So you have some other secret high purity quartz mining facility (of the same quality, mind you, and that's important because none of the other known facilities on Earth have the same quality) outside of the USA that we all can use?
Snide comment aside, I love how you can be so reductionist to reduce this to "egotistical american bad" without understanding the global implications. You're honestly no smarter than the average American. Tell me you don't understand the process and nuances of creating semiconductors without telling me...
Gaat het in uw bolleke?
So, do you just comment without reading articles or do you just not understand the quantifiers "high" and "purity"?
I mean come on, I assume you have some sort of brain, use it before commenting stupid shit.
The article is correct. High purity quartz is necessary for semiconductors, not all quartz meets this standard.