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PSA: Do not upgrade to linux 6.1.64-1

If you are on the stable kernel and use ext4, do not upgrade to linux kernel package 6.1.64-1

It has a bad data corruption bug

Sudden strangeness in PATH
  • You're going to have to remember what did you change. Is this bookworm? Things don't just change themselves in Stable

  • [Help] making a persistent Debian live install from Windows
  • Yes, OP, this is the way. And if you cannot do this on this laptop, do the installation on another and use the resulting USB drive.

  • Fedora Asahi on Macbook Air M2
  • Still no HDMI or any other external display?

  • Mesa on Debian Stable
  • Mesa is usually included in the backports repository some time after a release

  • Systemd 254 - now with soft-reboot
  • Also:

    When the system hibernates, information about the device and offset used is now written to a non-volatile EFI variable. On next boot the system will attempt to resume from the location indicated in this EFI variable. This should make hibernation a lot more robust, while requiring no manual configuration of the resume location.

  • Question: Is btrfs's compress-force=zstd compatible with x-systemd.automount?
  • Are other subvolumes of those volumes mounted somewhere else, with other btrfs options? The btrfs options, including compress, are not applicable per subvolume.

  • Ubuntu server to run Remmina only
  • I would just set it up with normal KDE with autologin and have the home directory deleted and recreated at boot.

    Should they mess up anything, just tell them to reboot

  • Volebná mapa Slovenska

    Na pochopenie politiky na Slovensku nám pre voľby 2023 bohate stačia 2 osi.

    Has anyone used or contributed to OpenStreetMap?
  • Don't just copy from google maps though. You are not supposed to do that

  • Registrácia na voľby zo zahraničia

    Voliť zo zahraničia môžete, ak spĺňate nasledujúce podmienky:

    Ste občanom / občiankou Slovenskej republiky. V deň volieb (30.9.2023) budete mať aspoň 18 rokov. Odošlete žiadosť 52 dní predo dňom konania volieb

    Opinionated Debian Installer GitHub - r0b0/debian-installer: Opinionated Debian Installer - alternative debian installer for laptops and desktop PCs

    Opinionated Debian Installer - alternative debian installer for laptops and desktop PCs - GitHub - r0b0/debian-installer: Opinionated Debian Installer - alternative debian installer for laptops and...

    GitHub - r0b0/debian-installer: Opinionated Debian Installer - alternative debian installer for laptops and desktop PCs

    Hello debian lemmies,

    If anybody is interested, I've made an alternative debian installer targeted for laptops and workstation PCs. It has some nifty features over the official installer, have a look.

    Comments are welcome!


    Ľaľa ho papľuha, ogrcal mi krpce!

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