that'll give you real domains instantly?^^

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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