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Difficult decisions
  • Recently, I noticed that a lot of the YouTube recommendations I was seeing were folks based out of Utah. My wife calls it Mormon YouTube. Outdoors Boys, Matt's Offroad Recovery, Brandon Sanderson, and a few more Mormon adjacent channels started popping up everywhere. I started wondering what I had watched that started brining all these other things up.

    It's Mark Rober.

  • Do You Want a ‘Unified Reich’ Mind-Set in the White House?
  • You're getting downvoted, but this is true. 13 colonies were able to fight the British better than each one doing their own things. Reich means realm, or more specifically empire. Germany unified as a single country in the mid-late 1800s. Hitler then came along and decided Germany needed more space, lebensraum, and prestige to do all the things they wanted to do. They killed millions for it. Manifest Destiny, from sea to shining sea, all that is what this is. The US has done it too. We murdered and moved native Americans for decades for white immigrants to have "living space".

    However, I don't think any of the dumbasses who made this stupid video know any of that. It was a joke to them. Right now, I'm not scared of Nazis in the White House. I am scared of people who think Nazis are a funny joke being in the White House, because that leads to Nazis in the White House.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Fielding bad candidates because you can't be bothered to do the bare minimum has been a thing forever. As a friendly reminder, the thing that scared the DNC and RNC the most in my lifetime wasn't Trump, 9/11, or anything like that. It was Ross Perot.

    They'd both burn everything rather than let anyone else play the game.

  • Single Issue Voters will save the world!
  • The issue with Palestine can be solved by Biden today if he wanted to. Call that UN ambassador with some different instructions. Throw out some sanctions conditional on getting aid through and a ceasefire done. The other issues in this comic require courts or congress, generally. Is genocide bad? Yeah. Should we stop it? Nah, not today. Voting for a guy who won't stop what's going on because he doesn't have a problem with it feels bad, no way around that.

  • Devout Christian Mike Johnson shows up to hush money trial to defend a guy accused of cheating on his wife with a porn star
  • Imagine the year is 2012. Many Christians are taking their views door to door, urging you to vote for the Christian candidate, Mr. Mormon Mitt Romney, and not the Muslim, professing Christian Barack Obama. One of them goes to church. The other got married in ceremonial underwear. But one is black and the other is white.

  • What would you ask to a potential partner in a partner compatibility survey?
  • If you won the lottery, what's the first irresponsible thing you'd do with the money?

    No paying off student loans, no buying your parents a house. It has to be irresponsible but not necessarily indefensible. Great icebreaker question.

  • Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’
  • I mean, Hillary absolutely rigged the 2016 Democratic primaries. She just didn't feel the need to put out the effort to rig the general election. She learned the Watergate lesson. Why rig an election you're absolutely going to win? You run the risk of getting caught. It's only worth rigging an election if you think you might lose.

  • Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch.
  • Nah, the choice is between a being that will likely leave you alone and one that likely won't. Most people who aren't seeking contact want to be left alone. Interestingly enough, most bears want to be left alone too. As people, we need to allow others the distance and boundaries they want. The best way to befriend someone is to make them feel comfortable around you. Space and respect are important.

    If a woman prefers the bear, maybe consider treating her like one. Treat her with respect, don't make sudden movements, give her space, don't mess with her cubs, and don't pressure her into going to a local bar with a really neat vibe.

  • Japan anon complains about Google
  • So true. If I want to know how old a celebrity is, first result is something about their latest work that doesn't mention age, and then the next 3-4 are usually some ranking articles, "top 10 ceberities you didn't know were 50," and then Wikipedia comes in with the answer.

  • Canadian photographer Francois Brunell searches and photographs similar people, but who are not related to each other. He has currently done about 200 couple portraits.
  • I feel like that's because we actually get to see them side by side. But if you were friends with one and saw the other as a stranger out in public, say the grocery store, it might warrant a "holy shit, I just saw someone who looks exactly like you," text accompanied by an awkwardly zoomed in picture of them in the frozen foods aisle.

  • Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry
  • The average car sale price in the US is almost $50K.

    US automakers have decided to relegate a large chunk of the population to the used market while also ensuring with all the electric extra bits that the used market will be entirely unreliable in 10 years.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Why are you reading this? Go do something worthwhile.

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