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Organic Maps vs OsmAnd?
  • For some people, not getting stuck in traffic is worth using proprietary software.

    Are there any FOSS navigation apps with (paid?) traffic info?

  • Microsoft lays off most of Activision Blizzard esports organization
  • Interesting point of view. Care to elaborate?

  • At least uBlock Origin is always up-to-date now
  • Not for me 🤔 I am running PiHole and the adblock thing still shows up. Which blocklists are you using?

  • Warfare MMO Foxhole is adding naval combat complete with huge multi-person ships
  • The game looks interesting - is it possible to play it somewhat casually? Like for at most 2 hours at a time?

  • Noch keine Nebenkosten-Abrechnung für 2022
  • Ich habe die Nebenkostenabrechnungen meist erst im 3./4. Quartal des Folgejahres erhalten, war hier vollkommen normal 🤷‍♂️ Ggf. kannst du sicher nachfragen, wann bei denen abgerechnet wird - gerade wenn die früheren Abrechnungen zeitiger kamen

  • Removed
    Pet Feeders with Good Integrations?
  • The model you linked seems to have a backup battery and supports scheduled feeding, so I wouldn't worry about a HomeAssistant failure too much.

    By setting the plans or schedules, the pet will be fed in a regular pattern. Compared to the competition, the function will work even when no internet connection or when the Zigbee hubs goes down!

  • Technitium DNS server
  • Forgive my ignorance, but in which ways is it better? From a user's perspective, as long as it's blocking querys from configured lists and does support dns-over-tls or similar, what's there to be better at?

  • Buy It For Life Wiki List of Recommendations
  • this list seems to me mostly centered around the US. Are there any alternatives for Europe?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Organic Maps has traffic information? Well guess I need to have a look at it again.

  • what should I use to clean my plate after printing with PETG?
  • Regarding other tips about PETG: make sure the filament is dry. Wet PETG will pull lots of strings, no matter how "good" you're tuning your retractions.

  • what should I use to clean my plate after printing with PETG?
  • I'm not using anything specific for PETG clean up. IPA to get rid of oily residue and soapy water from time to time.

  • odious Odious
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