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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • I think you're missing the point here. It's more that people couldn't even be bothered to search up how to do something (that takes seconds) that they want to do first, and instead just rely on someone they think is an expert without putting in any effort at all.

    Your examples don't really make sense either as a lot of these are paid professions for larger tasks that most people simply don't want to do. There's a huge difference in searching online "how to install a Firefox extension" vs "how to do an weave", etc.

    End of the day, the average person doesn't care and if they truly did they'd have the initiative to have just researched it and done it on their own.

    Bringing it back to the whole thing about Linux, can you imagine how frustrating it would be to have to help debug a user's Linux installation when they already need help with installing a browser add on? I work with tech and Linux on a daily basis and I already find it frustrating doing it for myself (fuck Nvidia drivers). No way am I gonna recommend it to someone else.

  • Microsoft Edge nags users with a 3D banner to change Windows 11's default browser
  • As a Mac user, for whom PDFs open in Preview - because they’re effectively an image format - I find it wild that, to this day, Windows defaults to opening them in a browser. Windows has an image viewer right there.

    I don't see the difference here. Opening PDFs in an image viewer is wild too to me and I've used both Mac and Windows. For the shit that people give Edge, it's a pretty nice pdf viewer and of all the browsers, it's the most fully featured one that I know of.

    And is it that strange that it opens a link in a browser? That is the default application for handling URLs after all.

  • Samsung is sunsetting Tizen and fully ending support for the smartwatch OS
  • I used to have a Pebble too but I've long since given up on any hope of the market building something similar that looks as cool as the Pebble was. What exactly do you think is awful about Samsung's Wear OS? I tried both the Pixel Watch and the Galaxy Watch and I greatly prefer Samsung's.

  • Who is subscribing to Game Pass, PS Plus and Nintendo Switch Online, and why?
  • Same here. Game pass is a pretty good deal even at full price for playing AAA single player games that you won't touch after a single play through. Plus, there's a lot of games that I wouldn't have given a shot if I didn't happen to have Game Pass at the time.

  • Like a Dragon creator talks about Sega “flat out rejecting” the first Yakuza game thinking it wouldn’t sell
  • I started with 0 and dropped it within an hour because it was moving so slow and the plot was written in a way which wasn't very interesting because I didn't really know the characters yet.

    Didn't touch the series for another year before playing Kiwami 1 which hooked me in all the way in the order that I mentioned earlier.

    0 is really good but I don't think I would find it to be as good and hard hitting as I experienced it without having played at least Kiwami 1 first.

  • Microsoft word update messes up exams in Denmark
  • It was pretty buggy though, my class had people's laptops permanently locked into the browser and unable to close it after the exam. Sometimes it wouldn't even let you start the exam even after launching with the browser until you restarted the whole system.

  • Like a Dragon creator talks about Sega “flat out rejecting” the first Yakuza game thinking it wouldn’t sell
  • Infinite Wealth was a very fun game but it's honestly one of the worst stories they've written in the series with plot lines that were incoherent with the situation they've wrote themselves into. Not to mention the amount of time they spent on the Hawaii side of things having a very plain and unexciting wrap up. It's only redeeming points are all the numerous call backs to the earlier games which is lost if you don't play the earlier games.

    I highly recommending playing in a modified release order.

    • Kiwami 1
    • Kiwami 2 (skip the Majima Saga for now)
    • 3 - 5 (these don't age as well and the stories are quite a nose dive compared to the previous 2, so I think it's fine to skip them if the gameplay isn't really for you)
    • 0
    • Kiwami 2's Majima Saga
    • 6
    • 7 (known as Like a Dragon in English)
    • Gaiden
    • Infinite Wealth

    There's also Ishin which is fine to play anytime since it's a spinoff but it casts characters from the main games to play historical characters so there's a neat bit of irony if you know who the characters are in the first place. So playing it after 7 would be the best time.

    And then if you still want more, Judgment and Lost Judgment takes place in the same world and use the same brawler style gameplay but follows a detective instead.

  • Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim (or Ultra) is coming alongside the Galaxy S25 series
  • I agree with you but a ton of people don't so I think this is a good compromise. Give all the people who want a wide unwieldy, slim foldable for those who want it and charge them the premium for it. Just don't touch my pen capable, comfortably one-handed thick and narrow Fold.

  • Full Completed Guide to Building a Modern .NET C# Scripting Engine for Games

    About a year back, I posted on this Reddit about a work-in-progress version of this guide to creating a C# scripting engine that uses a modern .NET back-end instead of relying on Mono. I'm happy to share that I've finished the full set of posts and hope that it'll help someone out!

    Currently, the sample I have is currently targeted for Windows-only engines due to the reliance on Visual Studio and C++/CLI but I can definitely see this potentially working on other platforms using P/Invoke instead.

    EGOIST Music Unit to Stop Performing in October EGOIST Music Unit to Stop Performing in October

    Singer chelly to keep performing as reche, after working on Guilty Crown, Psycho-Pass with Supercell's ryo

    EGOIST Music Unit to Stop Performing in October

    Vocalist chelly announced on Saturday that the music unit EGOIST will stop performing. The unit will hold its last live concerts in Osaka on September 23 and in Kanagawa on October 9.

    Separately from the EGOIST name, chelly has already been performing under the name reche since June 2021. In Saturday's message, chelly asked fans to continue their support for her work under the reche name.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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