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New #Acer #ChromeBook. Can't seem to install to get personalDNSFilter installed.
  • @trouble @fdroid

    Yeah. PersonalDNSFilter does basically what I want, for my android phone. Was looking for that, for chromeOS. It basically just does the "local VPN" trick, with an easy interface

    May look into dnsMasq.

    Old school, i'd just edit /etc/hosts for the donations I want to block and call it a day

  • New #Acer #ChromeBook. Can't seem to install to get personalDNSFilter installed.
  • @ai6yr @fdroid

    Thanks. AMD, and not looking to reload OS at this point.

  • New #Acer #ChromeBook. Can't seem to install to get personalDNSFilter installed.

    New #Acer #ChromeBook. Can't seem to install @fdroid to get personalDNSFilter installed.

    Is there a chrome-book equivlent for easily managing a DNS block list, on device?

    Yes, I can run something on my home netwok, but what I'm looking for is an easy, on-device solution, like installing a "local vpn" like #personalDNSFilter does on my phone, into which I can put my own block list, and easily add and remove entries.

    Browser extensions not enough, want to intercept all IP.

    \#ad #blocker #ip

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  • @ajsadauskas @technology

    Torment Nexus (tm) now with an extensive library of add-on modules.

    Installing "Uber of toothpaste"

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