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Trump says there will be a blood bath, civil war and others if he loses. In your opinion whether in the US or not what do you think will happen if Harris wins?
  • What I'd like is for Kamala to get in office and appoint a wicked sharp attorney general who would aggressively prosecute anyone associated with Jan 6 and Trumps many other crimes.

    However, I predict Trump will get off scott free as he always has and continue being a rallying focus point for the extreme right wing. But there will be no widespread uprising. There will be legal challenges to the election, which will all fail.

    If Trump survives long enough he'll try to run again in 2028, and if he can't run he'll try to mess things up for any republican candidate. He'll continue to throw a monkey wrench into any legislation that would make Democrats look good, either to improve his chances next election or just for spite.

  • Ten Yards of Calico - Judy Hyman + Rhys Jones

    cross-posted from:

    > Judy Hyman played this tune on Bob Carlin's Banging and Sawing record back in 1996, and here it is again in 2024, Ithaca style.

    Golden Chain Tree - Mary Jane Epps and Michele Lanan

    cross-posted from:

    > Nice twin fiddle version of this tune, which is apparently from the english ballad.

    Peg and Awl - Bruce Molsky

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    > "They've invented a new machine, I peg one shoe it pegs fifteen"

    Jenny on the Railroad - Jeb and Mark

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    > Ripping version of this mississippi tune from "Jeb and Mark" plus Andy on bass according to the comments. No idea who's playing guitar. No one looks up! > > carter brothers version. > > Tractor Family version, Ithaca style.

    Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • No more tricky than windows these days. Nice thing is there's a lack of commercial BS - spyware, ads, unwanted apps etc. And pretty much no matter how old your computer gets, you can still run brand new linux on it.

  • Removed
    Any recommendations for printers that don't require proprietary inks, subscriptions or special apps?
  • Brother laser printer, black and white, ethernet connection. So fast, so reliable. Do you really NEED color? I find that its not that important, and if I need quality prints, like for photos, a 300$ printer isn't going to cut it anyway.

  • Rye Whiskey - Frank Fairfield

    Frank Fairfield really gets an old timey sound.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ditched video games years back, partly because of RSI issues, partly because getting in to other things. For a while it was mountain biking, currently is music. Also a move that was sort of RSI related, but brought its own RSI issues which I got over eventually. Music is pretty social which is good, but also bad lol.

    I was into making for a while there, but have faded from that scene since I moved during the pandemic. Now all the makerspaces are 30 mins or more away and that's kind of a dealbreaker. I don't have the space or the funds for my own CNC or wood shop, plus not as motivated without the social aspect.

    Other one is skiing which I used to really be into. I'm kinda barely hanging on with that, one or two times a year. The traffic has gotten terrible and the whole thing is super expensive and hassly. I'm bored with local resorts and backcountry is somewhat deadly. It does give me a little motivation for fitness since this years trip will be pretty strenuous.

  • The Scrolls of Nix

    A big part of why nix documentation is sub par. The essential tomes of nix - the nix manual, the nixos manual, the nixos options, the nixpkgs manual - each of these documents is just one long page.

    They are the digital equivalent of scrolls, rather than books (codices?).

    Rather than having a page number (or page link), one must unroll the scroll to the point of interest. One cannot simply flip between two points of interest. One cannot have bookmarks, or refer to page numbers. Ctrl-F is helpful, sure, but not great.

    For instance, I was just looking for the documentation of the<name> options. Its near the end of the colossally long scroll known as the Nixos Options Appendix. Ctrl-F on will get one million hits on all the myriad services nixos offers before you finally get to the relevant section. And if you do find that section (with single pixel movements of the scroll bar) and then ctrl-f, woe betide you, you're now at the top of the document and your place is lost!

    Henry King's Reel - Stuart Brothers

    cross-posted from:

    > Travis and Trevor Stuart playing an original G tune "Henry King's Reel". Frequently called at my local jams. Travis is playing a two finger banjo style instead of the usual clawhammer.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • BeOS went under.

    Ed: I was a huge apple fan, bought an apple clone from Power Computing. Then Apple revoked the licensing that allowed all the apple clone companies to exist. That's when I went to BeOS which would run on my clone, and got a multicore intel machine too. When BeOS went under I tried Suse. Had kind of a sucky UI in my opinion, but I hung in there with linux as an alternative to windows and went Ubuntu/Debian/Arch/Nixos and I'm still on nixos now. Its pretty much my exclusive OS since I quit my job that required windows 5 or 6 years ago.

  • Houston Slide - Marco De Paolis + Ben Jennings

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    > Cool ragtimey tune, with train activity in the background. The 1929 original from Prince Albert Hunt’s Texas Ramblers. "Feel like a jug of molasses"

    Wave the Ocean, Wave the Sea & Flowers of Edinburgh - the Horsenecks

    cross-posted from:

    > The Horsenecks with Wave the Ocean followed by a great version of the fiddle tune Flowers of Edinburgh starting at 3:45. The tune is related to, but different from the scottish one.

    Reuben's Train - Foghorn Stringband
    Lady Hamilton - Brittany Hass & Bruce Molsky

    cross-posted from:

    > Lush twin fiddle version of Lady Hamilton from Marcus Martin.

    Banging Breakdown - Nic Gareiss / Allison de Groot.

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    > Some fancy flatfooting from Nic Gareiss!

    Ride Old Buck to Water - The Chicken Chokers

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    > Grooving track from the chicken chokers.

    Goodbye Girls - Pretty Little Miss

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    > Banging old time from the "Goodbye Girls". Tune is also known as John Brown's Dream.

    DOMi harmonizes the Ingrid Andress rendition of the national anthem

    Love how she doesn't judge, just comps.

    Empty Canoe - Jamie Fox and Scotty Leach

    cross-posted from:

    > This is a crooked Metis tune, from the same tradition as the more well known Grey Owl. David Bragger & Susan Platz learned it from Jamie and they have a pretty good version too.

    Why are ctrl+alt+<key> shortcuts blocked in librewolf (rfp)

    I've written a web app that uses ctrl+alt+<key> shortcuts because they don't interfere with the many expected ctrl-<key> shortcuts. Librewolf blocks these shortcuts because of RFP, apparently. As a result I have to disable RFP for my site (or just be annoyed all the time), and I guess I'll have to advise my users to do the same.

    I haven't found any doc that explicitly discusses the justification for disabling alt shortcuts. There is a bug about how ctrl-<key> was broken for a while. This page doesn't mention alt either, that I can find.

    I can guess that it probably allows identifying some keyboards somehow. Just would like to read up on it so I can at least understand what the issues are with the alt key.

    Lemmy Support pr06lefs
    Youtube links pull in odd information, and no thumbnails.

    Until a few days ago I was posting youtube links, and the thumbnail and link description would be filled in automatically.

    Now, there's no thumbnail image and instead of the youtube preview text for my linked video, its some generic youtube stuff in french:

    > - YouTube Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.

    Something broke?

    Snowtown - The Onlies

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    > Snowtown, a crooked tune from Sami Braman.

    Paddy on the Turnpike: Steam Machine

    cross-posted from:

    > AJ Srubas is the fiddler on this. Always solid! He won clifftop in 2023.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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