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So how is it guys? Spill the beans... how's the elden ring dlc?
  • It's BIG, and that's both good and bad.

    Good because there's a ton to explore. They said the dlc landmass was about the size of Limgrave, and that's true from the map perspective, but holy shit there's a lot of layers to it. When you first start you see a lot of places that you seemingly can't get to, but as you explore it, you find caves and canyons and cliffside trails that you can follow into areas that are inaccessible by most paths.

    Which leads to the bad part, some of these areas are almost too well hidden, and some are very sparsely populated, with maybe one or two interesting drops tucked away in the corners and an almost obligatory field boss to deal with or avoid.

    All in all, I'm having fun with it, but theres been some frustration as well, partly because it feels like you are meant to explore and find the upgrade fragments rather than just go through the story, as a lot of the bosses will one or two shot you without enough upgrades.

  • Anyone interested in some hexbear online magic the gathering?
  • I've played casually on & off since the 90's, but social anxiety has always kept me from getting into it outside of my friend groups at the time, and I've never had a steady enough income to where I've been able to keep whatever my current collection is when things get bad.

    That said, I'm potentially interested in re-learning with a few chill folks on a semi-regular basis. I don't think I've ever played more than the standard 1v1 format, but I can usually pick things up fairly quickly. PST/PDT timezone

  • Oh my god they're gonna do it again, come on comrade water pressure!
  • The orcas have a chance to do the funniest thing possible.

  • I quit today.
  • Truly a hero in our time, may you be blessed in your future endeavors.