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Kia completes building EV-only plant
  • EV3 looks pretty sweet.

  • If you were never a "fuck cars" person, hang out near a school
  • my mum used to do that to make sure i actually went to glorified baby sitting school.

  • ‘Useful Idiot for Russia’: DNC Decides to Go Off on Jill Stein
  • then stop bitching and unfuck your electoral system

  • Red-painted fascists never change
  • noice

    more of this pls.

  • Red-painted fascists never change
  • if democrats really cared about ppl voting, they would be introducing proportional representation (eg ranked choice) electoral reforms rather then blaming voters for knowing exactly what the democrats are...

    that said... hold your nose and go vote if you are in a swing state.

  • Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • good news. car brained loser is sitting on 3.36%.

    well funded campaign (assume oxford st small biz tyrants and paddington geriatrics), posters everywhere.

    i wish this would be seen as a vindication for active transport... but we all know the anti bike blow hards wont miss a beat.

    edit: big fucking lol. dont think they will get a single council seat.

  • The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • new culture war just dropped: them femocrats is going to take away your truck...

  • Anon is a good samaritan
  • i asked my first aid instructor about DNR and he responded with a very firm "you didn't see it".

  • EV sales are growing. So why are automakers getting cold feet?
  • ie they ignored several decades of climate science and now we all get to pay the price.

    can't compete with chinese automakers on price, performance or access to batteries so now they are retreating to their protected markets.

  • ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
  • aussie has very similar bloody genocidal history, but we still banned most of the guns.

    you can do it too.

    big job though, good luck ❤️

  • Hope nobody saw that
  • Is there an implied highkey?

  • Matapacos | Animated Short Film (2022)
    “Communism bad”
  • Pol pot has entered the chat

  • More Sydney Metro photos: Gadigal (Town Hall) station to Martin Place
  • Not just this, other stations on line are really fancy, lots of sandstone, huge open spaces, extravagant artworks.. it's really impressive for a city that's usually pretty tacky.

    Ya I think most of the budget issues are tunneling related.

  • More Sydney Metro photos: Gadigal (Town Hall) station to Martin Place
  • i dont know why we build such extravagant stations... or who convinced who to spend bank... or how treasury didnt hack the project to bits for being $10b over budget.... but absolutely zero complaints from me.

    if you are going to coax the car brained out of their precious cars, public transport needs to be at least nice.

  • Airbnb's struggles go beyond people spending less. It's losing some travelers to hotels.
  • my best stays have been apartments... my worst stays have been in apartments.

    you kinda dont know wtf you are going to get, especially on airbnb where the reviews are bs folksiness "the host is amazing, thank you so much" garbage. reviews on are much more reliable and brutally honest.

    hotels maybe meh, but they are far more reliable and you have a better idea of what you are getting. a "serviced apartment" is ideal, but often $$$.

    i very much understand that airbnb's sterilise communities and drive up rents. taxing the fuck out of them would remove a lot of the slum lord garbage from the market but keep the option there for ppl really want that.

  • Just get a smaller car, pal!
  • queenslanders dont say "pal" like that

    deffo looks like a queensland carpark though 🤔

    edit: did a reverse image search, according to reddit its an old satirical post by "Barry Barrington"... still weird to end it in "pal" and not "mate"

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