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The People of Los Angeles Just Said "Yes" to Safer Streets
  • I'm hopeful. This measure forces visibility of progress and allows any regular citizen to sue the city if they try to weasel out. I can't imagine a city politician taking a position of "we're going to fight this ridiculous lawsuit about not installing a wider sidewalk for as long as it takes." That's a real bad look, especially given this measure passed 65% for, 35% against. It would be political suicide.

  • Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes.
  • Go for ankle straps over vests. It's far more important for the reflective materials to be moving than the amount of body coverage you have.

    GCN recently covered this topic with interviews of optometry and psychology professors:

  • What are your thoughts on E-motorbikes using bike lanes?
  • The class system is designed for these arguments. I'm fine with class 2 in lanes and paths, but now we can discuss ebikes and where they belong without confusion. And regulators for parks, towns, etc can make it very clear in their signage.

  • The world’s 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • Wow, that's not great. You have my condolences and I hope you manage to convince your city to put some money into a frontage road or path of some sort. I've seen some pretty nice rail trails and the like in very small communities, but they take a lot of work and time.

  • [meme] Sustainable modes of transit
  • You're probably at the edge of the bus line. There's a usually very empty bus every 30 minutes just a block away from me. I took that bus a few times and realized that my neighborhood is the turn around for it. Most of the folk on it have gotten off by the time it loops through.

    This situation of empty busses at houses makes sense too. Why would a bus be full at the edge of town? It needs passengers first and they won't accumulate until the bus is near populated spots like downtown. And why would a city pay for empty busses when they could route them in better areas?

  • The world’s 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
  • One thing most often missed with bike-curious people, like yourself, miss is that the roads taken by bike are usually not the ones you'd drive.

    A car route is often a poor choice when riding a bike. Avoiding fast moving cars means avoiding those dangerous areas. Pedestrians die because they don't have an alternative (parked across the road, or it's near home, school, etc).

    For example, I'm at a friend's place and I rode my bike here. The path I take is through slower neighborhoods and dedicated trails. If I drove my car, I'd take a very different route.

    My advice is to think of some regular trips you make; work, shopping, or otherwise. Then use Google or Strava or other mapping software to see what their suggested bike routes are. You may be surprised at what's available. I know I was when I started biking more regularly.

    Also there are health benefits. If you're not exercising every day, then commuting for 5 days by bike absolutely will improve your health. I've lost a ton of weight. Take a look at how deadly heart disease is for folks without regular "walking 20 minutes a day" exercise is.

  • The People of Los Angeles Just Said "Yes" to Safer Streets The People of Los Angeles Just Said "Yes" to Safer Streets

    In what’s anticipated to be a landslide, the people of Los Angeles just voted in favor of walking, biking, and transit.

    The People of Los Angeles Just Said "Yes" to Safer Streets

    Here's some uplifting news: the people of LA have voted and are aggressively backing safer streets. Change, even if slow, can happen.

    "Under HLA, not only is the city obligated to install elements of its Mobility Plan, which can include bike lanes, bollards, daylighting, and wider sidewalks, but it must also track progress for the public online. It if [sic] fails to do so, residents can sue."

    [discussion] …. But can you walk the walk
  • I too live in a state that's eliminating stagnating regulation, which in turn is causing my town and neighboring towns to catch up with extreme housing demands. I imagine we both will experience an awkward phase as some lots get updated buildings next to lots that haven't seen construction in 60+ years.

    I view my recent experience as long needed development. There's no way a developer would plunge that much money into a building if they didn't believe they could sell the apartments/condos. I'd watch to see how fast they sell out, if they haven't already. Consider investing in nearby development if the complex sells quick. Maybe also consider moving further down the train line if you're looking for a less dense neighborhood.

  • Cyclist hit by driverless Waymo car in San Francisco, police say
  • Totally! And SF is a place that's been deploying more bicycle infrastructure and instructing their police to not enforce rolling stops, since at least from 2015! Our car brained governor is stopping such progress, so the battle continues. At least SF residents are holding their ground and voting to keep places like the great highway and JFK drive car-free.

