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60% of Open-Source Maintainers Are Unpaid: It's Concerning & What We Can Do About it
  • This is shit and true:

    I think organizations utilizing open-source projects for their benefit are slacking off in rewarding the maintainers handsomely.

    I have been working at software company which prefer to use free tools and expect perfect result. They just keep their money even for motivation own developers, what to say about rewarding free tools maintainers. No culture of consuming, no gratefulness. Just business, just making money, they count every cent, I hate this. That I can see when the goal of software business is just making income.

  • .dev Nelua programming language, any one Nim or better? Nelua programming language, any one Nim or better?

    ”What is Nelua? Nelua is a systems programming language for performance sensitive applications, like real-time applications and game engines. Its syntax and semantics are similar to Lua, but its garbage collection is optional, it provides optional type notations, and it is free from an interpreter. Nelua uses ahead-of-time compilation to generate optimized native binaries. It is metaprogrammable at compile-time using Lua and it is simple and easy to use.

    Nelua takes advantage of ahead-of-time compilation using powerful, optimized C compilers such as GCC or Clang, and thus generates very efficient native code. No interpreter is needed at runtime.

    Nelua compiles to C first then to native code, thus you can read and debug the generated C code, mix in other C code without costs, create or use C libraries, use C tools, and reuse the generated C code. You can think of Nelua like a "better C" heavily inspired by Lua.”

    Any thoughts, experiences?

    Lies, Damn Lies, and Surveys About AI
  • Any one hype around AI. As I already wrote:

    The world will be divided into people who have outgrown AI and those who haven't grown up to it. Is it sad? No. It's natural. There are many such things in the world without AI. We just already stink of this hype around AI. And someone will stick it in every conference, in every project. This is not from great intelligence. From the inability to do better with their own hands and brains than AI. Crafters will survive in this crazy hustle, the main thing is to see where you can do better and do it there.

    Who hire developers which uses Copilot or ChatGPT should divide salary and gives AI his bread.

  • .dev It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.
  • We are trying to make better but in most cases we always migrate to new stacks, new languages, UI.

  • .dev It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.
  • There are just different communities. C still have mature community and own evolution, you just following hype, I also was high from rust in the past.

    I am not going to prove you something.
    This post is my vibe as from high...
    Someone resonate, others no, it doesn't matter. Maybe someone will find necessary high in it. In general nothing will change. C will not die and not going to die, so I have no intention to save it. It doesn't need it. C community knows it.

  • .dev Why is C hidden gold?
  • You are right I have never took a class on security and I am not security development specialist, so from your point it is reasonable.

  • .dev It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language. It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.

    Why am I writing this post? Not because I hope for something or believe in change. These are just words. I could write this at the end, but then you would be looking for answers for me while reading, and I don’t need them. They won’t change anything. So here it is. I don’t claim to be a software development guru or a C language expert. I’m just a simple developer.

    \- Why are we looking for new technologies? Why do we want to be part of a community that is buzzing with new projects? Why do we think that this new programming language will definitely help us create something amazing and truly great and, of course, will make us rich and provide us with a comfortable old age?

    \- Why are we offered so many courses in so many programming languages and frameworks? Why do we teach what is required for companies that make money from us?

    \- Why are there a lot of conferences on banal simple things, such as \\\* framework or ### technology (so as not to offend anyone), and there, with a smart look, newly minted gurus tell us how important it is to be able to transfer the value to the client and how to use certain templates?

    \- Why do computers become more and more powerful, but programs continue to lag?

    \- Why, when applying for a job, do we look for a vacancy based on knowledge of a programming language, but find it only based on knowledge of certain frameworks? Is it really difficult for a professional programmer to learn a framework in a week?

    \- Why do we go into software development with the enthusiasm to create something great, but end up in a situation where we are developing some other catalog or some other digital yo-yo to make money?

    Reason: because we want our passion for programming, our interest, to also bring us income. Result: we do not earn this money for ourselves, but for companies whose main goal is to quickly receive income from the software they sell.

    I look at how programming has changed over the course of 25 years, what they teach at universities, and where they start. And I came to the conclusion that on a large scale, it was all for the benefit of giant companies or the government.

    We must protect the “intimate” knowledge of the foundations and water the roots ourselves. Because they don’t realize, they don’t see that if the roots are not watered, the branches on which they sit will dry out. Therefore, who, if not us?!

    .dev It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language. It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.

    Why am I writing this post? Not because I hope for something or believe in change. These are just words. I could write this at the end, but then you would be looking for answers for me while reading, and I don’t need them. They won’t change anything. So here it is. I don’t claim to be a software development guru or a C language expert. I’m just a simple developer.

    \- Why are we looking for new technologies? Why do we want to be part of a community that is buzzing with new projects? Why do we think that this new programming language will definitely help us create something amazing and truly great and, of course, will make us rich and provide us with a comfortable old age?

    \- Why are we offered so many courses in so many programming languages and frameworks? Why do we teach what is required for companies that make money from us?

    \- Why are there a lot of conferences on banal simple things, such as \\\* framework or ### technology (so as not to offend anyone), and there, with a smart look, newly minted gurus tell us how important it is to be able to transfer the value to the client and how to use certain templates?

    \- Why do computers become more and more powerful, but programs continue to lag?

    \- Why, when applying for a job, do we look for a vacancy based on knowledge of a programming language, but find it only based on knowledge of certain frameworks? Is it really difficult for a professional programmer to learn a framework in a week?

    \- Why do we go into software development with the enthusiasm to create something great, but end up in a situation where we are developing some other catalog or some other digital yo-yo to make money?

