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Linux user survey! 🐧
  • This is a cool idea. I really liked how you addressed everyone's concerns even if some of them were already answered or just a bit silly, very cool of you.

  • "Hardware Error" after power failure
  • The demon turned off their breaker

  • China Bad
  • Works Cited: trust me bro

  • How are you all partitioning your setup?
  • I'd love to get a NAS but i'm a bit too stingy. That definitely sounds like a better solution than just leaving my machine on 24/7.

  • How are you all partitioning your setup?
  • I have 4 drives. An NVMe drive with four partitions: 500MB /boot 64GB Swap 100GB / and the rest of the 1TB goes to /home. Then I have a 1TB SSD for games which is mounted to ~/Games. Then I have two 1TB HDDs, one for Music mounted to ~/Music and another for Torrents mounted to ~/Torrents. I also have an 8TB HDD coming which will be another torrents drive

  • It hurts all over
  • Generally I've found the people who say this get privacy and secrecy confused. You close the door when you go to the bathroom because you want privacy, not because you have anything to hide. Everyone has a pretty good idea what you're doing in there but you close the door anyways. Secrecy would be if you were cooking Meth in the bathroom and wanted to keep it a secret.

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • Sorry to break it to you bud, but after some 3000 downvotes I don't think anyone really agrees with anything you've said, ever.

  • Usenet communities?
  • Never used Plex so I'm not sure. I do know that you can install Plex onto most seedboxes and use it that way. I think Jellyfin is the most widely supported one though.

  • Usenet communities?
  • Pretty much just a remote server dedicated to torrenting you can rent. It'll download and seed torrents for you and you can stream them to your other devices or just download them (not every provider offers streaming).

  • Turn old phone into media/music player ( with custom rom? )
  • You should be able to use adbshell with shizuku (both in f-droid) to remove whatever you won't use. I doubt there's any custom Roms that'll help here though. If you're willing to root the phone then you can probably find some way to get what you want.

  • Keyring unlock after unlocking system with auto login enabled
  • I wouldn't say this has anything to do with the Linux kernel itself. I would make the request with whatever app handles your auto-login (probably your login manager). Also I don't see the point of a keyring password if it's never entered. I think it would be by design that the keyring stays locked when no password or authentication is provided.

  • How can I find the reason my PC crashes?
  • I mean to use something like htop, btop, or psensor to check how much of your RAM, CPU, GPU, etc is being used along with temperature. Also, what do you mean your RAM always shows as full? I get that Linux "uses" it all but most resource monitors should be able to tell how much is actually being used for programs.

  • How can I find the reason my PC crashes?
  • Maybe checking your computer's resource utilization could provide some insight.

  • Partition layout recommendations
  • I would go with option 4. I have a 1TB NVMe with /boot, /, and /home. Then I have two 1TB SATA III SSDs, one is for games and the other music. It makes more "sense" to have / and /home on separate drives but I don't recommend this personally because / doesn't need a whole terabyte of storage so it'd just be wasted. Swap is optional (I don't use it even on Gentoo). Me picking option 4 over 3 is just personal preference though. I like having /home smaller because it just holds basic stuff and then I have my 2 extra drives as bulk storage dedicated to something.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This isn't true. I'm on Linux and just created a torrent maybe 3 minutes ago. It's under the "Tools" option in the toolbar at the top. It can also be opened with "Ctrl+N". Maybe it's just not a thing with the docker version?

  • When I Became Convinced...
  • Is this a meme?

  • Window Managers for the un-initiated
  • i3

    • Great for beginners
    • Uses it's own configuration language so no coding required
    • One of the most popular window managers so documentation and such is plentiful
    • Has a 1:1 Wayland fork called Sway
    • Is a manual tiling window manager which means you specify where a window will appear when you go to launch something.


    • Is awesome
    • Configured in Lua
    • Has a great status bar built in
    • Great documentation
    • Is a dynamic tilling window manager meaning it places new windows in accordance with a preset layout.


    • My favorite
    • Has a 1:1 Wayland version built-in
    • Configured in Python
    • The best status bar I've used
    • Great documentation
    • Dynamic tiler

    XMonad (Note: never used this so take this how you will)

    • Configured in Haskell
    • Has a lot of dependencies
    • Extremely configurable
    • Dynamic tiler

    There're many more window managers out there but these are the ones I've personally used (besides XMonad) and know the most about.

    If you don't like a built in status bar then you can disable it in the config and use another one like Polybar. Distrotube (on Odyssey or Youtube) also has really good videos on all of these window managers and more which I really recommend you check out if you haven't already.

    Personally though, I think Qtile will give you the best experience.

  • Deleted
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  • Personally I would recommend Linux Mint. It's based on Ubuntu so any issues should be easy to find and fix online. It's very similar in terms of the actual desktop to Windows instead of being completely different like Pop!OS. You should also be able to completely avoid the command line as well though I do encourage you to have your friend learn at least some of the basics so he at least knows how to use it.

  • Oneplus privacy?
  • From my experience Mullvad is the way to go for privacy. They're only about $5 USD a month and have a great app available from F-Droid.

  • How to install Starfield
  • I use a program called unrar to unpack .rars

    unrar /path/to/.rar/

    Then I run the installer .exe with Wine. Once that finishes I add it as a non-steam game and select the newest version of Proton. Sometimes I'll check protondb if the game doesn't work right away.

  • What if Reddit reverts it's changes?

    If Reddit were to revert it's changes to 3rd party apps would you stay on Lemmy or move back to Reddit?

    ober ober

    Just obering around

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    Comments 27