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mental health resources for living in the USA
  • the best answer would probably be the directions to a portal to a marxist utopia, but i don't think anybody has that rn lol. i do really appreciate it anyways, this is great advice

  • mental health resources for living in the USA
  • yea, i've been thinking of stopping by there for a while. thank you, i really appreciate it

  • mental health resources for living in the USA

    hey folks, im a youngin' from Massachusetts. i love my state and i like living here, but this country is so twisted, so rotten and decrepit, i have a hard time doing things, especially after the heavy Israeli bombardment on Gaza that's been happening recently. sometimes i get so upset and i get these gross hot flashes where it feels like my veins are on fire. im not old enough to join political parties, but i wish i was, just so i could have people to talk to about this without fear of being called a dirty commie and having a metric ton of disinformation and anticommunist propaganda thrown at me. folks from the USA, what helps you? how do you cope? much love to any comrades reading this.

    How would the rise of fascism impact the LGBTQ+ movement?
  • i see two main outcomes. either the "civilized" (imperialist, capitalist western/global north) countries who have made progress with LBGTQ+ rights will leverage the fact to justify crimes against "uncivilized" (impoverished, oppressed global south) countries, or we will be wiped out bit by bit, starting with the most vulnerable of our community (transfem and nonbinary poc) to the least vulnerable (cis white gay dudes), being censored and ignored into oblivion. american republicans are pushing for the latter while american democrats are pushing for the former

  • NSFW
  • if massachusetts was in china every official who led the local public transit agency (MBTA) pre-2021 would be executed and so would the governors and state legislators post-1991. that was when it all went to shit. total absolute shit. :,(

  • What topics have you taken a 180ยฐ turn on?
  • when i was like fuckin 11 or something i used to disagree with abortions because i didnt grasp the reasons people had them done. now im wiser and dont give a shit what other people do with their bodies because ITS NOT MY FUCKING BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Appreciating YOU
  • love u brudda glad u feel welcome here

  • One of my classes has been talking about the Israeli-Hamas thing for the past couple days. How are you all dealing with interacting with libs?
  • it's honestly been pretty fucking hard on me. whenever i think about the whole situation, especially how western media will do anything to twist the narrative, i get pretty bummed. seeing pro palestinian sentiment online though has been reinvigorating and beautiful. i hope this situation can bring more people onto the left and in solidarity with working and oppressed peoples worldwide

  • p1gwizzard mad max [they/he]


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