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Wordle 1,119 2024.07.12
  • Though one

    Wordle 1.119 5/6
  • Wordle 1,117 2024.07.10
  • Wordle 1.117 3/6
  • Wordle 1,116 2024.07.09
  • Wordle 1.116 3/6

    What's your tactic? I now have a solid stating word (many vowels) that got me good results in the past couple of games

  • xkcd #2954: Bracket Symbols
  • ((( )))

    You're read something written by a right wing lunatic (Wiki )

  • Wordle 1.111 2024.07.04 Wordle - A daily word game

    Guess the hidden word in 6 tries. A new puzzle is available each day.

    Wordle - A daily word game

    ``` Wordle 1.111 3/6

    ⬛⬛🟩🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ```

    Wordle 1,109 2024.07.02
  • Wordle 1.109 5/6






    First time I've ever played, pretty fun actually! No idea how to format it properly tho

  • Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • In Germany at least I think th most popular unit is Bar

  • Backdoor slipped into multiple WordPress plugins in ongoing supply-chain attack
  • Elementor shudders

    What an absolute nightmare that was

  • EU attempt to sneak through new encryption-eroding law slammed by Signal, politicians
  • They always try to sneak in the worst stuff during big events it seems - people are distracted by football? Great, let's quickly push through some awful, questionable legislation.

  • Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • Yes, that's what I meant with "not easily", you need the bridge

  • Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • Using proton for a while, the only pain I have is that it can't be easily set up in your average mail client (Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.)

  • I wish there was a website where people can upload and view historic photos of roads and places on a map UI
  • On Google earth pro you can also look at older versions of the satellite maps, which is also very cool

  • Feature request: Warn when leaving App to open a link

    I like to look at stuff inside the app, but rarely check the URL before clicking on a post. It's always irritating when the browser, or even worse, the YouTube app pops open.

    It would be neat to have the option to get a prompt when leaving the app. Could be totally optional and activated only when selected in the settings.

    Thanks, love the app anyway, just a small improvement.

    How long have you been in there?! A popular tourist destination in China has installed toilet timers. Reactions are mixed.
  • If your social credit score is high enough, you get 5 extra minutes on the Throne!

  • California socialite Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 to life for killing 2 kids in crosswalk
  • As a non American, what does "15 years to life" mean?

  • Man named Optimus Prime arrested for car theft in south Austin
  • Freeing one of his brethren from the enslavement by the humans

  • Got no time to code
  • Direct co-workers usually ask, it's mostly higher-ups that do it. I guess they think that they're important enough to do it. I absolutely ignore it if I don't have time or are on break.

  • Got no time to code
  • That would imply that people check your calendar before randomly calling. I get calls on Teams even when setting it to appear offline.

  • Freedom!
  • It might not necessarily depict a trans woman, and rather a man in drag - who are also targeted by right-wingers

  • CDU-Umfrage zum Verbrennerverbot [zu wegen "Manipulation"]
  • Vielleicht auch verwirrte CDU-Wähler die von der doppelten Verneinung verwirrt sind 😁

  • Rolls-Royce gets Poland's backing to build its nuclear power plants
  • Still mad that the visitor centre was closed when I stayed basically nextdoor to it.

  • Comment edit opens the wrong comment

    I was trying to edit a second comment (grrr autocorrect) in a thread I have previously edited a comment, but the app always loads the first comment I edited.

    It works fine of I use the web interface (on

    Bester Anbieter für gebrauchte Laptops?

    Kohle ist aktuell etwas knapp, hätte trotzdem gerne einen günstigen Laptop für unterwegs. Welche Anbieter könnt ihr für gebrauchte Laptops empfehlen?


    Bewacher des Ehrenmals für ukrainische Soldaten in Warna (Bulgarien)

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