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China prevents exposure of human rights violations in Tibet and Xinjiang in foreign media
  • Good grief, it's another China obsessive! Your mate call you here?


  • China prevents exposure of human rights violations in Tibet and Xinjiang in foreign media
  • Who is the OP? They joined one year ago, 3k posts many reposted all over, very few comments, vast majority of posts concern China. Whoever you are, you are paid to shill. Grim.


  • Has anyone used AtlasOS?
  • I have AtlasOS. I only use Windows for two games, Rust and Destiny 2, that absolutely do not play on Linux. You will absolutely get better performance because the number of background tasks running all the time is quite minimal - it's clean and there's no store, no crappy apps you don't want. I don't care about security on the machine because I literally only game on it and maybe a little bit of web research if I get stuck on a game somehow. Anyway, I think it's good, it's really how Windows should be - if Windows didn't get so bad perhaps I wouldn't have gone to Linux.

    You could try dual-booting for a bit to see how you like it.

  • US President Joe Biden has said that he is considering a request from Australia to drop the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
  • Espionage can result in a death penalty but it's currently the case that the UK (courts) would like a guarantee from the US (lol) that he won't be executed. Other than that I think it's over 100 years and they can add more charges when he arrives.

  • US President Joe Biden has said that he is considering a request from Australia to drop the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
  • They did something similar with Chelsea Manning, announced they were "thinking about a pardon" to see if there would be pushback.

    It's proving to be rather embarrassing for the UK, it's clear to many here how he's been treated and how much of a stitch up the trial has been. I imagine the US could do without the international attention on this - court cases, more Russia speculation in an election year.

    And the "authorities" have made their point: don't try to take the piss out of us, we will ruin your life even if we don't get you to trial. Julian Assange's case will certainly be putting off quite a few people from becoming radical journalists.

  • Why Large Language Models Like ChatGPT Treat Black- and White-Sounding Names Differently
  • Shit in... shit out, or to put it another way: racism in... racism out.

    I propose we create another LLM... a Left Language Model.

  • Kobo's new color E Ink eReaders start at only $150
  • Sorry, you are correct. I researched plans to get a Kobo last year and I guess what I found out morphed from a rooted Kobo with Koreader into Kobo being open source. My apologies.

  • Kobo's new color E Ink eReaders start at only $150
  • I can't wait to get a (regular) Kobo, my Kindle Paperwhite is still going strong and it's 10 years old, but I really want a Kobo because it's opensource. Amazon's OS is dreadful, mine's been in airplane mode for most of those 10 years and I just use a usb cable with it. I hope it dies soon so I will have a good excuse to replace it.

  • European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction
  • Nice news to read. I hope we will see many more court cases; it's clear we cannot rely on politicians to try to fix this problem.

  • You Can Now Follow President Biden on the Fediverse
  • Let's hope they chose a memorable password for the account... a very very memorable password.

  • Is the problem Putin’s Russia or Mother Russia?
  • Are Western analyses going to be so limited in scope from now on that there is absolutely no need to ask (let alone answer)̉̉̉ the question: has Russia in any way been provoked?

    Never let is be asked: is there an ever-so-slight possibility that this might be blowback from something the West did.

    I am not saying that the West is solely responsibly for Russian violence but it certainly cannot be said that the West played no part. This continual inability to question "our own" behaviour is going to mean mistakes are never going to be acknowledged and learned from in order to help us to avoid making serious, hugely deadly mistakes in future.

  • How do I make my bread really dark?
  • I put malt extract in my porridge, it adds a lovely colour and flavour, I'd never thought of using it in bread!

  • How do I make my bread really dark?
  • It might be that the bakers of the really dark stuff are using a caramel colouring, I have seen a couple of recipes that use it:

    I could imagine it might be popular with commercial/artisnal breadmakers as people think darker breads are healthier breads.

  • White House directs NASA to create time standard for the moon
  • I am campaigning for LTU then... Uncoordinated Lunar Time, then people on the moon can do what they want whenever they damn well feel like it.

  • Amazon Ditches 'Just Walk Out' Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores
  • People in India were watching people checkout?! Poorly paid workers watching Westerners consume... this is so grim.

    Time to dust off those guillotines.

  • Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers
  • People are still printing? I love it, proppa old skool that is. I thought the only person who printed stuff anymore was my mum who prints out her daily crossword.

    Don't forget to boycott HP because, not only are they shit printers, they provide computer hardware for the IDF, Israel's police, and their Immigration and Population Authority.

  • From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services
  • I was listening to a Linux podcast and one of the people on it said that their partner didn't mind adverts and didn't mind their data being mined because it meant that the adverts were more appropriate. I was absolutely stunned, I didn't think anyone, for one moment, would actually think like this. I had to have a sit down after hearing that. 😅

    If I were to ever see an advert on my computer or phone, I would immediately flip out and have to go searching to find out how it got there (though admittedly this never actually happens).

  • World Central Kitchen halts operations in Gaza after strike kills staff
  • There have been a couple of recent (post-October) studies into BBC coverage, the issue I raise concerning the language used in the title is consistent with its use of language elsewhere. For example, Israelis are "killed" and Palestinians "die".

    "About 700 people have been killed in Israel since Hamas launched its attack on Saturday, with a further 500 having died in Gaza in retaliatory air strikes."
    "Some 1200 people have been killed in Israel, while more than 1000 have died in retaliatory air strikes on Gaza."
    "More than 700 people have been killed in Israel since Saturday and over 500 people have died in Gaza."

    [...] the openDemocracy analysis found that the phrases “murder”, “murderous”, “mass murder”, “brutal murder” and “merciless murder” were used a total of 52 times by [BBC] journalists to refer to Israeli deaths – but never in relation to Palestinian deaths.

    When I read this sort of coverage on a daily basis, I see these patterns repeated again and again, it's a subtle reframing that many don't notice but editors (and headline writers) at the BBC will be very aware of how they are using language. Space is not an excuse to remove the perpetrator from the picture regardless of how obvious that perpetrator might be, it is disingenuous.

    Study shows BBC 'bias' in reporting on Palestinian and Israeli deaths - The National

  • World Central Kitchen halts operations in Gaza after strike kills staff
  • One very important word missing from that headline. The BBC should be ashamed of its coverage as they do this again and again.

    Corrected version: "World Central Kitchen halts operations in Gaza after ISRAELI strike kills staff"

  • politicalcustard Political Custard

    Politics, queer politics, techno, gayming, Linux and books. Lots of books. Free Palestine! Trans ally. He/him.

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