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What are some good hobbies/interests for someone in their mid thirties to pick up?
  • Okay, so you've got a load of ideas from other comments, but what I'm asking you is:

    What does anything of that have to do with you being in your mid thirties?

    I'm sorry, but I didn't get the memo about age or gender related hobbies.

    You don't need to be an 83y old hag to crotchet tea warmers, you don't need to be Tyler Durden to pick up boxing.

    Just do whatever you fucking want to do, okay? You're okay. And if anyone tells you you're not okay, kindly tell them to fuck off.

    Edit: Also, do not compare yourself to others. Ever. It's a hobby, not a career, you're not gonna get paid, so don't bother. Nobody says you need to be good at it.

    Edit 2: Remind me again why I’m being downvoted for saying this, lol? 🤡

  • Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • Lol, nobody is forcing you to click on whatever links I post, IDGAF.

    I’m not your fucking research assistant, stop being an entitled %#$, do your own fucking research and…

    Stop spamming people’s inboxes just because you’re too fucking lazy to do a 2 min search.

    Edit: Alternatively, you can pay me 80€/h and I‘ll write an extensive paper about the dental health situation in the UK, happy to help.

  • Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • What part of „it was the first link“ don’t you understand?

    Stop spamming people’s inboxes just because you’re too fucking lazy to do a 2 min search.

  • Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • I’m old enough to have grandchildren and I know exactly zero people with veneers (in Germany – I do know people from the US with). Is this a contest?

  • Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • Uh, yeah. Of course you can get private stuff. You can get that anywhere, lol. That was not the question.

  • Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • You get orthodontics under German public health care, still US American teeth are something else entirely. It feels like basically everybody has veneers over there.

    And yes, the UK is something else, too, when it comes to dental health care. Not in a good way, mind you.

  • Why are Americans so obsessed with dentistry?
  • It’s not a secret (literally front page material) that over 10 million Brits cannot get dental healthcare they need. They’re pulling their own teeth at home, it’s completely unreal.

    Edit: source (yes i know, it’s the mirror, it was just the first link that popped up):

  • Current state of Reddit - No more free speech
  • What a great sub and mod team

    Until the day you write an extensive answer to a question, which is not released, and upon requesting an explanation why, you get a really weird response with criticism that doesn’t actually make sense, only to then find that the mod who responds to you (and who did not have any expertise at all on that topic) just took your comment, rewrote it, and posted it himself.

    Really great sub, that one.

  • psychopomp psychopomp
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