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#StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold
  • I agree that shutting down a games servers while leaving a singplayer mode still can be a bad move and will give team fortress 2 as an example.

    • people can buy cosmetics in the game, but some may only buy them for their appearance on the multiplayer servers to other players
    • 90% of the games depth with strategy comes from competing with other humans
    • the bots in the singleplayer mode of the game are quite stupid, especially if you play as a spy
  • [Theory chapter 1124+] The defense Hierarchy of Elbaph

    [Theory chapter 1124+] The defense Hierarchy of Elbaph

    Are Giant Warrior Pirates the Giant army?

    Supposedly the giants have the strongest army in the world (according to BigMom), yet we have seen the giant warrior pirates lackluster performance. Of course they tanked the egghead buster call quite well, and even played with battleships like Toyboats, but this pirate crew does not seem worthy of a Yonko Bigmoms attention. The giant pirates do not use Haki and only brute strength, like their giant archers sinking boats with .... giant arrows. Their captains Dorry and Broggy may only use Haki with their strongest attack -- Hakoku sovereignty.


    This lead me to the theory that the giant warrior pirates are outcasts and joked about for their weakness by the true warriors of Elbaph who live deep inside the island. Elbaph may be organized in multiple defense rings, where each ring is at war with its neighbors. This would explain the name Warland Elbaph, a land at constant war with itself to evolve a capable growing defense against outside invasion forces. Giants seem to be thick headed, easy to anger and its common among them to fight decades long battles for forgettable reasons as Dorry and Broggy have shown.

    The Defense Realms of Elbaf

    So let me characterize the defense rings / realms / levels of Elbaph:

    • Outer defense Belt: Pirate outcasts live at the coast.
      • the coast is defended by pirates only ~ they do not like if outsiders point a gun at their hometown (RIP captain Kid)
      • Shanks has set up camp there, keeping a fragile peace
      • Government agents like Mother Caramel where only able to infiltrate this outermost ring, not further inland, before she got banished from the land for Big Moms tantrum.
      • Giant beasts comparable to the five elders beast transformations in size roam its forests, as Dorry and Broggy recount at egghead
      • frequent incursions by the inner rings force the pirates to escape outwards and seek fame and resources in foreign lands
      • giant mountain passes make it difficult to intrude further inland (as shown in the Shanks vs Kid Anime episode, these mountain scenery feels like the Alps of Heidi Girl of the Alps)
    • Inner Defense Ring: Giant Army fort
      • giants skilled in the use of Armament and Observation train here, hunting giant beasts.
      • the greatest honor is to become a personal guard of Prince Loki
      • the Palace guard of king Loki recruits from their ranks.
      • this is the Army of giants Big Mom wanted to attain by marrying Prince Loki with her daughter
    • Innermost ring: Yagdrasil / Adam tree
      • a giant tree seems to grow in the center of Elbaph. Perhaps its inspired by the legend of Yagdrassil "the world tree"
      • Prince Loki chills in the Palace and his honor guard reside here
      • Adam wood is sold here, making this region extremely rich.
      • Conquerors Haki users are common, nocking out approaching invaders with ease
    • ((Treetop)): The entire defense of Elbaph is centered to protect this treasure. Only a brave warrior of the sea can reach it ...
    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • "You can not buy intelligence"

    But the product of appearing intelligent is sold: private Education. Also you need to be able to afford the right condition: Not starving to death to appear intelligent, afford food & afford some water without lead contamination (since lead in the water lowers IQ), lead pipes where used for drinking water in poorer areas ... Also research and innovation costs lot of upfront capital investment and connections nowadays.

  • Removed
    I guess we doin'
  • Yep I had a cheap no-name trumpet, it rested for a few years in the basement without proper maintenance. One of its 3 buttons was not press-able any longer ~ rusted shut or something. Meanwhile the Yamaha still worked, well oiled and all. Lesson: always unscrew the buttons of your trumpet & Yamaha Buttons do not rust that fast I guess....

  • How to make the Threadiverse a nice place and effectively make it grow
  • Points that could improve the 1. point "Technology":

    • Make it possible to follow single users. Often I see some high quality content by users posted on communities to get drowned out by low effort posts ... Though on average high quality users post to high quality communities. Make it possible to follow/subscribe to a single user, making this place more like twitter without the character limit. A similar point about singular users carrying Lemmys usefulness on the back was made by
    • Introduce hashtags, to make it simpler to follow/ search interests. At the moment I do not see the niche communities I see on reddit thrive but broad categories that are hard to break up: Technology, Politics. While on reddit you would see multiple large active communities/bubbles related to politics with widely differing ideologies. This may be fixed by time and scale though...
    • Since every user is tainted by the server they log in to, it is easy to assume the ideology because he joined server lemmy.X .... make a way to hide that information, idk if that is technically compatible with lemmys design though ....
  • Has avoiding Cloudflare become Impossible?
  • Stupid Question:

    How do I find out if a website I use is hosted over cloudflare? The noscipt javascript blocker extension shows in some cases I blocked some cloudflare javascript. For example on the instance it shows a script labeled "" that I block. That apparently provides visitor analytics

    According to them on insights:

    Our edge sees all requests made to a website, regardless of whether it’s cached or uncached, the user has adblock, or they turned off JavaScript. This enables us to [....]

    On other sites it shows a "confirm you are human" check-box labeled with the cloudflare brand (if I activate javascript for that site) -- according to cloudflare wikipedia that service is known as Cloudflare Turnstile. This is how I currently see if cloudflare is involved.

    Another interesting thing I noticed on stackoverflow is email protected which confirms to me stackexchange also uses cloudflare somehow.

    I guess you could detect a Reverse Proxy by cloudflare based on its IP-Adress ~ but I do not really know how to look that up perhaps the following stack overflow answer might help using the tools nslookup and whois... Any other hints on this?

    nslookup whois -h n <IP-Adress from prev command> | egrep 'Organization'

  • Using the term ‘artificial intelligence’ in product descriptions reduces purchase intentions
  • Also:

    • Our product might be wrong sometimes, in those critical moments when the system encounters a new unseen problem not in its training dataset.
    • Our system might output a lot of junk data by design or accident robbing your clients time
  • Wahl-O-Mat Matches Your Position Against Political Parties Positions (EU Elections)
  • But does this not centalize power to the team who develop the Wahl-OMat? They could scew the results in multiple ways:

    • Imagine they put in a bias to automatically substract some "overlapping percentage" points of your favorite party
    • Overvaluing certain question topics while ignoring other topics. Topics enter and leave public discourse over time, Wahl-OMat needs to adjust accordingly.

    There should be multiple Wahl-OMat services to choose from imo...

  • Frieren's Villains Are The Perfect Solution For One Of Anime's Big Issues
  • I agree that Frieren villains are unique, to emphasize some other points:

    • Demons are depicted as this alien species that works on a completely different set of rules: Their fake emotions seem to have evolved genetically into them and they are incapable of changing their nature. They are to humans what Wolfs are to Sheep -- Alpha Predators.
      • Also demon-kinds social hierarchy being based on Magical power level is interesting completely going against Frieren hiding her power level.

    But in a way Demon mirror Frieren as well, as she herself mentally diverged from humanity over 1000s of years.

    The villains in Frieren are quite similar to Dragonball villains who are non human mos of the time. During combat they find out about their similarity to the heroes.

  • My impression of github since switching to Linux
  • I also had the same experience; sometimes the flatpak package is the most useful one, since its newer Version now supports feature X by default.

    Meta: This is a great meme in text form. This shows memes do not always have to include images.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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