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  • Ja gut, mit so einem Nokia 5110 kann man in der Tat keine Bilder aufnehmen, bearbeiten und weiterleiten.

    Vielleicht will er einfach den Stand der Technik zurück drehen?
    Oder wie in den Mastodon-Kommentaren schon angedacht eine Sozialkredit-App Aug jedem Handy zwangsinstalliert und nur Benutzer mit genug Kredit können was mit Bildern machen.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Guildo hat sich doch schon lange nicht mehr hier blicken lassen.

    Hatte zwar auch manche... gewöhnungsbedürftige Ansichten, aber so schlimm wie den hier fand ich den nie.

  • Does anything truly get better than moving soldiers around on a little map?
  • The context is also my comment you replied to. Didn't know what difference you meant.

    To make it simple: the Orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire was the eastern Roman Empire that continued on after the western Roman Empire went under.

    The Ottoman Empire is the Muslim Empire that took over after the Byzantine Empire got conquered.

  • WIP Wednesday: Hrotgar Redfist


    Currently painting a random Grey Hunter with Power Fist. Decided to name him 'Hrotgar Redfist'. His Bolter roars death to his enemies. His fist crushing all who dare to stand against the Allfather.

    Die Titanen des Erdreichs
    Bjorn the Fell-Handed

    Finally finished my Bjorn. :D



    It was such a pain to edge highlight all of his armor, but now it is finally over.

    NINJA IN GEHEIMER MISSION - Deutscher Trailer

    Großartiger Trailer von damals™. Habe den Film nicht mit deutscher Synchro auf YouTube finden können, nur die englische Version.

    Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Bike

    I finally finished my Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Bike! I still need a name for him though… Some more angles:

    ! Sadly the Varnishd I applied right before going to sleep did pool in some unfortunate areas, I'll have to clean that up later.

    ! I tried pushing in some Bike tires into the snow at the bottom of the ramp to show where he drove along, but sadly it didn't quite showed up as I expected.

    Bonus pictures of my ancient Ragnar Blackmane I also finished:

    ! !

    Blasted model is almost as old as I am :D

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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