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Does anybody actually use trunk based development in their company?
  • At my last company, we used the scaled TBD. For personal projects I do the same. It’s honestly really nice. Not having to worry about merging issues between a dev branch and main branch was probably the biggest benefit. The code base also felt more accessible to the team. Cherry-picking a particular commit that a teammate worked on that’s been merged but I needed on my feature/bug branch was also painless.

  • How to reach out to university staff for consultation
  • Mainly about asteroids, their trajectories, and potential composition but from a slightly fictional perspective. I want to make certain things accurate and believable while still getting a little creative.

  • How to reach out to university staff for consultation

    I’m working on an indie game that deals with Space Sciences. I’m nearby a well-known university for aerospace and space sciences and could use some guidance from people that know the subject well. The university’s faculty directory helped me find potential contacts but I’m not too sure on the proper etiquette for contacting them.

    Do I just contact a few of them individually to their uni emails? Do I contact their provided phone numbers? Do I reach out to the Department Head and ask for their guidance? Is payment usually expected for an initial conversation like this?

    "I want to live forever in AI"
  • I understand your point. But science has also shown us over time that things we thought were magic were actually things we can figure out. Consciousness is definitely up there in that category of us not fully understanding it. So what might seem like magic now, might be well-understood science later.

    Not able to provide links at the moment, but there are also examples on the other side of the argument that lead us to think that maybe consciousness isn’t fully tied to physical components. Sure, the brain might interface with senses, consciousness, and other parts to give us the whole experience as a human. But does all of that equate to consciousness? Is the UI of a system the same thing as the user?

  • What skill can I learn while stimming?
  • True, cutaway locks aren’t needed. I recently heard of a neat idea where you can call around various storage businesses and ask if they have cut locks from people who lost their unit. It won’t be useful to lock anything but great for practice. Unfortunately the one near me throws theirs away regularly so I need to call around more to see what I can find.

  • What skill can I learn while stimming?
  • Lockpicking maybe? Just recently got into it as a bucket list hobbies but it’s actually really entertaining. They sell practice cutaway locks that fit easily in one hand as you fidget about with the lock picks.

  • He quit heading the Pentagon’s UFO office. Now a report of his has shaken up ufology
  • “…that any USG [US government] investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP [unidentified aerial phenomenon] represented extraterrestrial technology”.

    Could it be clever wording? It doesn’t represent extraterrestrial tech if they found that UAP sightings originate from Earth somehow.

  • Men over 30, what is the hardest part of balancing a work / home life?
  • Just recently got out of a really well-paying full time, work from home programming gig because of difficulty with finding that balance. Not having to commute obviously saves me a ton of time in the day, but it started becoming really hard to separate work from home.

    But the hardest part was the lack of energy and mental space to really enjoy my time with the family. I struggled hard with keeping work thoughts away when not “at work”. Some days I would try to start work a little early to have more time in the afternoon, but then by the time the kids were home from school, settled, homework, showers, dinner, I was totally shot. I was either super tired, in a funk from a crappy day, or on the rare days I was good, they wanted to do their own thing which they totally have the right to do.

    This was probably due to the work environment always being high-pressure and getting constant promises of better a pace for the team that never came, so if the job was a little better I would’ve maybe not have dealt with those issues.

  • What lunches do you eat on a weekly basis?
  • Not sure if you work from home, but if so, canned chicken can go a long way. You can make quick quesadillas, chicken salads, make rice the day or morning before and mix that with some sautéed canned chicken with olive oil and seasonings of your choice.

    Another quick go to for me is gluten free nuggets and chicken patties. IMO they’re even tastier than the other common options. A little pricier though but well worth it.

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