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Polish government plans referendum on rejecting 'thousands of illegal immigrants'
  • That sounds massively illegal.

    Holding elections and referendum together is kinda illegal but who's going to stop them.

    I hope you have a good supreme court.

    EU is suing us because supreme court doesn't meet criteria for being independent and impartial. Constitutional court is even worse.

    But even then, people could still vote against the proposed referendum

    The questions are "have you stopped beating your wife yet?" themed and any participation legitimizes this circus unfortunately.

  • Polish government plans referendum on rejecting 'thousands of illegal immigrants'
  • Yeah, 50% quorum required.

    Parliamentary elections turnout will easily exceed 50% so it'll be a huge cluster fuck to boycott referendum because people will likely be handed both ballots by default. It's illegal to take ballot away or destroy it. Invalid votes are counted toward quorum. So far it looks like we'll have to specifically refuse and have this on the record.

  • Polish government plans referendum on rejecting 'thousands of illegal immigrants'
  • Right now all of the proposed questions are so bonkers that many people will get parliamentary elections ballot and ignore referendum. EU accession referendum is the only referendum ever that met quorum in Poland so putting that question on a ballot could potentially mobilize people.

    PiS won't do it because their long term plan is to sow enough distrust to EU that they would have to "begrudgingly" leave the EU in a couple of years. They don't need a referendum for that either - previous government (led by PO) passed a law so that only a parliamentary majority is required for that IIRC.

  • Polish government plans referendum on rejecting 'thousands of illegal immigrants'
  • Also worth pointing out: referendum campaign has less strict spending limits compared to parliamentary elections so this is one more way (on top of utilizing state media and state owned enterprises) that PiS can outspend competition in upcoming elections which are held on the same day.

  • Polish government plans referendum on rejecting 'thousands of illegal immigrants' Polish government plans referendum to reject illegal immigrants

    Provisionally planned for the same day as this October's election, the referendum is a poke in the eye to another EU-wide policy as Warsaw and Brussels clash over Poland's alleged democratic erosion.

    Polish government plans referendum to reject illegal immigrants
    We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that a fascist is not the same thing as a communist. But they're equally despicable.

    Fascism is inherently anti-democratic, communism isn't. I know communism is a shorthand for stalinism, maoism and other totalitarian ideologies that use socialist facade (similar to national socialism) but it's worth to make an effort not to discredit the whole idea.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • People half-joke that coming to Fediverse is easy, all you need to do is select a provider like you do with e-mail.

    In case of Lemmy this omits the part where you have to block dozens of communities because they shill for genocidal regimes and you can't block them and their users wholesale using instances. You also have to be on a lookout for trolls that coordinate on those instances and use alts from other instances. If you aren't careful enough your experience might be akin to a conspiracy Facebook group but obviously it's users fault.

    Mastodon doesn't have this issue despite using same Activity Pub framework.

    Kbin doesn't have it.

    It's Lemmy developers and instances that somehow ended up with staggering amount of tankie trolls, to the extent that exceeds even alt-right trolls on Reddit.

    Telling people to start their own instances is acknowledging that the issue is so widespread that there are no instances with sane policies.

  • Know your genocide apologists
  • They're A-D masquerading because it has some plausible deniability.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • But defederating Threads was fine lol.

    We need to stop recommending to newcomers, it's hostile to normal folks.

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • It's the dishonesty that makes me despise those guys the most. How could you dislike them when they're so civil in their shilling for genocidal regimes, eh?

  • We need to have a serious talk about this instance being federated with Lemmygrad, Hexbear, and tankies in general
  • Modern day tankies are indistinguishable from fascists since they shill for fascist shitholes like Russia and China. I don't care about intent, everyone can lie about it. You can't lie about outcomes.

  • Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology?
  • If you're at the extreme bottom there's little chance to move upwards in capitalism but it's comforting to have some undesirables who have it even worse than you.

  • Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology?
  • Religion is not the goal of conservatives, it's a tool to preserve hierarchy in the society. Capitalism is another tool that achieves that.

    The people that aren't wealthy but are conservative benefit from hierarchy enforced by religion. It ensures that they're not on the bottom of society - that place is intended for various minorities.

