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Chicken vs Egg
  • Feel like any kind of mutation that turns the pre chicken into the proto chicken happens at birth, if the pre chicken had a mutated offspring, I'd wager the egg is mutated significantly from what a normal pre chicken egg would be, since after all it has to support a proto chicken, not a pre chicken.

  • Man convicted of attacking ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer sentenced to 30 years
  • Remind me who the capitol rioters were looking for? Ahh right the guy first in line for the presidency. Neither group found their target and instead attacked others, so I'm still struggling trying to understand the difference. Be in a mob and be targeting the poorer person even if there higher in line for the presidency. The guy who killed the cop on their way to the Pence hunt got 6 years.

  • Man convicted of attacking ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer sentenced to 30 years
  • Feels like the conclusion to draw is that attacking the government is okay, but once you signal out someone really rich, you're fucked. Also apparently never do crime alone, you get much less severe sentences if you go as an angry mob.

  • Republicans Flock to Trump’s Trial, Risking Control of the House Floor
  • Im sorry but "I made a tacit verbal agreement about choices that deeply shape the law of the entire country with an untrustworthy group of people who went on to break it when everyone was warning they would break it" isn't better. In fact that changes the narrative from 'Dems being too stuck to principles to make the right choice' to 'Dems are simply not intelligent enough to make the right choice', and either way they got played.

  • Future Hitlers
  • To be faiiiiirrrr . . . if the participant was made aware of the amount and location of the potential future Hitlers, I feel like they could 'cause some good' while completely sober as well. Like why leave these things to chance?

  • What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?
  • I dont have a problem with the phrase but I don't think ive ever heard it unironically or outisde of joking situatuons. Which is right about where the state of body positivity for men ends up.

    Pro tip. Never tell people that even if someone is an asshole calling them small dicked is body shaming, unless you want all those people to instantly assume you're telling on yourself and then body shame you for that.

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