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Kitchen completed.
  • Very good looking, congrats!

  • What stupid thing or inside-joke really tickles you?
  • Does your definition of "stupid thing" applies to tickling itself?

  • The DOS game Raptor Call of the Shadows releases source under GPL
  • For what it's worth, that same github user already reverse-engineered the game : and this one should be able to compile on modern platforms.

    There is probably a story behind the source release, I wonder what it is...

  • The DOS game Raptor Call of the Shadows releases source under GPL
  • Wow, incredible news! So many memories

  • Finished Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
  • Is it fully functionnal as a (non-smart) phone? I've had a couple OpenMokos back in the days, and some of my contacts are still traumatized by the experience they had each time they called me.

    The battery life could be a problem, but this is 2023 and powerbanks aren't that expensive. And it's not that often that I'm away from a plug.

  • Open-Source NVIDIA Vulkan Driver Begins Working On Pipeline Caching
  • That's not as true as it's been : they've published kernel modules as opensource. It's clearly not perfect nor comparable to what AMD or Intel do/did, but it's way better than when Linus raised that finger ;)

  • Finished Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2
  • How is the phone as ... well, phone ?

  • What the deal with beef stroganoff?
  • why not? (haven't seen any myself, tbh)

  • What is your favorite multiplayer FOSS game?
  • I've had a blast playing Smokin' Guns :

    (Veloren is pretty awesome too, in a completely different way : )

  • Parmesan Makers Add Microchips To Cheese Wheels To Foil Counterfeiters
  • End users (so to speak) usally don't buy full parmesan wheels, anyway ;)

  • Did you know there's a rewrite of SuperTux in Godot? GitHub - Alzter/SuperTux-Classic: A remake of SuperTux Milestone 1 (versions 0.1.0 - 0.1.4) created from the ground up in Godot!

    A remake of SuperTux Milestone 1 (versions 0.1.0 - 0.1.4) created from the ground up in Godot! - GitHub - Alzter/SuperTux-Classic: A remake of SuperTux Milestone 1 (versions 0.1.0 - 0.1.4) created ...

    GitHub - Alzter/SuperTux-Classic: A remake of SuperTux Milestone 1 (versions 0.1.0 - 0.1.4) created from the ground up in Godot!

    It'd supposedly be much easier to edit/mod/contribute to, right?

    Diaspora* - is it any good?
  • Great, I guess I just jumped off that ship before it became cool again ;)

    Thanks for the insightful update.

  • Diaspora* - is it any good?
  • To this guy, yes, though less to this article (that is pretty watered-down) than to the regular rants he posted to friendica/zot/... on that particular subject. Thanks for spotting his interview, though, brings black memories

  • Diaspora* - is it any good?
  • What do you mean by specifications?

    This was a few years back, and my memory isn't that great, but from I recall : Diaspora had a rather privileged childhood, in the form of a very successul kickstarter. And they basically were the cool kids back then, and as such they didn't follow any existing protocol (which, at that time, would have been either OStatus or XMPP, basically) and went their own way. Federation at that time wasn't that much of a hype, but still they (rightfully) felt it would be great to document their protocol, and they published (some sort of) specification.

    At the same time, Friendica's author (which then went to built several other socialnetworking tools/platforms, as RedMatrix, Huzbilla, Zap, Zot, ...) spent some time trying to federate his tools (can't remember if it was Friendica or RedMatrix) with Diaspora. And was appalled by how unusable the specification was. From what I understood, at least.

  • Diaspora* - is it any good?
  • It's been there much longer, for one thing. But from what I recall, it's been a mess specs-wise. I do especially remember Friendica/Zot's author despairing over how little they followed their own specifications. I'm not sure they're still relevant today

  • External image as community icon/banner?
  • Well, I've finally found a way using plemmy instead of Basically :

    from plemmy import LemmyHttp

    lemmy = LemmyHttp('https://my.lemmy.instance')



  • Lemmy Support olivier
    External image as community icon/banner?

    I'm trying to setup a community without pict-rs (and as such, without being able to host its pictures myself). I've been tinkering a bit with the API (through python clients, essentially), and I've found how to change my users's avatar to an URL, but not a community. On, for instance, I have an update() method a community object, but it can't seem to modify anything...

    Has anyone an idea? Thx

    Is ZeroNet still a thing?
  • It's still alive (on alternative repos), but it still has glaring issues : as decentralized as it wants to be, it still relies on centralized services (or "zites", 0net's own lingo) to manage authentication, for instance.

  • How smart would cows have to become for you to stop eating beef?
  • Basically, I wouldn't be able to eat anything that speaks (I haven't and don't intend to, but that's not what would prevent me from eating a "talking" parrot, for instance)

  • Is there an open source game engine with visual scripting? or something?
  • It's more for CYOA-like games, but Twine is pretty good and has a graph-like editor. Of course, if you want to do anything more complicated than "if (choice) go (page)", you might need some code. But for the basics it works without.

  • Project::OSiRiON is a free space trading and combat simulation under development.

    Sadly enough, it doesn't seem developped anymore (last commit dates back to 2021). But it had/has great potential. Hope it will become alive again at some point...

    What is your favorite image (art, photo, etc.) and what about it makes it your favorite?
  • For something that isn't too obvious (e.g. not hanged in a museum or anything), I often come back to that picture and it always move me, for some reason :

  • The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor
  • Totally, not to mention setting a huge precedent on the path of a better SC. Don't get me wrong, I definitely AM excited by LK99 ;)

  • Free (libre) software replacements for proprietary software olivier
    docuseal - FLOSS docusign alternative? GitHub - docusealco/docuseal: Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents โœ๏ธ

    Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents โœ๏ธ - GitHub - docusealco/docuseal: Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents โœ๏ธ

    GitHub - docusealco/docuseal: Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents โœ๏ธ
    Block-device level access to SD card with an SPI reader?


    does anyone know if it's possible to expose a ยตSD card as a block device using an SPI reader like this one :

    And if so, what would be the way?

    Bonus question : is it possible to wire several readers on the same Pi (provided I only need to read one card at a time)?


    Release v2.1.4 ยท 00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon Release v2.1.4 ยท 00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon

    v2.1 includes a bunch of Duelist balance changes, three new weapons, two new exotic enemies, and a bunch of big and small tweaks and bugfixes. Blog posts related to this update: Coming Soon to Sh...

    Release v2.1.4 ยท 00-Evan/shattered-pixel-dungeon

    Cute rogue-like for Android

    GitHub - dalerank/Ozymandias: An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh (1999) in the Julius/Augustus engine GitHub - dalerank/Ozymandias: An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh (1999) in the Julius/Augustus engine

    An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh (1999) in the Julius/Augustus engine - GitHub - dalerank/Ozymandias: An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh (1999) in the Julius/Augustus engine

    GitHub - dalerank/Ozymandias: An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh (1999) in the Julius/Augustus engine
    OpenHV Pre-Release 20230717 - Open Source Real Time Strategy Game Pre-Release 20230717 news - OpenHV mod for OpenRA

    This is a bugfix release, but it also features new maps and adds interesting new gameplay around the Hacker Tank.

    Pre-Release 20230717 news - OpenHV mod for OpenRA
    olivier olivier
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