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I don't see enough hate for spain here
  • Yes, it exists, still has a monarchy and practices forms of neo-colonialist corporatist oppression, both in its former colonies and in the territories within its borders.

    Next to them is Portugal, which also did its own. What about Holland, Belgium or Germany, with smaller empires but ruled with special brutality?

  • Did anyone else find their Spanish classes in High School entirely useless?
  • Lo mismo hemos podido llegar a pensar algunos hispanohablantes acerca de nuestra experiencia como alumnos de lenguas extranjeras, incluyendo el inglés.

    Primero se debería de mejorar el nivel hablado, a base de conversaciones que partan de situaciones cotidianas. Después ir mejorándolo e introduciendo la enseñanza del idioma escrito, con sus normas.

    Pero no, pretenden que aprendamos todo simultáneamente, aún encima dejando de lado la conversación.

  • Wait... why does Linux-libre (and #Freedo) exist?
  • The FSF has clear guidelines and follows them rigorously, nothing else. It's good that they don't make exceptions. Any problem with microcode or other proprietary drivers starts with the fact that they are not free. Making exceptions would partially solve the problem, but the situation would not change significantly, and the FSF would then be violating its own principles.

    The FSF's job in this regard is to try to open debate about the problems of not having free security patches and, in any case, to try to uncover hidden vulnerabilities in proprietary tools and facilitate the creation of free tools that solve the problems.

  • Private chat app using wifi only. No SIM available
  • I was going to recommend Tox, but I don't think there have been any iPhone clients with up-to-date development for years.

  • Do you ever copy somebody else's post from one forum and post it on a different forum as your own?
  • The most reasonable thing to do is to cite the original publication and its author.

  • Arduino chrono-thermostat
  • Not a bad idea. It would not be difficult to include it in this project.

  • Arduino chrono-thermostat

    Crossposted from:

    > This setup allows Arduino to read temperature, control relay based on setpoints, display info on OLED screen, and manage date/time settings with user input through buttons. Adjust based on specific hardware/project requirements. > > Designed to replace the faulty electronic control of a blue heat radiator. > > Code and simulation at Wokwi > > Licensed under GNU GPLv3.

    Arduino chrono-thermostat

    Crossposted from:

    > This setup allows Arduino to read temperature, control relay based on setpoints, display info on OLED screen, and manage date/time settings with user input through buttons. Adjust based on specific hardware/project requirements. > > Designed to replace the faulty electronic control of a blue heat radiator. > > Code and simulation at Wokwi > > Licensed under GNU GPLv3.

    Arduino chrono-thermostat

    Crossposted from:

    > This setup allows Arduino to read temperature, control relay based on setpoints, display info on OLED screen, and manage date/time settings with user input through buttons. Adjust based on specific hardware/project requirements. > > Designed to replace the faulty electronic control of a blue heat radiator. > > Code and simulation at Wokwi > > Licensed under GNU GPLv3.

    Arduino chrono-thermostat

    This setup allows Arduino to read temperature, control relay based on setpoints, display info on OLED screen, and manage date/time settings with user input through buttons. Adjust based on specific hardware/project requirements.

    Designed to replace the faulty electronic control of a blue heat radiator.

    Code and simulation at Wokwi

    Licensed under GNU GPLv3.

    Power Sources
  • Literally.

  • If a person is taking medication for depression, and goes out to drink the same night, can they get a negative reaction?
  • Different effects depending on the antidepressant.

    Avoiding alcohol is a good idea, especially when taking any type of medication.

  • Anyone else use their crappy old laptops to host servers? lol
  • My laptop for home use is almost 15 years old. My desktop is almost 11 years old. My work laptop is 8 years old. Here they are talking about more modern and powerful equipment, defining them as obsolete. I don't know, maybe we should start questioning if these consumption dynamics are a bit harmful.

  • pcgaldo O Galdo

    I'm here to have some conversation, look for information and learn new things. Besides the Galician (Portuguese far from the north), I write in castellano, english et français.

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