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Germans and pizza
  • I’m technically German — but after decades of hiding from reality on the anglophone internet, it’s ceased to be my native language or culture…

  • Heroic launcher improves GOG support with language, DLC, version management and more Release Heroic 2.13 "Dorry & Broggy" · Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

    HI! The day has come for a new Heroic release and here we are, with one of the biggest in recent times. This new release brings tons of new features and improvements for GOG games which makes it mo...

    Release Heroic 2.13 "Dorry & Broggy" · Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

    Note that when the changelog mentions "Windows builds" or "Mac builds", they mean the games, not builds of Heroic itself… I think.

    What desktop environments are you using?
  • Plasma. Though on one Thinkpad I’m trying Pop!_OS’s take on Gnome (usable launcher/grid/menu and automatic window tiling).

  • Currently free at GOG: Beholder 2 (2018, native Linux) Beholder 2

    Every citizen of our great State dreams of working at the Prime Ministry! You are lucky,

    Beholder 2
    Dual Boot?
  • Yes. I think Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 were my last "anchors" to Windows (7, at the time). I barely ever booted into it… I wanted to be NOT IN WINDOWS more than I wanted to play big fat luxury games.

    But I did keep it around until there just wasn’t anything left that I wanted to run but couldn’t. The first Humble Indie Bundles with games like FEZ and Limbo had been out by that point as well as a few bigger titles like The Witcher 2. Wine was much more painful than it is now.

    I’ve generally made sure not to buy too “crazy” hardware (like Bluetooth controllers… yes, I’m old and a neophobe and I don’t know what else).

  • SteamOS 3.0 on a jailbroken PS4
  • That could be sweet. Of course, they’ve already tried that, but SteamOS wasn’t really ready then.

    And I suppose anyone can get a random mini PC and install Steam on it…

  • Battlestations! What are you gaming on?

    Text descriptions, neofetches, photos; it’s all fine!

    SteamOS 3.0 on a jailbroken PS4 Release: SteamOS 3.0 for PS4 (unofficial) -

    PS4 Scene developer Nazky has released a port of SteamOS 3.0 compatible with your (jailbroken) PS4. What is SteamOS for PS4 SteamOS 3.0 is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux, mostly designed to...

    Release: SteamOS 3.0 for PS4 (unofficial) -
    TFW the game actually works on GNU+Linux
  • By now I just expect it to work, unless it’s some drm-tastic ultrapopular multiplayer game. I don’t even check protondb any more…

  • Halo Infinite
  • Wine has come a long way! Though Linux-native gaming is not on AAA studios’ radar…

  • Tux Racer OST is an MK-ULTRA project case
  • I’ll have to check it out then.

  • Here goes… I don’t know what.

    This is not really a thing yet.

    ^(Edit: I think it is now.)^

    >Hoo boy; we have all sorts of formatting options here!

    10 print "goto 10"; 20 hello world!


    (Personally, I liked to spell it GO TO wherever it’d let me)


    monolalia monolalia
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