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Trans Men Are Being Fetishized More Than Ever on the Dating Scene
  • As a trans woman, being fetishized is pretty much the only option I have if I want to date men. Sad to hear trans men deal with this too.

  • Online chat communities?
  • I tried to, I'm not sure where? The link I followed did not seem to let me, but as I said, sometimes I struggle with tech.

  • Online chat communities?
  • Do you know where I could find a link?

  • Online chat communities?
  • Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't access this

  • Online chat communities?

    Not sure if this is the place to post, but I've moved a lot recently and there aren't really any queer folks where I live. I'm looking for some kind of discord or something to chat and vent and just feel a little less alone.

    I'm pretty old and I've "completed" my transition, and I'm always happy to share my experiences or knowledge if people are interested.

    And apologies if this isn't the right spot for this post.

    Victim reports his father missing. Police instead interrogated him for 17 hours, said they killed his dog, and withheld his meds from the victim. Victim tried to commit suicide in the room.
  • This is what I don't get. I'm a nurse, and since I (ostensibly) have people's lives in my hand, we are checked and double-checked, have to do continual education, and literally everything we do needs to be documented and audited.

    And our goal is always to prevent harm to the patient. Why do people who can legally end someone's life not have the same, or much more strict, standards (I'm asking this rhetorically, I don't really want an answer).

    It seems like adapting medical licensing and reporting requirements would help get us on the right track, or at the very least help hold police accountable.

  • A definitive list of woke and non-woke foods
  • I stopped reading when he said hot chips aren't woke. You don't even know the rules of your stupid, made-up game.

  • Warner Bros. to Release First New ‘Lord of the Rings’ Movie ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ in 2026, Peter Jackson to Produce and Andy Serkis to Direct
  • The Amazon series is fan fiction. This is part of the background story Tolkien wrote.

    I'm not really interested in either, as they are both soulless capitalist cash grabs, but I think this has the possibility of being a decent (although completely unnecessary) film .

  • There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and the best song we've ever heard might still be out there.
  • Just heard Plaineclothes Man for the first time last week. I love it when I find new music that really speaks to me, there's so much good stuff out there right now.

  • Jorch rule
  • This guy Jorchs.

  • Fired from my dream job
  • The job was to help develop the program and department, at least that's how they sold it to me. I was specifically told management is receptive to input from my position, and it was well within my purview to consider these issues. And, given that I don't think ever worked a full 40 hour week, I wouldn't say I did anything "double time".

    I did give them a reasons to get rid of me, in that I showed there wasn't actually enough clinical level work for a nurse at this position, at least with how they structured it

  • Fired from my dream job
  • Doubly so, because my nursing certification is an associate level. Everywhere I looked requires a Bachelors.

  • Fired from my dream job
  • I don't think it helps the manager I reported to doesn't work with trans patients, and I only saw her when I needed something (like an IT request). Definitely put her subconscious interpretation of me as "someone needy".

  • Fired from my dream job
  • Have an appointment tomorrow. Don't know if it constitutes legal discrimination, but I'm almost tempted to bring it even if it's not a slam dunk. They care so much about reputation a lawsuit would hurt them more than I ever could.

  • Fired from my dream job
  • Thank you. Already had a meeting scheduled with a lawyer tomorrow.

    I just wanted to do some good. I didn't even get a chance to pass off my patients.

  • Fired from my dream job

    Moved up to the "Big City" in October. Today I was fired by a woman with a smile on her face.

    My biggest complaints were being isolated from my peers, not having enough work to do, and not receiving feedback on my work performance directly.

    I was accused of working outside of scope, not being able to separate my personal feelings from work, and not responding to doctors in a timely fashion. No specific or documented instances of any of these accusations were provided to me.

    So now I'm alone, in a way more expensive city, with about the same amount it cost to move here left in the bank.

    I think I'm done with healthcare. As a trans person, working inside of it is fucking awful, especially in large hospital organizations. I don't think it helps I graduated from nursing school in 2020.

    What now? This was my dream job, at an organization (I thought) had their shit together. It was a nightmare on the inside - no support, no community. Call staff couldn't "handle" trans patients, so we have to call a separate line that might have someone call you back.

    I came up with so many ideas, ways to improve, best practices we aren't following. Patients getting dead named and misgendered in charts, at the pharmacy, to their face. Asleep in the OR during surgery.

    I've never been more confused about a job ending. I literally said I would do anything, work overtime, adapt my style, learn 6 different specialties, anything I could to help.

    They never even listened to me. Why did they bring me all this way just to ignore me?

    The worst part, I think, is that I don't know if I will ever really trust another human the same way. I thought this was a safe place where I could talk openly about what was deficient, and how to alleviate that. But I did that, and they didn't want to hear it, and now I'm on my own again.

    I really thought we could build something truly special. I guess I'm just disappointed I'll never get a chance to see what that could have been.

    Shazam Rule
  • Better yet, Luthor has Batson in his entourage, so everyone thinks Captain Marvel is rolling at his side all the time. Until Batman realizes it's just... Billy Batson.

  • NSFW
    What's the point?
  • I have professional help

  • NSFW
    What's the point?
  • 💛

  • NSFW
    What's the point?
  • Thank you

  • NSFW
    What's the point?
  • Existentialism, and Camus in particular have a lot of influence in my thought patterns. But to Camus, love was one of the central pillars of deriving meaning from nothingness.

    And I don't have that.

    In fact, I have significantly less love than before.

    I have people that say they care, and in the moment, they mean that. But at the end of the day, I don't matter enough to check in on, unless I warn them.

    I just thought for the first time in my life I would be celebrated and appreciated for who I am.

    But the reality is, no matter how much they front or posture, the "normals" will never accept me.

    I could offer them salvation on a silver platter, and still be met with disdain.

    So, again, what's the point? What's the point in trying?

  • NSFW
    What's the point?
  • Your typo gave me the mental image of my cat as an autobot. 10/10

  • Grammar rule

    Come correct or don't cum at all.

    White sauce rule

    I'd say about 100% of my woes could be solved by covering me in a creamy, white sauce.

    mjsaber mjsaber
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