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'Send back our husbands' - Russian women in rare protest
  • Soon to be followed by Russian women mysteriously falling from windows

  • šŸ¦‚ Pseudoscorpion / false scorpion
  • That's cool, never seen one of those. What part of the country are you in?

  • City to be mothballed as budget cuts hit the bone
  • Not knowing the history (and the article doesn't delve into it), how did Hamilton fuck up their finances so bad that these are now their only options?

  • Australasian Swamphens (porphyrio melanotus) and Pacific Black Ducks (anas superciliosa), Redcliffe Queensland Australia, June 2023
  • In New Zealand, we call them Pukeko. Cool birds, and their babies are super cute fluff balls with giant feet

  • The FuTuRe of Housing
  • Now you too can live in a small box for only the cost of your life savings and every dollar you earn until you die!