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What are yall's thoughts on this new "papyrus"?
  • I can carry a whole stack of papyrus with the same weight as one slab of clay. Also if the clay falls down, it breaks. Papyrus survives falls easily. It’s so light, it floats on the air.

  • Multiple walkie talkies explode in Lebanon at funeral for those killed in pager attack: State media
  • I agree that this war should end. It doesn’t simply end, if Israel stops military operations though.

  • Investigate
  • Yes, there’s also discrimination inside Israel and it needs to end. This doesn’t change anything I said before.

  • Multiple walkie talkies explode in Lebanon at funeral for those killed in pager attack: State media
  • The League of Nations created a mandate for the foundation of a state for the Jews in the Levante. So there’s a basis in international law for it.

    Most of the land on which Israel was founded in 1948 was state owned land and land owned by Jews they had purchased.

    No Palestinian would have lost their land, if the partition plan would have been accepted. Instead they chose war and lost it.

    Prior to 1900 the land was only sparsely populated in the first place.

    More than 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab and Muslim countries in the region and had to flee to Israel. It was a population exchange like India and Pakistan around the same time.

  • Investigate
  • Several ethnicities live in Israel and have the same citizenship and rights. Israel is the state for the Jews, just like Poland for Polish, Spain for Spanish, and so on. All of these have minorities living in them as well.

    You don’t seem to have a good understanding of nation, state, ethnicity, and their relationships.

  • Investigate
  • That article refers to Palestinians without Israeli citizenship in the West Bank and Gaza. I was not talking about them.

  • Get Haiku!
  • There’s also a Haiku specific sub !

  • Get Haiku!
  • It’s useful mostly as a desktop operating system that’s easy to use and fast and doesn’t come with as much crap as Windows, Linux, macOS. Haiku feels more like your personal computer, not Microsoft’s or Apple’s computer.

    Today it doesn’t solve any needs besides nostalgia and curiosity. If you’re generally interested in desktop operating systems and user interface design, it’s worth a look.

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  • Du brauchst nur ein besseres Schloss als ein gleichwertiges Fahrrad daneben.

  • Brandenburger Innenminister Stübgen (CDU) für Abschaffung des Asylrechts |
  • Asyl nach Grundgesetz gilt nur für politisch Verfolgte. Flüchtlingskonvention gilt auch für andere Fluchtgründe.

  • ich😵‍💫iel
  • Bei Rings of Power macht es keinen Unterschied ob nüchtern oder bekifft.

  • ich_iel
  • Das ist deutlich besser als Passwörter wiederverwenden.

  • Multiple walkie talkies explode in Lebanon at funeral for those killed in pager attack: State media
  • Parents, who are also combatants in terrorist militias, have a duty to not endanger their children by handing them tactical communications equipment.

  • Multiple walkie talkies explode in Lebanon at funeral for those killed in pager attack: State media
  • This is primarily a call to learn about the history of the conflict.

    Palestinian political strategy and tactics have been moderately successful at best, IMHO. It’s worth knowing about them and their history. Black September and the role of Palestinian groups in the Lebanese civil war are also worth learning about to better understand the current situation.

  • It could have been so easy
  • The original formula is undefined for n = 0, so this restriction should be carried over.

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