  • Is it possible to group communities like a multi-subreddit kind of thing?
  • This client looks interesting but community groups seem to be very WIP at the moment. Posts in those groups are sorted by community (some arbitrary amount is pulled), then requested order (new, hot etc) and it takes ages to load so it's probably not very threaded. Regardless, this looks promising and I'll keep my eye on it - thanks!

  • My GF Macbook Pro has reached end of life support
  • Look into OpenCore Legacy Patcher. I updated my GFs 2012 Air to Ventura and it's running okay. A bit clunky around MacOS updates since you have to specifically run patcher again to get graphics acceleration again but otherwise fine. It's definitely worth it for security updates.

  • worldnews misk
    Ecowas orders deployment of force to restore constitutional order in Niger Ecowas orders 'standby force' to restore constitutional order in Niger

    West Africa leaders have directed the deployment of a ‘standby force’ to restore democracy in Niger after the coup.

    Ecowas orders 'standby force' to restore constitutional order in Niger
    Germany arrests military officer suspected of spying for Russia Germany arrests military officer suspected of spying for Russia

    German prosecutors have arrested an officer of the military procurement agency on suspicion of passing secret information to Russian intelligence, the federal prosecutor's office said.

    Germany arrests military officer suspected of spying for Russia
    Mortal Kombat 1 | Official Banished trailer
    TikTok’s algorithm will be optional in Europe
  • TikTok is absolutely scummy in how they nag you for access rights to phone features / data but I don't think there's a way to do this without adding third "Popular" tab next to Following and For You.

    If they had this as a setting then it'd have to stay this way. Industry standard is to withhold such setting and constantly default to algorithmic page in the attempt to trap you there or make you tired of switching feed constantly.

  • Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country’s constitution
  • I prefaced this with disclaimer that's a personal experience. It's probably hard to measure because people aren't that eager to self report tax avoidance.

    It is government's interest though. Hence extensive AML regulations for example.

  • TikTok’s algorithm will be optional in Europe
  • Yeah, their algo is fun most of the time but it's easy to fall into a bubble and detach from reality. It's also quite transparent how often you're subjected to annoying A/B testing. I'm glad this is happening because it gives users ability to see general view and get more control over their experience.

  • Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country’s constitution
  • Building complex systems involving humans is hard because humans are flawed. The best thing we've come up so far are systems involving extensive checks and balances to prevent thing happening too rapidly and without necessary oversight and even then it's a tricky part to balance.

    For the record, I'm not for entirely cashless society but organisations that are cash heavy have proven to be source of many headaches. There is a balance to be found on thresholds and barring some types of businesses from using cash and where digital money transfer is required. Banks and other money transfer entities will have to deal with scenarios where malicious parties will try to obfuscate their intent outside of those thresholds.

  • worldnews misk
    ECOWAS leaders agree plan for military action after Niger coup as deadline approaches Plan agreed for military intervention in Niger as deadline approaches

    Leaders of the bloc of West African states known as ECOWAS have agreed on a plan for military intervention in Niger unless coup leaders restore civilian rule by Sunday.

    Plan agreed for military intervention in Niger as deadline approaches
    worldnews misk
    Pakistan: Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years for corruption Pakistan: Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years for corruption – DW – 08/05/2023

    The former prime minister of Pakistan has been found guilty in a case involving state gifts and has been handed a three-year jail term.

    Pakistan: Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years for corruption – DW – 08/05/2023
    Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country’s constitution
  • This is all technically true but cash is not the answer.

    Right now there are so many easily accessible ways for governments to spy on people (cell phone geolocation, call metadata monitoring) that I'm not sure that for the purposes you think of you aren't screwed already anyway. From this perspective fight for cash use becomes a bit theoretical.

    The only people that I know of personally that are strongly for cash are either people that frequently skirt around taxes ("minor" stuff like car repair shops) and unfortunately conspiracy nuts. Genuine privacy oriented people exist but realistically the majority will be there for selfish reasons.

    The societal cost of tax evasion, money laundering and financing organisations that legally require transparency (political orgs, NGOs etc) are massive and immediate.

    What we really need is strong oversight of institutions, government transparency, rule of law and healthy democracy. Those are the things you want to enshrine in your constitution.

