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What are your favourite RSS feeds?
  • I'm pretty sure googls provides channel RSS feeds, and that is what newpipe/freetube (optionally) uses. A downside is that this does not include video length.

  • What's the most seeming trivial thing you'll turn down a GF or BF for?
  • Music is incredibly important to me, and the music tastes of me and my girlfriend could not be much more incompatible. We have a great relationship though, it can be a strength: we challenge each other to broaden our horizons. But it does lead to suboptimal car rides haha

  • degree in bamf
  • I find that to be the other way around. I would much rather have people ask the second kind of question, whereas the first kind will give me nothing to work with. In the worst case you can answer that you havent read thtose papers and you will after the presentation. At best they can actually teach you something you haven't considered yet. But often you can respond with your motivation which you generally thought about for much longer than they did.

  • Phytagoras

  • Do you collect anything? How did you start?
  • Carnaval Emblems! In the province of Noord-Brabant, Netherlands it is customary to decorate your carnaval coat or "boerenkiel" (farmer's coat?) with emblems from carnaval events or clubs.

    I started because I completely fell in love with carnaval! Below is an example of such a traditional "boerenkiel". This is what such a traditional "boerenkiel" looks like.

  • KDE - Shortcut taken what??
  • I had this issue (not on KDE), reinstalling the firefox extension did the trick.

  • rule/rule
  • I expect it would be relatively easy to make

  • What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?
  • Well there is not much meaningful discussion to be had about a decades old conspiracy theory that has been memed on plenty in the past. I think that is where the downvotes are coming from.

  • what's your best "insecure boss" story?
  • Wait how did you even get anything done haha

  • Party of Dutch anti-Islam populist Wilders to win most seats: Exit poll
  • Sounds scarier than it is. They still need a majority, and no other party will join them in their most extreme plans. We also have laws that protect against stuff like this.

  • Party of Dutch anti-Islam populist Wilders to win most seats: Exit poll
  • The previous government disbanded over immigration, and Geert Wilders' message of "kick out all immigrants" sadly seemed to resonate well with people. He is also pretty good at tv debates, which is where I think he convinced the very large amount of floating voters this election.

  • Mogelijke coalities
  • Bij die allerbovenste rechtse coalitie pakken ze BBB er ook bij denk ik, die zijn heel erg groot in de eerste kamer namelijk.

  • Enjoy your Call of Duty
  • Heh, a single bit

  • The wise
  • Saruman the Silly

  • Hacker Archetypes - D&D Classes
  • Yeah that is a good one. Though I don't know if there is another class that would have fit their category better

  • Hacker Archetypes - D&D Classes
  • Interesting read! And the way they use DnD classes is very fun to me. They did the bard dirty though haha.

  • Do you feel like getting an expensive wah pedal is worth it?
  • Thanks, I never considered modding my pedals but I am definitely up for it.

  • (and some others) were hacked
  • Thank you for the transparency and swift solution!

  • What's one thing you can't stand at all?
  • That sounds incredibly annoying, doesn't happen too much where I'm from luckily

  • Have the boys been watching 60 year old B-movies or is this just a coincidence?

    I feel like this is a likely source of inspiration for the new album, it wouldn't be the first time they take inspiration from an obscure movie.

    Do you feel like getting an expensive wah pedal is worth it?

    A wah pedal is at the top of my wishlist right now. I have been borrowing a crybaby from my friend and it sounds great, but I am wondering if I could get a similar effect with a cheaper wah pedal. Do you feel like the high price of a crybaby is worth it, or do they all sound the same?

    nonagonOrc Nonagon ∞ Orc
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