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  • Dunno if you know this, but the whole video side of escapist resigned and started their own worker co-op called Second Wind.

  • [DISC] Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 182 Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 182 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World. Chapter 182. Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself,

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 182 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Power of friendship GO

    How many hours a day do you actually work?
  • Thankfully Sundays are double pay in Finland, so we are always closed on Sundays. Then the second day off we have a random weekday (excluding friday and saturday). Monday off rotates so that everyone in the kitchen gets 1 Monday off once a month.

    We also get vacation days, but mostly during the quiet season. Always working on public holidays, unless it's the kind where people go to their summer cabins, out of the city.

  • How many hours a day do you actually work?
  • Worst part is the owner has been saying he has too much staff and that kitchen should also start running some of the food. We are stretched so thin we do prep at the same time we handle the service as well.

  • How many hours a day do you actually work?
  • I start working the moment I come to work and finish work when the place is closed, 6-12h. I work in a kitchen. Only times there might not be work is during the quiet season when we've managed to do a deep clean already the day before. But mostly I only work and then rest on my days off these days.

    Only time I have for even thinking about my hobbies and friends are when I get two days off in a row once a month. Probably going to have to look for a new job before I burn out. These comments about only working for a couple hours a day are really making me envious.

  • [DISC] Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 181 Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 181 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World. Chapter 181. Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself,

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 181 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    I don't believe it, this can't be happening.

    [DISC] Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 180 Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 180 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World. Chapter 180. Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself,

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 180 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Actually feels like any one of them could die.

    [DISC] Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 179 Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 179 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World. Chapter 179. Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself,

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 179 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Atisse better not die.

    [DISC] Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Chapter 42
  • Next time he just needs to go straight for some normal work instead of a place like an adventurer's guild with shady people.

  • What does Lemmy lack?
  • Dunno if this has been mentioned before, but I'd like a way to favourite a community, so that all its post will show up on the main page feed until I've seen them. Because I miss out on posts on some of the smaller communities I follow unless I go to that community's page.

    That way I'd be able to see 'em and try and make those smaller instances grow by commenting and upvoting.

  • [DISC] Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 40 - A Wildling Entrapped
  • Also chapter 41 been released. Things are getting intense.

  • [DISC] Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 39 - Paul Attacks Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 39 - Paul Attacks - MangaDex

    Read Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World Vol. 6 Ch. 39 "Paul Attacks" on MangaDex!

    Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 39 - Paul Attacks - MangaDex

    Bait your hunters to the forest, beat them up, rinse and repeat.

    kitchenconfidential petroskoi
    I mixed up the salt and the sugar

    This week I was put in charge of making a new vegan raspberry sherbet.

    We had a recipe, it was straightforward enough. Add everything but the oat yogurt together, bring to a boil, handblend that and the yogurt together and pass it and freeze.

    While getting all the ingredients into a pot, I ran out of sugar, so I had to go refill the box from dry storage and add the last 200g of sugar to the pot. Which I did, and put the pot to boil while working on my backlog of prep

    What I hadn't noticed was that our dishwasher had been cleaning the dry storage during a quiet day, and they'd accidentally switched the lids on the salt and sugar containers, both of which are clearly labeled "SALT" and "SUGAR".

    We realised what had happened when my coworker tasted the stuff in the pot and said "boy, you put salt in this." With a bewildered look on his face. I know he wasn't the kind of guy to make a joke like that so my heart sank when I realised I'd fucked up somehow.

    While my sous chef was shouting about how "we're chefs we should know these things" we tried coming up with how to fix it. 200g of salt ended up being around 3% of the total weight of the product. So we decided to try adding more beetroot juice, lemon juice, vegan cream and finally combine it with the oat yogurt to make an end product that was still pretty salty, but closer to 1%

    Next day, when we had frozen it and rolled it in the pacojet, the end result was a savory beetroot sherbet, a pretty unique flavour that somehow ended up working out really well. Very different from the raspberry sherbet we were going for though.

