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From the creators of "Leopards Eating People's Faces Party":
  • I think people just watch movies like Aladdin or whatever and think monkeys are cute and harmless. They're wrong. Monkeys are vicious little monsters. Stay the f away from monkeys.

    Source: I was sort of lightly attacked by a monkey and I wasn't even at a monkey attack beach

  • CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser
  • I mean Google has very convenient libraries that developers can add to their apps/websites like libraries for ads, A/B testing, crash reporting, push notifications, etc. Even using one's Google account for SSO in an app just leaks a tiny bit of data for Google to suck up. I think the average phone user is unaware of how even non-Google apps can have Google code, even for iOS. Obviously, this is worse for Android since Google Play Services is installed on almost all Android devices.

  • CHROME (google) is planing to implement DRM (kinda) into their browser
  • I see so many comments from people saying they'll jump ship if Google adds this to Chrome. They'll move over to Firefox right away. But the thing most people don't know is one reason Google has such a broad reach is they make it so crazy easy to integrate their services for developers.

    So, yes, users who dislike what they're doing should stop using Google products if possible. But, more importantly, developers or project managers, etc. should all resist the urge to utilize this kind of feature even if it's easy.

  • Weawow is a free and ad-free weather service with 4.9 ratings, choice of weather service, and highly customisable widgets
  • I also immediately replaced my weather app. Never heard of this one. Very impressed.

  • Does anyone actually enjoy working out?
  • No. Working out sucks. But after smoking for 15 years and finally quitting, getting too fat over the past 4, now I'm trying to be healthier. I do actually feel kind of better, even more than when I quit smoking.

    So the working out part sucks but the other parts are better because of it in my experience.

  • What's the worst thing you've ever smelled?
  • This'll seem unnecessarily mean but is the truth. Back when I was 18 and working as a cashier, a man and his son, both extremely overweight, went through my line. Idk what was wrong with them, but they both STANK so hard I could taste it. I went home and showered and could still smell it. I could smell it on my clothes so I washed them too. It was so horrible. I could smell it for hours. It was like the smell had been burned into the back of my nose.

    To this day, if I smell something similar to that smell I remember that day and start to panic a little.

  • let me be your comic historian today
  • Someone threw a shoe at US president George W. Bush back in the day. That's pretty much it.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Agreed. I have actually spent a lot of time reading through their code and I find what they do amazing. It's a solid OS and is actually secure where the phone owner actually has control over their own phone.

  • joining the fediverse to bitch about reddit is the same as going on a date, and spending the whole night talking about your ex
  • Thank you. Forget Reddit. I mean, like it's so hard to move on. She was so great for so long. We have so many... memories. Not all good, but it's so hard to be alone. This new girl is nice, but she's not the same.

    Sure, Reddit got pissed while I was out with my friends and trashed my apartment. It was clear by then that our relationship was so messed up, but I wanted to salvage things and rushed home, only to be cornered by Reddit. Reddit was threatening me with a knife and had broken almost everything in the apartment. My friends came to help me and while one tried to subdue Reddit, she bit him and I escaped.

    I moved out and deleted my account.

    Sure, weeks later, I got drunk and browsed Reddit a few times after all that. When I wasn't drinking, she tracked/stalked me and sent unsolicited nudes. Nice.

    I found a much better girl to hang out with. Sure she federates with everyone, but she federates with me much more. Very cool.

  • YSK: Keeping your accounts/online identity safe in the age of the fediverse/federated networks
  • federated users and local users are stored in the database in different tables. The federated users table doesn't have emails saved in it.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • I have used voting to hide posts as well. We need a button to mark posts as read so we can avoid upvoting/downvoting when we don't want to. I've read through a lot if Lemmy's backend code and there is a way to mark posts as read, they just need to add it to the UI.

  • People with bad sense of direction, can you enjoy open world games?
  • I can't stand playing that kind of game usually. Agreed with others about needing good maps in-game. IRL, I need access to something like Google Maps before I can start understanding where I or places are in a new city.

  • Reddit plagued with 1-star App Store reviews over API debacle as users search for 0-star button
  • Downloaded the app, rated 1⭐, then disabled it.

  • My experience as a noob to managing a server Trying to set up a self hosted Lemmy Instance
  • I also did the Ansible setup.

    Are you subscribing to communities? I think searching just pulls something like 20 posts but nothing else. Everything starts getting pulled in when someone subscribes.

    I also had some issues with pictures but the problems just kind of resolved themselves. Maybe try resetting the server and see what happens.

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