    Reason: because we want our passion for programming, our interest, to also bring us income. Result: we do not earn this money for ourselves, but for companies whose main goal is to quickly receive income from the software they sell.

    I look at how programming has changed over the course of 25 years, what they teach at universities, and where they start. And I came to the conclusion that on a large scale, it was all for the benefit of giant companies or the government.

    We must protect the “intimate” knowledge of the foundations and water the roots ourselves. Because they don’t realize, they don’t see that if the roots are not watered, the branches on which they sit will dry out. Therefore, who, if not us?!

    .dev Why is C hidden gold? Why is C hidden gold?

    Let's say you decide to learn programming. You have two options. Either use the education system (college or courses) or become self-taught. In the first case, you will learn the programming languages that are imposed on you. The education system (universities, colleges, courses) uses the "modern" development stack. Because what matters to them is what can later bring income to companies and you in life, and taxes to the state. They are part of the system and that's how it works. Or because they want to get certificates from industry giants and use everything in their implementation - from development tools to ideology. Only a very few colleges and courses specializing in a very narrow field, such as embedded devices, can teach you the C language.

    If you choose to learn programming on your own, the first thing you will do is go to the Internet to determine where to start and what you need to learn today. Naturally, you will find there a lot of articles and posts on the topic of "what programming language to learn in X year". And they will contain a detailed or not very detailed comparison of “modern” languages. But you are unlikely to find the C language among them. Moreover, almost all of these languages will have the intention of being “C replacements”. Naturally, you will choose a new, powerful, and promising language that will replace the “dying C”, while you “look to the future”. You will never find phrases like “Rust is a replacement for Zig” or vice versa, they will all be “replacements for C”. And by doing this they are trying to hide the C language. We have seen why the C programming language is hidden.

    But suddenly one wonderful day you came across a post with the words “give C language a try”, or, if you are over 40, you remembered where you started learning programming as a child before you started writing all this “SaaS garbage”. And you thought “well, okay, what if there is something, here is nothing to lose anyway”. And you started learning C, simultaneously integrating into the C community. And then you discover, to your surprise, that the C language is simple and effective, applicable everywhere, and continues to develop. And the community is kind, not pompous, without hype, and buzzing with interesting projects. You realized that the C language is not dying and is not going to die, as the "gurus" on youtube taught you and representatives of the "modern" language communities argued with foam at the mouth. And that it is unlikely that C will be able to replace anything in the near future. It's as if you have found "your home" again, something you have been looking for a long time, but could not express in words. You have returned to the roots. And this is why the C language is gold.

    Look for your "gold", never give up. When you find it, you will know for sure that this is it. Thanks for reading!

    News from fediverse @modev
    I want to #introduce myself, maybe because today is a good day for it or just because I found my place in the #fediverse.

    I want to #introduce myself, maybe because today is a good day for it or just because I found my place in the #fediverse.

    I've been a programmer since childhood. Father, husband, I try to be a good person, although sometimes I tell the truth to someone's face, not thinking that they might be offended. Sorry, if anything.

    I've been working as a full-stack developer for over 20 years and dream of my own project, most likely it will be a game project or something related to graphics (maybe when I retire :)). I know and studied many languages ​​and technologies as a hobby. But now I've settled on the C language as a hobby. Maybe not everyone likes it, but this is my choice. At work, I use a modern stack (c#, sql, javascript, html, css, ...), but I still do everything by hand, I use frameworks and libraries to a minimum, this is the only way to create something truly effective, fast and productive for a specific area of ​​application. But I'm tired of writing SaaS garbage.

    Sometimes I write completely unpopular and unimportant opinions, but my own. Sometimes I tell them as stories about #undefinedvaribale.

    I created my cafe (irc channel and matrix room) for wandering crafters like myself. You don't have to be a #programming guru or a creator of something popular. You just might need a cozy place in the jungle of techno world where like-minded developers share a common vision and feeling. Then you're welcome.

    irc: irc:// matrix: <>

    0 It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language. It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language.

    Why am I writing this post? Not because I hope for something or believe in change. These are just words. I could write this at the end, but then you would be looking for answers for me while reading, and I don’t need them. They won’t change anything. So here it is. I don’t claim to be a software development guru or a C language expert. I’m just a simple developer.

    \- Why are we looking for new technologies? Why do we want to be part of a community that is buzzing with new projects? Why do we think that this new programming language will definitely help us create something amazing and truly great and, of course, will make us rich and provide us with a comfortable old age?

    \- Why are we offered so many courses in so many programming languages and frameworks? Why do we teach what is required for companies that make money from us?

    \- Why are there a lot of conferences on banal simple things, such as \\\* framework or ### technology (so as not to offend anyone), and there, with a smart look, newly minted gurus tell us how important it is to be able to transfer the value to the client and how to use certain templates?

    \- Why do computers become more and more powerful, but programs continue to lag?

    \- Why, when applying for a job, do we look for a vacancy based on knowledge of a programming language, but find it only based on knowledge of certain frameworks? Is it really difficult for a professional programmer to learn a framework in a week?

    \- Why do we go into software development with the enthusiasm to create something great, but end up in a situation where we are developing some other catalog or some other digital yo-yo to make money?

    Reason: because we want our passion for programming, our interest, to also bring us income. Result: we do not earn this money for ourselves, but for companies whose main goal is to quickly receive income from the software they sell.

    I look at how programming has changed over the course of 25 years, what they teach at universities, and where they start. And I came to the conclusion that on a large scale, it was all for the benefit of giant companies or the government.

    We must protect the “intimate” knowledge of the foundations and water the roots ourselves. Because they don’t realize, they don’t see that if the roots are not watered, the branches on which they sit will dry out. Therefore, who, if not us?!

    modev @modev
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