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HDMi port om Fedora 40
  • I don't know specifically about the T470, but if you have an nvidia GPU, you might have issues depending on how the display outputs are connected to the GPUs. I had a T420s at some point with an nvidia GPU, and it was a PITA to get the display output to work on linux. I had to permanently enable the nvidia GPU for that to work (cutting battery life in half), because the display output was connected only to the nvidia GPU. I swore to never buy an nvidia product ever again after that experience.

  • I am happy for the Linux Mint team
  • I'm only saying this because I've seen a few videos about windows users switching to linux mint lately. Having to update the kernel for the computer to work is a common occurrance. IMO the newest available one should be the default one. We should strive towards giving new users the best possible first impression of linux.

  • I am happy for the Linux Mint team
  • They really need to update Mint though. Sure it is good.. on old computers. Anything made the last couple of years will have issues due to an ancient kernel and mesa. We should stop calling it stable/lts and unstable, because users will always pick the one called stable, even if the 'unstable' one is the one that would in most cases work the best for desktop linux. Or at least we should separate the kernel and mesa away from the rest of the 'stable' packages, and include recent versions of that by default, to not scare away people with driver issues.

  • I'm thinking of buying a Lenovo Duet 3 for running linux. Which device would have better compatibility?
  • Yeah linux support for ARM SOCs is not ideal. There might be some fork of the kernel working with specific proprietary driver blobs. But in a few years its basically abandonware.

    RISC-V is what we should try to make happen as a replacement for x86, instead of yet another proprietary IP.

  • Examples are not Documentation
  • I personally prefer the straight forward everything in one file examples. The worst examples are those that come with its own ad hoc example framework I first need to understand before I can understand the example.

  • The Millennial CAPTCHA
  • It's called T9 typing btw. I'm old enough (30) to have had a few phones with buttons myself before the smartphone era gained momentum. I never got really good at it (didn't text much). My older sister by a few years is a racer at T9 typing though. I remember her phone was making clicking noises at insane rates.

  • Which are the F-Droid apps everyone should download?
  • I like the Fossify apps. I use the phone, sms, contacts, gallery and file manager. It's SO nice to not have google nag about cloud backups all the time, when I just wanted to look at some pictures I've taken.

    Also whenever I can I download apps from F-Droid instead of play store if they're available both places. For example I use Home Assistant, KeePassDX, Syncthing, Termux, VLC, and more from F-Droid.

    Found a couple of new apps to try out in this thread as well :)

  • XZ backdoor in a nutshell
  • The scary thing about this is thinking about potential undetected backdoors similar to this existing in the wild. Hopefully the lessons learned from the xz backdoor will help us to prevent similar backdoors in the future.

  • Are there any CPUs that work well with Linux that aren't made by Intel or another company on the BDS list/that supports Israel?
  • Not 100% sure if it is the same issue as you linked to, but I have an early Ryzen 7 1700 that has a hardware error (google "ryzen performance marginality" to find info about it) causing it not to work properly with linux. I never bothered to RMA my CPU. I've made it kinda work anyways, by disabling cool and quiet or whatever it is called, and set a fixed overclock to compensate for the lack of turbo after that. The idea is that the CPU should always run at a fixed clock speed instead of clocking down to save power when idle. Haven't had any issues with this CPU for a while now after I did that.

    BTW I upgraded my desktop with a 3900x and put the 1700 in a server. Never had any issues with the 3900x on linux, so getting a newer generation ryzen for you PC second hand or something might just fix it as well.

  • 😠Meta just showed off Threads’ fediverse integration for the very first time😠
  • Until meta starts to slowly block small instances and we end up with the next email. Technically federated, but controlled by a few large corporations that dictates the block lists. Let us block them first so we get to define what the fediverse should look like, not them.

  • Ahead of IPO, Reddit blends advertising into user posts as FTC starts asking questions about that mega-deal with Google to train AI
  • I don't know what to do to get good search results anymore if this happens. Using has been the only way recently to find opinions from actual people regarding some product I'm considering. Maybe I'll just stop buying things and go live in a cave. Can't trust any information online anymore.

  • [Youtube] Top 15 Must Install Best GNOME Extensions
  • This many extensions in gnome will be fragile. Extensions have a tendency to stop working on gnome updates. The more extensions, the more issues you're gonna have. Though will probably work fine on a stable slow moving distro like debian or something.

    Personally I use 3 extensions: dash to dock, app indicators and desktop icons.

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • I was just thinking about a possible solution based on what we have. I agree it would be better if cross post comments were federated, but I guess there's different opinions on that (do the lemmy devs agree for example?).

  • Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • If it is possible to detect which posts are cross posts, it should be possible to create a client app that combines the threads. Maybe give you an option to chose which one to post your comment.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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