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After Ubisoft shut down The Crew's servers, this group of modders began work to bring them back
  • Not having a good case will not stop a team of highly paid lawyers from moving forward and forcing the mod team to pay for lawyers as the corporate law team pull every string they can to cause delays and try and wait until the mod team runs out of money to pay lawyers.

    Even in jurisdictions that have laws to deal with SLAP suits, you have to come up with the cash upfront to fight the case.

    Edit: fixed autocorrect mistake

  • Come on! Where's the other half?
  • She might be ridiculous, but moonchild you have an unhealthy obsession. You shouldn't be thinking of some shit influencer every single day.

  • This is fine.
  • And watch a whole lot of YouTube videos!

  • Stop comparing programming languages
  • What happens if I run paint splatters through OCR? Hmmmmm that random output looks like Perl. Holy shit it is Perl!

    This actually happening is one reason I love the internet.

  • A Toronto cop stole her dead sister’s credit card. The wait for justice was ‘maddening’
  • Not the cops, they won't show up till it's to late, and if they do show up there is a good chance they kill you or your dog.

  • Saudi Aramco chief calls energy transition strategy a 'misguided' failure
  • guy who's country is built on nothing but oil money doesnt want the world to stop buying oil

    Im not even a little surprised

  • Billionaire energy drink mogul hid hordes of cash in Swiss bank accounts, senator's letter alleges
  • TLDR: The billionaire entrepreneur behind 5-Hour Energy drinks, Manoj Bhargava, has been accused of hiding hundreds of millions of dollars in undeclared offshore bank accounts, Business Insider has learned.

  • NSFW
    Barbie for when you're an adult
  • Sex dolls exist

  • Venture capital firm Battery Ventures says new businesses that are replacing human workers with AI are already dramatically out-performing those that don't.
  • It was the end of well paying jobs for many many people, while it did end up making the standard of living better, there was a not insignificant chunk of time where it got worse for a lot of people.

    Didn't fear the the result, fear the transition period.

  • Latam Airlines: Fifty hurt as jet to NZ hit by 'technical' issue
  • Boeing aircraft and technical issues, I can't think of a more iconic duo.

  • Orban: Trump will stop funding Ukraine if elected
  • Ah the party of bootlickers

  • AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
  • Huh, software trained on humans still has human biases, who would have thought this could be an issue..... If only there had been a way to see this coming.

  • $1 grilled cheese
  • There is nothing coffee doesn't go with

  • Deleted
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  • Programming Dad jokes are so bad yet so good.

  • Deleted
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  • I got delivery from the restaurant. They do not do deliveries anymore. To ignore the fact that the landscape has changed significantly and just blame the people ordering is to miss a majority of the picture. Turns out life has nuance.

  • Deleted
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  • Looks like a Toyota Camry

  • So I created some Foss themed stones
  • I'm not sure gimp conveys the right message. Don't get me wrong, I use gimp, but unless you are already in the FOSS world, image editing is not even close to the top of the list of what people think when they hear gimp.

  • Reverse is better, it's an even shorter gear than first so the engine has to spin more times per wheel revolution.

  • How could we have let this happen?
  • New Mexico was New Mexico long before Mexico was Mexico