  • Cyclist hit by driverless Waymo car in San Francisco, police say
  • To be fair, the article is trash. There's details in other publications, like Reuters:

    "Waymo said its vehicle was at a complete stop at a four-way intersection when a large truck crossed the intersection in its direction. At its turn to proceed, the Waymo car moved forward.

    However, the cyclist, who was obscured by the truck which the cyclist was following, took a left turn into the Waymo vehicle's path. When the cyclist was fully visible, the Waymo's vehicle braked heavily, but wasn't able to avoid the collision, the company said."

    Drafting through an intersection is not very safe (I really should stop doing it myself) because of this exact visibility problem. Heck, it seems our cyclist friend cut left because they couldn't see the waymo car either.

    Watch out when crossing busy intersections, folk! Cars are bulky and opaque. Yield when encountering busy intersections.

  • Cyclist hit by driverless Waymo car in San Francisco, police say
  • In this incident there was a passenger in the car. They were not injured.

    The rolling taxis problem is still a thing though. I know there's lots for these self-driving cars to hang out in, but even that means a return trip back to base is without passengers.

  • What do you do with your vehicle when you're at your destination?
  • Locking up is a great way to get some piece of mind. Another way is insurance! It's not too expensive compared to an expensive bike. You can also setup your own "insurance" by opening a savings account/index funds/rotating CoDs with some money and deposit a monthly value of your choice (gas money saved per month, what private insurance would be, or as a general savings goal).

    IMHO, scooters are so inexpensive that it's not a huge deal to buy a new one when it's stolen. This is true for ebikes too, though it can be a little more painful. Try comparing such a loss to how much you're paying for transportation and you'll find that a bike isn't the biggest slice of that pie. Use that knowledge to relish the thought with your coffee after not paying for gas or a parking meter.

  • [discussion] Aren't parking garages a decent way to consolidate parking as densely as possible? Why the hate?
  • That's a fair position to take, and thank you for debating. Have an upvote!

    I don't think park-and-ride should be made artificially cheap or free because that causes demand to drive to the town edges. Regional transit is needed and is already competing with subsidized highways. We don't need more subsidies that induce even more regional car demand!

    Besides, even with charging for the lost costs, park-and-ride is going to be cheaper over inner-city parking. Let me clarify my point of the cost of a garage: the cost of building a garage includes materials, maintenance, enforcement, and land value. City edge land is cheap to the point that park-and-ride probably won't be built as a garage but as a lot. Engineered buildings are expensive and usually only make sense when the land value is very high. I suspect it's only a million or two to build a paved, ~200 spot park-and-ride, which would place daily spot pricing on the order of $1.50 to $2.50 a day. That's pretty cheap compared to privately owned garaged parking in major cities (> $25 a day).

    My pricing beef orbits around how often city garages are heavily subsidized. I'll make a real-life example from a nearby city of 64,000 people. They built a garage adjacent to their downtown for $12 million. Amortizing that over 15 years and the number of spaces puts the minimum revenue per spot at $8.98 per day. What is the city's going rate for parking? $40 per month for a permit and $1.25 an hour with 9 hours of enforcement. Only the hourly rate at 100% occupancy, which this lot is not generating, meets just the construction costs, let alone figuring out discount rate and property taxes.

    And speaking of taxes, I expect publicly built parking lots and garages to also pay for their taxable rate, even if it's just an accounting trick by the city to price their lots. Running local property taxes as a land value tax would go a long way towards properly pricing the value of public garages. LVT would also discourage parking in the city center, where land is expensive, in favor of parking on the city edge, where land is cheap. Just another trick which drives down park-and-ride pricing and discourages city-center parking.

  • [discussion] Aren't parking garages a decent way to consolidate parking as densely as possible? Why the hate?
  • There are good parking garages and bad parking garages. What makes a good parking garage? I'd say good garages must be:

    • Located away from attractions and venues. The garage should not operate as a way to funnel cars into a popular area but rather as a way to store cars for those unfortunate enough to be unable to arrive by alternative means.
    • Located close to public transit. The garage should operate as a gateway into a local community, hence should have access to bike paths, trains and trams, buses, etc to carry their passengers into a community.
    • Be priced to cover the garage cost. Garages are expensive and the hourly/daily fees with average occupancy should pay for the garage in 10 to 15 years.
    • A tool to remove on-street parking and minimum parking requirements.

