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I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • I just take it as an opportunity to block people these days. “You gave your kid pizza so you’re a shit lazy parent and no mitigating factor will be considered” is a pretty clear indicator that they don’t need any openings into my attention span lol.

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • It’s crazy that you went way out of your way to placate the internet assholes and they still found something to be insufferable about.

  • When the fuck did we start singing "shit"?
  • You’re the one who fucked your uncle, uncle fucker!

  • Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV.
  • Such as? If you have a reasonably priced OLED dumb tv with HDR and 120FPS up your sleeve you will be my favorite internet friend.

  • Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV.
  • I wish there were more high quality dumb TVs. Most of the dumb TVs I can find today are both very expensive and lack the features I’m looking for like HDR and 120hz+ frame rates.

    I know the argument is that the privacy invasions are subsidizing the cost of the TV but I have yet to see non-anecdotal evidence of that and suspect that the price of the TV would be the same either way because the market will only support so much expense.

  • Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months
  • Big Foot actually being a catchall term for major shoe manufacturers is one of my new favorite things.

    Maybe they started the ape-man Bigfoot rumors to distract people from the true evil of Big Foot.

  • Ya know what they say about big noses....
  • A much luckier researcher, meanwhile, measured the lengths of their flaccid nose.

    Comedy gold.

  • Wells Fargo fires workers over fake keyboard activity
  • Was there a claim of lack of output that I didn’t see? I admittedly skimmed this.

    I was under the impression that the only issue was that they weren’t in their seats when they were supposed to be, which is so fucking stupid I struggle to find words to describe it.

    I am a manager, people report to me. I judge if they’re working effectively based on their output, and as long as the output is what the job requires I could not care less when they’re at their desks. They’re being paid to get work done, not sit in their seats.

    Some jobs do require that you sit in your seat for x hours a day, but we shouldn’t pretend all jobs do.

  • New poll finds younger employees are struggling at work
  • The studies may be recent, but what they represent is not. I doubt anyone is surprised by this.

  • I 100% support this new Harry Potter
  • The cut off “listen here” at the bottom took it past the edge of believability for me, but up to that point I was like 50/50 haha.

  • Brushed [Perry Bible Fellowship]
  • What? Like… in any language they’re still all bristles on a handle.

  • Brushed [Perry Bible Fellowship]
  • They’re all brushes my dude.

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • I think there’s a very clear and distinctive difference between an upfront, honest cost for a content pack; and breaking that content pack into itty bitty bits and charging for each.

    The latter has an obvious goal of obfuscating the total cost of the content pack, so as to inflate it past what their market research indicates people would normally be willing to pay.

    It’s dishonest and anti-consumer, and it’s foolish as the consumer not to push back against this practice before it becomes normal.

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • Fun fact: when you need to resort to hyperbole it’s a good indicator that your position may not have merit.

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • It’s funny how people will chant “vote with your wallet” but when someone votes against business practices they don’t agree with using their wallet they’re all surprised pikachu about it.

    Charging per quest in a micro transaction scheme (which isn’t really micro at a $10 entry fee) is shitty and I don’t want to support it by pumping their gameplay numbers right after announcing it.

  • Starfield's latest update draws player ire by sticking a bounty hunting quest behind the Creation Club paywall
  • Damn, I was just thinking of giving SF another shot. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.

  • Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds
  • Strategic voting is a direct result of first past the post voting; effectively any system that uses FPTP will result in a two party system where your vote gets used against the other person not for your choice.

    I’ll continue to shill for ranked choice voting whenever I see any opportunity.

  • Those were the days
  • No way, I make my living typing; I am very very careful about this and I’ve been super successful. Only three fingers lost.

  • Defederation requests, how to?

    Do we have an established practice for requesting defederation?

    I would very much like to request that we defederate from (because I would prefer to keep my lemmy experience free of loli porn) and I went looking for the best way to do this, but the best I could come up with was posting to meta and that seems like the wrong place.

    I feel like I missed something obvious ¯\(ツ)

    natecox Nate Cox
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    Comments 285