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EA is looking at putting in-game ads in AAA games — 'We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that,' says CEO
  • They do, and it works because it is poking fun of the corporate hellscape we live in, which is whimsical. If they become real ads it will make the games less fun to play.

    VR makes it even creepier with eye and head tracking. Not only will they present tailored ads, they will know which ones draw your gaze.

  • Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining
  • I would much rather pay for windows than become the product with ads, AI, and analytics.

    Luckily this is coming at a time where I can run nearly everything on Linux that I previously needed Windows for (with the exception of a handful of games in my steam library)

  • Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • Cornell West and Jill Stein are proponents of helping the Palestinians, so I imagine one of them.

    All the other, mainstream, candidates are vocally pro-Israel. Trump and RFK are more pro-Israel than Biden.

    My ultimate hope is that Biden grows a spine on this topic, and draws some rules of engagement for Israel if they wish to receive further aid; however, they seem to have the US govt by the balls somehow.

  • "Cruel and Insane": Republicans condemn Kristi Noem's dog-killing revelation
  • This was something that brought the Democrats and Republicans together, in that both sides thought killing a healthy puppy and bragging about it was insane.

    It would make more sense if you are a bot, but how precisely do you want the parties to collaborate on this topic?

  • Qatari official: Jews are murderers of prophets; October7 is only a 'prelude'
  • A person suggesting genocide as a solution is a dangerous idiot; a country actually performing war crimes that make the whole world wonder if they are commiting genocide needs to be stopped.

    I don't want to debate the semantics of genocide, I just want them to stop murdering everything that moves, destroying all infrastructure, and starving an entire population.

  • Senate passes bill forcing TikTok’s parent company to sell or face ban, sends to Biden for signature. Biden expected to sign on Wed.
  • There is a whole class of "influencers" that get paid to shill for everything from liquor to policy on every platform. Tiktok, a foreign company, owns the algorithm, so they can promote whatever they want.

    This all seems sketchy, but then I recall citizens united and the fact that billions are spent directly purchasing influence in the actual government. They just don't like some other entity putting their finger on the scale.

    I'd much prefer systematic reform where money can't buy influence and companies (US or otherwise) can't spy on their users, yet that will never be on the table because of the money and power Facebook and others have.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company
  • They have a paid version of the Nova launcher. I am certainly not a lawyer, but it also looks like they have a pretty clear privacy policy

    I don't currently use it, but it is a nice alternative if they aren't doing anything fishy.

  • No gods matter
  • True, it's just a little too magical for my brain to process. To me he was a prophet and probably a good dude.. but that's probably about it.

    To worship a guy as a literal God because his mom had a tale to tell about why she was pregnant, was the beginning of the end of religion making sense for me.

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