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What are some must have Firefox plugins?
  • Thank you for the suggestion, will take a look at it.

  • What are some must have Firefox plugins?
  • As a college student, my must have plugins are

    • DarkReader
    • Firefox Multi-Account Containers
    • Sponsorblock
    • TWP - Translate Web Pages

    and the goat itself, >!uBlock Origin!<

  • Fun facts with Skeletor
  • Oh man, another meme that will be reused and reused over and over again.

    Just like your mom

  • Can anyone else see this post?
  • Looking at it rn on latest Eternity version (0.1.2). There are no comments, nor upvotes/downvotes tho

  • ↷󠁿󠁿
  • jokes on you, I use osmand :)

  • Lemmy paper
  • yeah yeah, open sourced paper and all....

    but where source code? 👀

  • Removed Deleted
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  • Fight fire with fire, I like it

  • Chrome on iOS supports moving the address bar to the bottom. Why not Android?
  • For the unwillingly people who don't/can't move to a more privacy friendly browser, Cromite (a fork of Bromite, both chromium based browsers) do allow bottom toolbar

  • Chrome finally lets you move the address bar to the bottom, but not on Android
  • am I missing something? I just took this screenshot. (although tbf this is cromite, not chrome exactly, but should be the same right?)


  • YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world
  • This will definetly be a shot in the foot for Google, the beginning of YouTube's downfall

  • FOSS launcher options?
  • Using Lawnchair atm. It's okay-ish which is enough for me, but I really like Niagara, although the double-tap-to-lock feature behind a paywall was a huge dealbreaker.

  • hey - trying to switch from Chrome to Firefox, what are your recommended extensions and/or quality of life addins, etc?
  • A bit offtopic here, but how can I auto hide cookie prompts in uBlock? What I do is that I manually hide them with cosmetic filter, then I never have to worry about accepting them or not (kinda like I still don't care about cookies extension)

  • A potential alternative to "app installs"
  • I used to use it, but the apps I was giving root privileges to were resetting every time I locked-unlocked the phone, so I got rid of it. Might give it a try later tho.

  • A potential alternative to "app installs"
  • Another way to go is to freeze apps, so that launcher "uninstall" said app, but not quite, it just removes all permissions and denies app's attempts to send and receive data from the Internet.

    Easy way to achieve this (and the one I personally use) is Insular, it let's me create and install apps on a work profile (so it doesn't have access to main profile data) and it let's you manage main profile apps too, although you need root for it (or Shizuku nonetheless)

  • Why does looking directly at the sun damage your eyes?
  • Damn gov got lil homie, RIP you knew too much 🙏

  • Why does looking directly at the sun damage your eyes?
  • Cuz there is a secret alien weapon inside of it and the gov doesn't want you to see it, so sun's glaze blinds you

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  • AFAIK one of its patches lets you stream in native res or full 4k60fps (something that only nitro lets you), so yes, I think it does because it patches the client adding stuff to it, and not actually removing it, so it should work just fine (Im sorry I mostly use it for the community theming and some minor patching, can't say more about it). Here's a video if you're interested in it tho

  • Deleted
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  • Vencord is a thing, so no 🤔

  • Apple threatens Colombian mobile phone repairman with jail time
  • Hopefully this works out in favor of him. Hate to see corpos trying to fuck people just because they do million times better and sometimes cheaper work than them.

  • How can I easily map a bus route?

    I'm on a crusade to add all of the bus routes in my city (hopefully all of my country in a future), but there is no easily way as to "draw line here/add a node here as bus stop, tag as bus route X, rinse and repeat" as far as I know right?.

    Would love some recommendations from other pros at OSM :)

    notExactlyI20 notExactlyI20
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    Comments 52