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Companies Targeted For Pride Support Last Year Go Quiet On Social Media In 2024
  • if you capitulate to the unreasonable demands of a violent minority, then you are encouraging more of that behavior. throwing a certain class of people under the bus in the name of money/fear is wrong on pretty much every level and i think your justification for it is cowardly.

    just to reiterate: you are a coward, and you should feel bad about it. i have no respect for people with so little principles. you disgust me on a level that is beyond words. i do not care to have any more of a conversation, i just want you to know that you're a baby bitch.

  • Voluntary Mandatory rule
  • every time someone tried to call me in i would say i've had alcoholic drinks; they shut up pretty quick after that.

  • Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • dunno, if it does, then yay?

  • Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • popOS just because they have an installer that includes nvidia drivers out of the box.

  • Billionaires urged NYC mayor to sic police on Columbia encampment
  • the worse parts of our lives come from very few people in the ownership class, and they have names, and they have addresses.

  • Ewoks are just savage teddy bears
  • i don't know, i just got here

  • A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrinating kids. Then she read the curriculum.
  • you know, good for her, i guess, but i absolutely fucking hate that they just paint this picture of her like a normal, well adjusted person who happened to get involved in some Weird Shit, because she has to have ignored or dismissed a LOT of red flags to get to where she was.

    i'm glad she finally did her due diligence, but i don't think she deserves a glossy write up about how she did a little oopsy fucky wucky that may have made many children's lives measurably worse.

  • Ewoks are just savage teddy bears
  • the ewoks seemed pretty civil to me tbh

  • Scientists have figured out way to make algae-based plastic that completely decomposes
  • i am sure it will be "too expensive" for the next 30 to 40 years.

  • Streaming is cable now | Seventeen years after Netflix and Hulu kicked off a streaming revolution, it’s looking more like cable than ever.
  • same, i also abuse free trials pretty hard.

    (virtual credit cards and visa gift cards with little to no money on them work great)

  • New Photon front end
  • gorg!

  • Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American
  • song goes so hard

  • Nearly half of cancer patients have more than $5,000 in medical debt, even though most are insured
  • insurance doesn't cover everything, and the things they do not cover always just happen to be the most critical things necessary for treatment. it's a scam.

  • California police flatten pro-Palestinian camp at UCLA, arrest protesters
  • i cannot believe they think we are stupid enough to accept that shooting rubber bullets at unarmed student protestors on public property is justified and morally correct.

    paternalistic bullshit like that breeds hatred and contempt; they are making their own enemies in order to justify more crackdowns, and more fascist behavior.

    it's dark, but it will pass. i hope for the better.

  • Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • jesus, well this is cementing my choice to move to a deep blue state to get away from people politicizing my existence.