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Fuck up a book for me please
  • It now reads like a 4th grader diarrhoea diary

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • I always pack several tablets of dehydrated water with me so if I'm running out, I can just dissolve a couple to have something to drink or cook with

  • Update: root cellar with vaulted ceiling
  • I'm in Germany yes, that's a good idea, thank you. The person who sold us the bricks took them out of a building in a village near Karlsruhe, he might know more about the story of that place, we definitely plan on sending him pictures of our construction and we shall ask if he knows more.

  • "cool" and "hot" are both compliments
  • Yet, some of my favorite communities are Mildly Interesting and Mildly Infuriating.

  • Update: root cellar with vaulted ceiling
  • Most definitely!

  • Update: root cellar with vaulted ceiling
  • Oh yeah good question! That's not staying like that. According to the building theory books I read a jointing in an arch can be anywhere between 5mm and 10mm of mortar inside (1/4' to 1/2') and up to 25mm outside (1 inch)

    The empty space will be filled completely with mortar next week. It was a huge mess when laying the bricks vertically against the wooden formwork, we noticed how ugly it looked when moving it off after laying the two first slices.

    The plan is to use some kind of piping bag and inject the mortar precisely in the gap, then smooth it uniformly. There are different shapes, we haven't decided yet which one we will use:

  • Update: root cellar with vaulted ceiling
  • Thank you! It will be nice to leave something tangible behind, and we learn many new skills along the way

  • Update: root cellar with vaulted ceiling

    Hi everyone

    It's been a while, I skipped a couple of weeks to get things going on our project!

    Last time I wrote we had finished 3 slices of the roof. In the meantime, we finished the 4 next ones and completed the roof.


    Eventually we were able to do a complete layer in one day, the second one on top the following day, and move the wooden structure the third day.

    We held off laying the last slice to finish the front wall (and be eventually able to attach the ceiling to it), making a door lintel out of cinderblocks and reinforced concrete.


    The suspense was high whether we would have enough bricks to finish the project and it turned out we had just 3 extra at the end!


    One of the bricks revealed a handwritten signature which turns out to mean "Ludwig Herman". We are still investigating who and when :)


    Next, we will spend many hours cleaning the grout from the inside to free the bricks and make nice regular joints. Then we will insulate the outside with a pond liner and cover the root cellar under a thick layer of dirt.


    See you soon!

    Well this aged like fine fine milk.
  • This would have been better for everyone involved

  • Caption this.
  • That's a starprick if I'm not mistaken

  • Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms
  • Good reference, you get an Internet Point™ from me

  • Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms
  • Yeah but realistically, I can't do much about the fact that people believe. There are other fights I'm taking on in my life, and doing good around me seems like a more productive way to spend my energy.

    Also, I come from a country where atheism has past the threshold of 50% of the population last year (from 25% 10 years earlier). It seems that people are turning their back to religion here anyway.

  • Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms
  • Well I agree with that, religion plays no role in my life, except making me angry at times. But if people want to live in a fantasy on their own time, fine with me.

  • Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms
  • Let's have something of each religion on earth in each classroom of America, it won't look silly I promise. -_-

    Religion doesn't belong in public spaces.

  • Apple AirPods Bug Allows Eavesdropping
  • yeah that's an absolutely fair point, when everything is read out loud there's a lot of information transiting through the audio signal

  • Apple AirPods Bug Allows Eavesdropping
  • I feel sorry for whoever had to sit through hours and hours of Minecraft livestreams, indie Mongolian folk and endless audiobooks of classic scifi I fall asleep to

  • Time to move
  • I wasn't gonna factcheck some banter on a meme community but yeah, the disparity is lower :)

  • Time to move
  • Don't forget that life expectancy is much lower in the states, a 30yo American is as worn out as a 40 yo European

  • Felix then Alice
  • Oh sorry I assumed Felix was a male name :)

  • Felix then Alice
  • Felix really looked like a sweet bean, I'm sorry that you lost him. It looks like he was provided a good home <3

  • Linus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in PHP Linus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in PHP

    Linus Torvalds reveals plans to rewrite the Linux kernel using the web dev langue: PHP. The news has cause controversy among the tech community

    Finally i'm gonna be able to contribute!

    Schrift auf Ziegelstein entziffern [gelöst]

    Hi! Ich baue aktuell einen Erdkeller mit einem Tonnengewölbe aus Ziegelsteine die von alten Gebäuden gewonnen wurden.

    Beim Säubern habe ich eine Handschrift unter dem Kalkzement enthüllt und wundere was es bedeutet. Kann jemand hier vielleicht helfen? Danke ☺️

    Die obere Zeile sieht wie "Ludwig" aus

    Ich habe auch versucht auf dem Foto die Rinnen nachzumalen, vielleicht hilft das?


    Mehr über das Bauprojekt hier 1/2 und hier 2/2

    Weekly update: vaulted root cellar

    Hello everyone! Thank you for all the positive comments last week.

    We managed to double the length of the vaulted roof, laying the 3rd and 4th slice, in four 3 to 4-hour sessions.


    The bricks are from old dismantled buildings, still covered in lime cement and need to be submerged in water and brushed individually. My SO is doing the laying, and I'm cleaning + assessing each brick.


    We also get better with putting a smaller amount of grout to avoid spilling, because it's going to be a lot of work to clean all the joints.


    This week, we expect to be able to lay 2 additional rows, and next week do the last slice, finish the door lintel (new word!) and front wall.

    Lastly, a picture of me, because you know, we're getting familiar in the c/Do It Yourself family <3 Have a great week everyone!


    Doing masonry for a root cellar vaulted ceiling

    Decided to build something rather complex as a first project and it's proving challenging at ever step of the way, but I'm really proud of how it's turning out.

    We'll have a lot of work to clean the joints but it's going to be worth it I think. Something for the generations to come, if it doesn't collapse :-)

    ! ! !


    The misspelling of "literally" makes it even better

    Baked pastries for my colleagues

    Today I celebrated my 11th year in my company and spent 2 days baking a variety of pastries

    • strawberry yogurt mousse twisters with velvet chocolate cover
    • mango & passion mascarpone spheres with mirror glaze
    • banana caramel chocolate mousses with velvet chocolate cover
    • mini lemon tart with Italian meringue
    • mini star anise chocolate ganache tarts
    • opéra layered cake with coffee buttercream and chocolate ganache
    special characters are dope

    cross-posted from:

    > > \ö/ > | > /Ï\ > / \ >

    YUROPean values

    Freedom to take a third job to repay that medical debt

    Paren't jest

    Alt Text: > DocAtCDI > > > > It's inappropriate to make a dad joke if you're not a dad. > > It's a faux pa. > > Jan 15, 2024 at 06:32

    morgunkorn morgunkorn
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