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Monero's Home: XMPP vs Matrix (video)
  • @k4r4b3y @ShadowRebel dendrite does not solve this join-delay issue when joining rooms on remote servers, particularly rooms hosted at all on (i.e. the DAG involves in some way), because the weakest link is the bottleneck in the matrix protocol

  • Monero's Home: XMPP vs Matrix (video)
  • @k4r4b3y @ShadowRebel
    >after a few minutes
    this should honestly never be acceptable for an instant-messaging platform

  • Monero's Home: XMPP vs Matrix (video)
  • @ShadowRebel *multiple* implementations have caused client crashes in the past, and implementing otr is abysmal, havent seen this from omemo

  • Monero's Home: XMPP vs Matrix (video)
  • @ShadowRebel
    >OTR encryption from pidgin which provides an alternative for hardcore cypherpunks
    cryptoanarchist here we moved on from otr ages ago because the parser is a fucking nightmare

  • opal opal hart

    only becoming more polarised for everyone involved; tread carefully and enjoy the show, and most importantly, see the light where there is none


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