    Bad garages are ones that break the good rules. They are:

    • Are free or too cheap to pay off their construction cost and land value in a reasonable time period.
    • Located inside downtown areas.
    • A method to increase the capacity of car storage in downtowns.

    It's also possible for a good garage to become a bad one. Say a small town installs a parking lot on the edge of town, but then the town grows. That lot should be removed due to the increased land value it occupies. The new medium sized town can consider adding a parking lot or garage again, but certainly not in their popular, profitable, and active downtown.

  • Can a "Dutch" utility bike be made in the US?
  • Yeah, it's a hit or miss kind of thing. Some folk have zero issues with them. Also the nice thing with derailleurs is their cheap access to the huge gear range and count of cassettes.

    Still, one of NJB's talking points in his love letter to the omafiets is the lack of a derailleur. I'm taking that as a hard requirement of finding a US equivalent bike.

  • Can a "Dutch" utility bike be made in the US?
  • I ran across the Elecra but the issue I have is they run derailleurs. Derailleurs are just not as reliable as a fixed or internally geared bike. They're easily bent, causing shifting headaches, and their exposure makes them susceptible to dirt and ice.

    All my bikes have them, hence my often used and favorite tool is a derailleur hanger alignment tool.

  • Can a "Dutch" utility bike be made in the US?
  • Let us window gaze then!

    PUBLIC offers some nice internally geared city bikes and beach cruisers. Their 8i series is their top end. It's steel, has a 8-speed internal geared hub, fenders included, and with handles set for upright riding. Their optional rack looks like it pairs well with the frame. 8i series drive train gearing is something on the order of 28 to 86 gear inches. The cheaper 7i series is approximately 33 to 82 gear inches. Both are quite reasonable for city gearing with the 8i being easier for going up hills and an extra gear for better cadence matching.

    Trek makes a beautiful city bike: the District 4 Equipped and has a step through version. Dynamo hub for always on lighting and the rack is included. Capable gearing at approximately 30 to 92 gear inches. IMHO, the best part is a Gates CDX carbon belt drive. Belt drives are even lower maintenance than a traditional bike chain. Never lube a chain again, battle with rust or road gunk, or become sad mid-ride with sand, mud, or ice fouling.

    Speaking of belt drives, Priority specializes in them and has a big selection of commuting and recreational bikes. They even have a folding bike, which can be nice if you're stuck needing to drive or take a bus for one leg of a trip.

    Handsome makes frames and will build a bike to your spec. For example, you can spec their mixte bike ("She Devil") with a Shimano Alfine 8-speed. Sellers like these are a great option, but I recommend finding a LBS willing to take a shipment and do final assembly work on it. Shipping completed bikes is expensive and you'll still need tune-ups now and then.

    I'm sure there's more out there, but that's enough shopping for me today. Who else has thoughts? Or perhaps other neat finds?

  • Can a "Dutch" utility bike be made in the US?
  • The closest production bike available in the US similar to omafiets would be the beach cruiser. They're available as a single-speed with/without coaster brakes, or internally geared, have wide handle bars, step-through or stylish but still easy mounting frame, and often have color-matched basket and rack options.

    Careful with what you wish for. Omafiets and cruisers work where there aren't significant hills. Heavy single speeds really suck when you're faces with even a moderate 4% grade. Practical urban bikes in the US really need some gearing.

  • Can cargo bikes compete with cars? Cargo bike sharing users rate cargo bikes superior on most motives – Especially if they reduced car ownership
  • Start smaller and cheaper! A rack and inexpensive/DIY paniers will absolutely hold two bags of groceries. Try riding an occasional forgot-the-milk / fresh veggies / beer run. It's liberating.

    I bought an inexpensive cargo bike, and enjoy it greatly, but I've gotten a fair amount of mileage out of my older bike after putting on a simple rack.

  • Why Does Someone Need To Die for a Street To Be Made Safer? Why Does Someone Need To Die for a Street To Be Made Safer?

    There’s no excuse: when members of a community see a dangerous street for what it is, it shouldn’t take a death (or several deaths) for the city to finally take action.

    Why Does Someone Need To Die for a Street To Be Made Safer?
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