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VLC Player
  • Never liked vlc. Only used mpv and mplayer before that. A few times I had some problems with mpv and forumposts have insisted "just use vlc", and it never helped. First time I installed it for such troubleshooting I noticed there was no manual, just a mile long help print. I just uninstalled it right there, that time.

  • Sand Batteries vs Water Batteries
  • Should you at the very least not have the energy difference between something like 20°C and whatever the max is (100°C for water, as you put). All the energy down to 0K will not be possible to extract. This should favour sand even more.

  • Big Science
  • There are several problems here. One being you cannot train every nurse or everyone self-adminestering the medicin to be a professional in it. Which was the hidden assumption made in the course. So "test it exactly like that" does not really work.

  • Big Science
  • In my ethics course during the phd program, I was told this was actually a good thing. Their example was pharma companies know how to use their drugs better so they get better results, more true results. If that was true, it's unfortunate it's not the pharma company that also handles treatments then. That course also said that software patents does not exist as a concept.

  • Sweden orders review after 'explosion' of ADHD cases
  • Well, the current government said they wanted an explosion of adhd cases before the election. Then it was because they all the imigrants that grow up to be criminals were undiagnosed adhd cases, they said. So... They are happy now? Or are they not happy about it because it did not solve crimes?

  • We had an r/place at my engineering school
  • In Sweden they seem to be trying to make the first one true. A university made it forbidden to have 'any conversation that may be interpreted as political to a passer-by' anywhere on campus. It was celebrated by the minister for higher education (liberal party member) as a brilliant step against "wokeness". It was retracted, because it is not possible to enforce. But the government is doing an investigation against universities to root out "wokeness".

  • Nazi Propagandist Nick Fuentes Caught on Stream Watching Gay Porn
  • Not very surprising, right? He was once basically on a date with a guy, and a lot of times has he talked about how the company of other men is his preference. Sure, just some usual rightwing misogony, bit there always seemed to be something else there too.

  • xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths
  • No, the problem is very different. In string theory you have a lot of freedom to build various models, and they can provide the standard model, slight deviations from it, or something completely different. Before LHC we knew we had some version of the standard model, the hope was that the LHC would find that we have some particular deviation, like supersymmetry (susy) with such-and-such masses and particles. It did not. The prediction is susy, the problem is that the prediction (at least yet) is not exactly this type of susy. String theory says there is supposed to be a lot of extra stuff beyond the standard model, question is just how do you find it, which is made harder by string theory allowing for so many models.

  • xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths
  • These are very broad statements that are not very easy to comment on. "Every single idea", makes it sound like they are a lot, I would not say they are. "Was rejected", depends what you mean... " did not show positiv results", "no longer possible to motivate economically", sure, " refuted as bullshit", not so much. "Was made more complex", sounds like there is intent, and/or, depending on what you mean by complex, that it would be necessarily a bad thing to using more advanced maths to formulate things you could not before, and hence solve new problems.

    I can mention two possible avenues of inquiry that are less than 5 years old that has sprung from string theory as possible support for it: signals of black hole structure in gravitational wave 'ring downs' of black hole mergers, and the exclusion of a positive cosmological constant. But if you know that these are untestable or rejected, I'd love to hear about it.

  • xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths
  • It's not untestable. It gives predictions and there has been tests for those predictions. The unfortunate part is that the predictions are often not very concrete, and the range of a lot of these predictions lies far beyond our capabilities. But people are looking to measure them indirectly in various ways. So it's not like it is untestable by design or anything like that.

  • [Help] Setting up your own e-mail/smtp for alerts?


    I'm looking for some way to send my own alerts via e-mail in some way. Whenever I try to search for this, most docker images have a much grander goal, and I have a hard time understanding how to use them for my purpose.

    What would I want? It'd be nice to have a docker running some smpt-server (I suppose), so that I can make my own python script that scrapes a website, looks at some metric, and e-mails me whenever whatever I'm looking for is found. I only want it to be available on and to receive mails from localhost, no dns, just forward e-mails to my personal one, no web-interface, etc.

    I'm quite new to self-hosting, but I hope you still understand what I'm looking for. Is it possible? Should I look for another solution? Will this not work? Any help/input very much welcome.

    Kristersson: Allvarligaste läget sedan andra världskriget Kristersson: Allvarligaste läget sedan andra världskriget

    ”Vi befinner oss i det allvarligaste säkerhetspolitiska läget sedan andra världskriget”, skriver statsminister Ulf Kristersson i ett inlägg på Instagram på söndagen. Ulf Kristersson har på söndagen även haft kontakt med Danmarks statsminister Mette Frederiksen om hur man ska komma tillrätta med kora...

    Kristersson: Allvarligaste läget sedan andra världskriget

    Är det inte väldigt konstigt att statsministern gömmer sig bakom en post på sociala medier speciellt om nu läget är det mest allvarliga sedan andra världskriget. Borde inte det om något vara värt en presskonferens?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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