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Wales could become world’s first country to criminalise politicians who lie
  • baby steps… patch hole after hole. the alternative is do nothing, and that’s a pretty crap outcome

  • What does the world think of India?
  • i’m going to answer by telling a story with some observations and some big caveats

    i used to work at an IT consultancy that got acquired by a large US company. they had a very large team of Indian employees for kind of “day to day” operations - managing client servers, that sort of thing

    when we got acquired, they US consultancy sent around a company-wide welcome with some cultural interest facts. for Australia, they said “gday” was a way of saying hello. for India, the phrase was “do the least” - which actually tracks really well to a lot of IT things - you shouldn’t build a golden-plated toilet; ya ain’t gonna need it; minimum viable product, etc

    the more i worked with these particular people though, it seemed that phrase had, to them, come to mean “do the least that needs to be done right now even if that means making it a bigger problem for someone else”

    i don’t have a whole lot of experience with India as a country, or Indians outside of my work. i’m certainly not going to let those experiences colour how i view a whole country, when there are plenty of things like selection bias, company culture, etc that play a part there

    i did find it interesting that the concept was explained to be on the level of cultural relevance as “gday”

  • Alternatives to CloudFlare?
  • it’s possible, but that would seem… odd… for such a large and tech-savvy instance. there’s a lot of reasons why this isn’t a good idea, and very few technical reasons why it is

    my guess is that it’s less about obscuring server location for privacy reasons as is the implications in this thread, and more about handling changes cleanly or something like that - in which case, sure it obscures the server location but more that it makes the server “location” (or hardware, etc) irrelevant and fungible

  • Alternatives to CloudFlare?
  • a reverse proxy these days is pretty much just a requirement of any dynamic service. they often run on the same host as the software

  • Internet Archive is in danger
  • they tied meat to themselves and ran at the bear screaming

  • several external HDDs stop working after I play video. Is this a software or hardware issue?
  • pretty easily to test without getting bogged down in the weeds if you’re comfortable in terminal:

    cd <drive path>
    while true; do
      date > test_file.txt
      sleep 10

    this will loop infinitely and write the the disk every 10s until you cancel, so should keep the disk awake… of course, if that works you can spend time figuring out how to keep the disk awake, or how to make VLC load less into RAM

  • If your toilet was sentient, would you rather that it begged *for* your poop, or that it begged you to *not* poop in it?
  • if you can do something in your every day life to make someone happy, who cares if it’s weird? live life; we’re all weird; just make people happy and be happy in return

  • Any suggestions for cheap but decent laptops for coding?
  • getting a small laptop as a dumb terminal and using a cloud server as a more beefy “as needed” machine isn’t a bad option either

  • Hot Potato License
  • on a technicality, debts like this are not legally dischargable through bankruptcy

  • Cloudflare took down our site after trying to force us to pay $120k within 24h
  • the problem with open source here is that open source isn’t really a solution… the software is kinda irrelevant: it’s the CDN itself - the hardware and networks - that’s the only important thing… that’s not something you can really open source. that’s just something you have to pay someone for

  • US threatens ICC, warning 'If they [prosecute] Israel, we're next!'
  • neither is israel… the ICC decided that it has jurisdiction if a crime was committed in a country(area? because palestine is a signatory but not a country) that is a signatory

    so it’s charged israelis because palestine is a signatory

    afghanistan is also a signatory, so AFAIK the ICC believes it has jurisdiction to charge US citizens for any war crimes that may have occurred during… that… whole… thing

    the US disagrees of course, but IDK it kinda makes sense. if you assasinate someone in, say, the UK and then flee to… like… Russia for example <_< then the UK isn’t just going to say well i guess they’re Russian so we don’t have jurisdiction

  • existing wrongly
  • making government incentives align with the good of their population is the best way to make sure government does their job

    prison should be a loss for all, and therefor everyone should want to reduce people in prison. you can’t do that by simply not having prisons, so you need to address root causes

    everyone should be healthy. ensuring that governments pay for the eventual health issues ensures they setup preventative programs that help people to stay healthy for their entire lives (alternatively the dark side of this is, for example, smokers die early and therefor cost less because the government doesn’t have to pay for care for as many elderly people for as long so where’s the incentive to support quit programmes?)

  • This USB flash drive can only store 8KB of data, but will last you 200 years
  • it does say it has a built-in serial console and raspberry pi

  • Apple limits third-party browser engine work to EU devices
  • i understand that of course, but the EU can, for example, force products that are sold in the EU to have no developer restrictions that are not compliant with EU law

    … just like it can (try) to regulate the sale of of things like conflict diamonds

  • Apple limits third-party browser engine work to EU devices
  • trade agreements likely don’t cover this though

    and sure there might be diplomatic pushback, but… is that really going to happen?

    the EU already forces companies to make products to certain specifications if they want to be sold in the EU… as does the US and most other countries, and California in the US tends to set the standard that everyone else lives by

    countries “invade” the autonomy of other countries’ markets all the time. the US is the worst offender. this is kinda the reason the EU exists: to have the power to force things to happen that is “outside” their jurisdiction

    apple doesn’t have to comply. they don’t have to sell iphones in the EU. they’re making a choice

  • Apple limits third-party browser engine work to EU devices
  • they can make whatever laws they like really - the EU punishes corporate infringement with percentage of global revenue for example

    whether they can enforce them or not is questionable in most cases, but unless apple wants to pull out of europe, the EU can kinda do whatever it likes

  • If you're seeing this, I'm in jail.
  • that wording is misleading at best. 2 things were true

    • certain people were being overinvestigated in order to use resources so that others who were guilty of far larger crimes wouldn’t be investigated… that’s a VERY different thing
    • he also thought that significant war crimes were going unpunished and uninvestigated
  • Plan to ban sex education for children under nine
  • and it’s sex! and children! if you don’t agree you’re a groomer! therefor woke = groomer!

  • Plan to ban sex education for children under nine
  • it’s not even really 3 - i’d say we’re at 4 - inventing problems that don’t exist to avoid doing 1 and 2

    these aren’t even things their party wants - they don’t really care… they just need to distract from the mess they’ve created to avoid fixing it for another election cycle

  • In your country, what "common" animals are tourists most excited to see?
  • for australia i think most people would assume kangaroos, and sure people are excited to see them but they’re not quite as common - youre probably only going to see them if it’s intentional

    i think common AND excited is probably rosellas - they’re a bright red and blue/green parrot that are kinda eeeeeverywhere

  • pupbiru Pup Biru
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