    [DISC] Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 38 - To Ambush Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 38 - To Ambush - MangaDex

    Read Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World Vol. 6 Ch. 38 "To Ambush" on MangaDex!

    Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 38 - To Ambush - MangaDex

    So the dude's already got a plan to go back to the jungle in case things get hairy in the town.

    [DISC] Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 177 Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 177 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World. Chapter 177. Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself,

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 177 - Leviatan Scanlation ~
    Those of you who shower barehanded: Do you lather and then use your hand, or just shove the soap wherever it needs to go?
  • My brother, I work in a kitchen. The people there do, (and have) told their fellow workers when they smell. Either when they don't shower enough, or when they use too much deodorant.

  • Those of you who shower barehanded: Do you lather and then use your hand, or just shove the soap wherever it needs to go?
  • I have some that is for sensitive skin without any additives. I just scrub my armpits really well for a bit longer under running water.

    But now that you mention it, I got a new brand of antiperspirant recently that I've had issues with, so I might just need to use soap for that.

  • Those of you who shower barehanded: Do you lather and then use your hand, or just shove the soap wherever it needs to go?
  • I had a long time of issues with my skin, and when I researched for causes I realised I was using too much soap. So I switched to soap every other day, once a week and eventually just dropped soap altogether when I found I didn't really need it. Haven't had any issues with my skin since.

  • Those of you who shower barehanded: Do you lather and then use your hand, or just shove the soap wherever it needs to go?
  • I haven't used soap in the shower for at least five years. Only when cleaning hands, and I do use antiperspirant) I just scrub myself with my hands in the shower top to bottom. (I am bald tho).

    No one has ever mentioned me smelling bad, even my current co-workers who do say it if someone is smelling.

  • [DISC] Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - Clockwise Devil Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - Clockwise Devil - MangaDex

    Read Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World Vol. 6 Ch. 37 "Clockwise Devil" on MangaDex!

    Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor in Another World - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - Clockwise Devil - MangaDex

    What are the chances the group is going to play nice from now on? I doubt Yajin is gonna leave this town that fast.

    [DISC] Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 176 Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 176 - Leviatan Scanlation ~

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World. Chapter 176. Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself,

    Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World - Chapter 176 - Leviatan Scanlation ~
    0 active users is tapering off while other servers are gaining serious traction.
  • Someone from that other instance needs to look for your community for it to show up on that instance.

  • LĂ€mpötila voi kohota lĂ€hes 30 asteeseen loppuviikolla LÀmpötila voi kohota lÀhes 30 asteeseen loppuviikolla

    MetsÀpalovaroitus laajenee. Tiedossa on myös hellevaroituksia. Uimavedet lÀmpenevÀt. Nyt esimerkiksi Saimaan ja PÀijÀnteen pintavesien lÀmmöksi on mitattu 16 astetta.

    LÀmpötila voi kohota lÀhes 30 asteeseen loppuviikolla

    Muistakaa aurinkorasva 😎

    Saa nÀhdÀ paljonko menee vettÀ töissÀ perjantaina ja lauantaina.

    Michelin-tĂ€hdet jaetaan ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa Suomessa: “Kaikki eivĂ€t ymmĂ€rrĂ€, kuinka isosta asiasta on kyse” Michelin-tĂ€hdet jaetaan ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa Suomessa: “Kaikki eivĂ€t ymmĂ€rrĂ€, kuinka isosta asiasta on kyse”

    Pohjoismaisten ravintoloiden tÀmÀn vuoden Michelin-tÀhdet jaetaan maanantaina Turussa. Palkitut keittiömestarit luottavat omaan tekemiseen, eikÀ himoitun tÀhtistatuksen yllÀpitÀminen vie yöunia.

    Michelin-tĂ€hdet jaetaan ensimmĂ€istĂ€ kertaa Suomessa: “Kaikki eivĂ€t ymmĂ€rrĂ€, kuinka isosta asiasta on kyse”
    petroskoi petroskoi

    A Finnish chef who likes cooking, travelling, games and procrastinating.

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