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A simple solution at cost of minor aesthetic changes
  • We have them in at least one city in Austria (Linz), although it's only one or two bus lines out of a few dozen I think.

  • Water? WTF is that?
  • Only buy foods you have to prepare, no snacks

    That doesn't count for fruits and stuff like carrots

  • lazy ad block rule
  • Also, for mobile there's revanced.

  • Oooooof
  • A carbomb? Come on, that's just tasteless.

  • rule
  • Cute

  • Santana.
  • A bundle of rods. Krampus uses it to spank the unruly children.

  • Hydration rule
  • Pistacchio and Stracciatella of course.

  • Working doesn't rule
  • 👨‍🏫

  • Working doesn't rule
  • I'm on a 9 week holiday right now.

  • Found this in my folder rule (also you are loved AND valid)
  • Like when an old disgusting man makes a disgusting joke about "wife bad" and looks at you with an "am I right or what?"-look. Last time that happened (it was a work colleague) I felt weirdly validated in my manlihood and felt like I'm part of the in group (I'm a cis man, but considerably younger that the other guy, and I was new in that place of work), while at the same time wishing that guy would just disappear into thin air. Disgusting feeling.

  • Lyme Disease Rule
  • Lyme disease is the lesser problem. Where I live, a large amount of ticks carry a virus that causes encephalitis. Luckily I'm vaccinated against it, but many people aren't.

  • Redditors coming over.
  • This very OP has already posted some antisemitic shit on here

  • What's the best financial decision you've ever made?
  • Yeah I got the Austrian-wide ticket, bc I go to Linz a lot. If I need a car I can borrow or rent one. Still is so much cheaper thann owning one

  • Removed
    Does the GOP have a chance in 2024?
  • You see, the thing is, when you went to bed they hadn't counted all the votes yet. And they didn't stop counting just because you went to bed.

  • The illusion of freedom of the press.
  • Yeah... Could we please not post antisemitic dogwhistles on here?

  • Cursing
  • Oida wos? Waunnst du amoi so an Scheiß daherredst, beiß i da dein Schädl o und scheiß da in Hois!

  • Android lemmians
  • I have jerboa, and it's in dark mode. But maybe that's sobre pre set thing of my phone

  • What's the best financial decision you've ever made?
  • Living in place with incredibly cheap and accessible public transport (365€/ year for the whole city; 1090€/year for the whole country), while not owning a car.

  • Down bad rule
  • Squussy

  • Now that we are all switching to Lemmy, now is the time for all the redditors with embarrassing usernames to make their username right! Don't screw up this time!
  • Yeah same. I took one of an actual historical person, but it's so niche, you won't find a lot about him, until I've finished writing the Wikipedia entry about him.

  • oscar_falke oscar_falke

    Revolutionary from Vienna (*1827 †1883)

    Posts 5
    Comments 41