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Microsoft's newest tactic to convert Windows 10 users is giving them a big comparison list
  • For many is probably just the right opportunity to jump to apple. For older folk, they will keep using windows xp/vista. Microsoft offers little to no value over the alternatives.

    Most of us, tech savvy are already in linux we will probably just delete the Windows partition.

  • free and open source GPU compiled by hands
  • The joke is in the eye of the beholder, for me it's funny because you have the buzzwords "free and open source" which means you can implement it however you want and the user here decided "fuck it, I will do it by hand".

  • Can't download
  • I just installed the librewolf-bin without any issue. Did you updated your system with

    pacman -Syu

    I would ignore the DNS for now, unless you have a piHole or some other custom DNS service. If you want further help please copy the terminal messages when trying to install librewolf-bin and the gpg keys.

  • Can't download
  • I wonder what Discover installed, probably a Flatpak. You should check just to know as there are pros and cons of using Flatpaks, AppImages, etc. over a system application.

  • It is true
  • Dying is part of the game, just keep trying. The fun part is actually beating the bosses because you actually improved your technique. Sekiro is all about having the right timing.

  • It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine
  • You can set up the boot directly into Big Picture, there are a couple of ways depending on your needs/expectations.

    Gamescope did not work for me, I have been gaming exclusively in Linux since proton was published but any time I try to get gamescope working it behaves strangely. I blame my Nvidia card but it's hard to say.

  • It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine
  • It became what it is currently the Steam Deck OS or at least the lessons learned were applied to create it. That being said you have distros like Bazzite and Pop OS focused on gaming, you could try those.

    I recently deleted my Windows partition and went full Linux for my personal devices. I use Windows for work and it reminds me that I made the right decision.

    I use Arch btw

  • BTRFS for Linux gaming?
  • I saw the other comments, BTRFS appears to work fine, I wouldn't use it because it is unfinished (there are some features not ready according to the status page) but I guess it is stable.

  • BTRFS for Linux gaming?
  • What do you mean splitting the disk? I just recently removed windows, moved and resized both boot and primary partition to take over all the space, now it is a pure Ext4 disk. I would not use BTRFS for your use case but that is up to you.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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