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I’m having too much sex in my lucid dreams. How can I reduce it?
  • No I think he means the youtuber Dream

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • Cockatrice for example! We've used that one so far but there's other good ones too

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • is there any chance I could get a pin on the games comm for a week while we try to grow this little scene :3

  • Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!

    Feel free to join up. We play with digital tools which mean you don't need to own any cards in real life to play. Link is open for next 7 days, if you see this post after then, send me a DM for a fresh link.

    i know that took restraint
  • Do you have a version you can share without the text? wowee

  • Anyone interested in some hexbear online magic the gathering?

    Magic the gathering usually requires you to pay money to get pieces of cards to play with IRL, but we don't have that restriction playing digitally. I usually play on Tabletop Simulator, but there's also the free and less computer demanding Cockatrice.

    For newcomers to the game: Magic the gathering is a fairly complicated game, but you can learn it incrementally, learning new mechanics as you get more involved in it. I'd be happy to teach beginners. When you begin really understanding it, it only gets more and more fun. It's also a social game, meaning there's modes of play where you don't have to try hard, and you can play for fun without playing to win.

    If you're interested in playing, leave a comment or send me a DM and if we get enough people (a regular game takes 3-4 players) I'll try to organise a game. Note down your timezone as well in your message if you're comfortable sharing that.

  • That's Raiden from the Metal Gear series. There's a faction in that universe called "The Patriots". More info here, if you wish to be enlightened:

  • Capitalism breeds innovation
  • As in, you're saying it's unsafe because you can't reliably expect to deliver even half-decent quality products? Because that seems fair to me with how cheap the prices are. My mate ordered some cheap designed pins to put on his backpack which looked just fine, he quit the app because of le china spying porky-scared-flipped
    Idk what the behavioralist skinner box metaphor is supposed to imply.

  • Capitalism breeds innovation
  • So but fr is Temu safe/okay to use in :western-world-emoji: ? I've heard bad things about it like they're spying on you in the app and stuff but so does meta so shrug-outta-hecks

  • Just walked into the living room to see my partner lifting weights to the Soviet national anthem
  • I like to squat/deadlift to the soviet anthem at the gym

  • Class Solidarity
  • Aren't we all libs here?

  • Oh, for fuck's sake.
  • why is he being spammed everywhere? or is it just on hexbear? are they going to make him be the democratic candidate when biden dies?

  • The same people who fell asleep during Dune 1 because it was "boring" also....
  • I thought dune 1 and 2 were both great but I unironically did fall asleep for segments of both of them. in my defense i was really comfy at the time comfy-cool

  • Capitalist Innovation.
  • You have the marketing budget to sponsor posts on reddit, but no money to pay a graphic designer even 5$ for something better than a ChatGPT screenshot? This smells of "Boss said I have a 500$ marketing budget, so 400 goes to the ad and 100 goes to my pockets".

  • Bloomberg: "Adobe Is Buying Videos for $3 Per Minute to Build AI Model"
  • How does "blowing money" on it work (i.e. how does it hurt the big guys and hopefully help the little guys)? Like, one tech giant spends a bunch of money buying petabytes of video from another tech giant, the tech giants as a whole haven't really lost anything, have they? The foreigners doing the data labeling aren't benefiting off this as they're paid pennies, the only people I can see winning from this is techbros as the demand for them temporarily increases until the fad dies down.

  • Can Ukraine Find New Soldiers Without Decimating a Whole Generation?
  • Can anyone share a sans-paywall link? Or if there's a good way to bypass it on firefox, do share that please lenin-confused
    (note: i tried this one and it didnt work)

  • PSA: ExpressVPN, PIA, and Cyberghost are all run by Israeli intelligence
  • Oh lol yeah I meant 100Mbps I was typing that at 4am giga tired

  • PSA: ExpressVPN, PIA, and Cyberghost are all run by Israeli intelligence
  • Kaspersky:

    Server speeds of up to 10 Gbps keep your devices running fast

    Does this mean I have to browse through them at 10Gbps instead of the typical 100Gbps I get from my ISP? Seems a bit painful

  • TTRPG Campaign LFP: Weekly Sci-Fi game about being communist privateers in outer space.

    Hey everyone. What the title says. I've run a few sessions in my setting already, but my group is filled with !LIBs so I wanna try this campaign idea with a new group.


    Setting? Political Space Opera. Big inspirations include: Star Wars (OT, The Mandalorian, Andor) , Firefly, Disco Elysium, Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex. You can read and look through a visual guide of my setting here: The Aesthetics of the universe, and a brief guide to some big planets: A brief guide to the political structure of the universe, and the megacorporations:

    System? My preferred sci-fi system is Stars Without Number. It's light-weight and easily modifiable, so it can handle adding new content unique to my game and playgroup. Quick to learn, especially for dnd veterans.

    When? I'm located in europe, in the CET time zone. I'll be running the game in the evenings, which means if you're an american, you'll be playing right after waking up. Expect the game to start somewhere around 6PM CET, and run for 3 hours weekly. Which day of the week we play can be decided later, but it will likely be a weekday.

    How long do I have to commit for? It's hard to sign up for a game and then feel like a weekday is locked in for months for a specific activity. We'll start things with a one-shot adventure, and if that goes well, we can plan out another month of sessions.

    I'm interested! Great! Please send me a private message with a little about yourself here on hexbear and include your discord, I'll contact you from there.


    About me as a DM I have 5 years experience DMing and playing. My style of DMing can be read about here:

    Review from a satisfied player: "I always felt like we as PCs had the opportunity to make our mark on the world. There were clearly things going on, "hooks" one might say, but if we wanted to handle those in a completely different way than what was obvious, Moondog let it play out. One of the most, if not the single most immersive DMs I've played with to this day in that sense. Real sense of verisimilitude in the world. I think a major highlight for me was playing a wizard and using my spells, even illusion ones. Moondog as a GM plays with you, will ask you to explain your intention and then you'll find a way it would work in the world. "

    Mark My Words: Before 2026 we'll hear about several human Neuralink patients who died before this successful one

    No way they got that shit working on humans on the first try. Someone or several people died (or were permanently damaged) from it and they've covered it up.

    My favourite rationalwiki joke

    they've removed the part within the parentheses at some point since i took the sc because they're cowards
