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What was it that convinced you to start using NeoVim? | How long was your "evaluation period"? | What convinced you that NeoVim was the best for you?
  • Used to use vimium for a while in the browser due some RSI complaints. Years later a colleague of mine was bashing me I didn't know how to use vim. Just to prove point I taught myself the basics, started using vim shortcuts in my IDE. Few months later I started using NvChad, which is amazing btw. After finding out about LSP support etc, I knew I could just switch completely.

    Built my own config from scratch and been happily using neovim for about 2 years now.

  • Alacritty, Konsole, or something else? Which terminal emulator do you recommend?
  • I really enjoy alacritty, it provides you a terminal with nice defaults.

    For a bit more base functionality, such as tabs or split panes, you could look into kitty or wezterm for example.

    In the case of alacritty you'd need to look at other tools such as tmux or zellij for multi-terminal workspaces in one window.

  • Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?
  • I do think they're visual pollution and I don't like looking at them at all. That said, I do understand they are needed.

    Just wish they'd find a way to stop birds from flying into them all the time.

  • What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
  • Same here, really didn't have the feeling I was doing much fruitful work at all. So much energy spent in meetings, and political nonsense.

    It's refreshing to just get to focus on getting things done.

  • Terminal Utility Mega list!
    • jq - parse json
    • Lazygit - UI for git
    • Lazydocker - ui for docker
    • pass - command line password store
    • zellij - tmux alternative
    • starship - terminal customization
    • tealdear - tldr in rust
    • rm-improved - rm, but moves stuff to /tmp
  • So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?
  • Had to call the police because some kids were vandalizing a subway station. While that was going on there was a dude on a bench quietly doing what I hope was stroking his pet banana in his pants. Yay society.

  • What are your must-have selfhosted services?

    Always enjoyed scrolling though these posts, figured I'd give it a go here:

    What are your must-have selfhosted services?

    Some of mine:

    Setting up an extra HDD with a storage/VM split.

    Hi all,

    My use case: I have a server with two identical drives. I wanted to set up my second drive just like Proxmox did the first one; split between storage and VM's.

    After a lot of searching I did see people having the same question, but I couldn't find a complete answer.

    Here's a small writeup on how to get it done, hopefully it'll help someone someday.

    If you see errors/improvements, please submit a PR.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 2
    Comments 52