Perhaps the orange reptile babbling at the mic and his evil little right hand "man".
You mean like wear pink and bring little signs to express themselves without disturbing anyone? ✅
I don’t know… was the seat male or female?
So many tickets to events that "good mood me" thought were a good idea, given and sold away…
Yeah, the key is getting over that reflex of going to the booze. It doesn’t last all that long, but it comes often and keeps trying to deceive me into thinking what I need is an easy quick fix. It’s getting easier the more I succeed. It feels great but I can’t let all my guards down. Not for a while… maybe forever.
Day 4 is pretty much in the books!
Thanks to you and everyone here!
Hmm… not very active. The last post was 7 months ago…
Thank you! I came here for support and your words mean a lot 💙
💙thank you! I’ve got this day anyway, I made it through! Feeling good.
💙thank you!
💙 thank you! I’ve made it through the day! I
Thank you!
Hahah! Yep!
I think it’s a legitimate, socio-conscious question but in the end, the profits end up in America and also, these mega corps destroy more local and ethical producers. It may in fact result in job losses but you have to see the big picture and long term effects. As an example, I used to live in a city where the main industry was a foundry that poisoned the population with —among other poisons— arsenic. They are still active. The province has bent the rules of safe emissions guidelines to keep them in the community and giving as an excuse that the company would close down and around 300 workers would lose their jobs. So it’s ok to give cancer to the citizens in the name of profits and the jobs of 300 people?? It doesn’t make sense to me. Sure it would suck for a while for these workers until they found something else and maybe the new job wouldn’t pay as much but you either have convictions or you don’t. Sacrificing the health of a whole city for the sake of a few jobs and a lot of profit is just wrong.
So sacrificing your convictions of buying Canadian —which in the long run will benefit the whole country and hurt the evil corporations— is wrong as well, as far I’m concerned.
Jesus fuck look at those pig faces. Remember them.
#revolution #r3volution #r3v0lution #r3v0lut10n
#antifa #fire #6
Those ridiculous shades are actually real? I thought someone had photoshopped them on in the first picture I saw of him wearing them.