  • wiadomosci misk
    Minister zdrowia ujawnił nazwisko lekarza i wypisaną sobie receptę. "Nie potrzebują już Pegasusa" Minister zdrowia Adam Niedzielski ujawnił nazwisko lekarza i wypisaną sobie receptę. "Nie potrzebują już Pegasusa"

    Politycy opozycji skrytykowali ministra zdrowia Adama Niedzielskiego za ujawnienie w mediach społecznościowych imienia i nazwiska lekarza oraz informacji o prze

    Minister zdrowia Adam Niedzielski ujawnił nazwisko lekarza i wypisaną sobie receptę. "Nie potrzebują już Pegasusa"

    Politycy opozycji skrytykowali ministra zdrowia Adama Niedzielskiego za ujawnienie w mediach społecznościowych imienia i nazwiska lekarza oraz informacji o przepisanych sobie lekach. "Czy teraz będzie Pan ujawniał, kto jakie leki bierze?" - pytają politycy.

    Ministerstwo Zdrowia na czele z Adamem Niedzielskim podjęło walkę z internetowymi portalami do wystawiania recept poprzez wprowadzenie dla lekarzy dziennych limitów. Ubocznym efektem tego działania ma być utrudnienie pracy wielu "stacjonarnym" lekarzom i placówkom.

    Lekarze negatywnie zareagowali na wprowadzane bez konsultacji z nimi zmiany, informowali, że limity i ograniczenia utrudniają im pomoc np. pacjentom onkologicznym. Jednym z lekarzy, którzy wyraził swoje niezadowolenie był lekarz Piotr Pisula, który w jednym z wydań Faktów stacji TVN przekazał iż nie był w stanie wypisać recepty żadnemu pacjentowi.

    Tę informację "zweryfikował" wspomniany minister Adam Niedzielski, który ujawnił iż lekarz wypisał receptę na siebie samego.

    Ujawnienie tych informacji zostało skrytykowane przez dziennikarzy, środowisko lekarskie i polityków.

    > "Minister Zdrowia ujawnia nazwisko pacjenta, który przyjmuje leki psychotropowe. Komendant Główny Policji publikuje nagranie rozmowy psychiatry o pacjentce. W kraju rządzonym przez PiS nikt nie może czuć się bezpieczny i chroniony" - napisała posłanka KO Marta Golbik.

    > Czy Was tam w MZ to reszty pogięło ??? Czy wiecie po co stworzono „tajemnice lekarską”?? Teraz rozumiem, dlaczego nawet w PiS nie mogą dla Pana Ministra znaleźć okręgu do startowania w wyborach - skomentował poseł Arkadiusz Myrcha.

    > Co widać po zachowaniu min. Niedzielskiego? Oni nie potrzebują już Pegasusa. Użyją całego państwa, złamią wszelkie zasady moralne i standardy, by niszczyć tych, którzy nie z ich partii. Widać zatem jedno: PiS z kulturą łacińską i cywilizacją śródziemnomorską nie ma nic wspólnego - napisał Rafał Grupiński.

    > Ten człowiek popełnił ordynarne przestępstwo ujawniając informację medyczną. I pokazał publicznie, że z cyfryzacją sektora publicznych usług zdrowia nie poszła w parze ochrona naszej prywatności. Na jesieni - rozliczymy go. Nie tylko z tego - zapowiada kandydat Konfederacji w wyborach do Sejmu Przemysław Wipler.

    > Przypominam przedstawicielowi organów konstytucyjnych naszego państwa Art. 51. Konstytucji RP: 1. (…) 2. Władze publiczne nie mogą pozyskiwać, gromadzić i udostępniać innych informacji o obywatelach niż niezbędne w demokratycznym państwie prawnym - wskazał wiceprezes PSL Dariusz Klimczak.

    > Wnioskuję o natychmiastową interwencję RPO prof. Marcina Wiącka @BiuroRPO, a w poniedziałek składam skargę do @UODOgov_pl. Rozważam zawiadomienie do @PK_GOV_PL - zapowiedział poseł Michał Szczerba.

    > Miło, że Pan Niedzielski o sobie przypomniał. Utwierdził nas w przekonaniu o degrengoladzie rządu PiS „Za przetwarzanie danych, których przetwarzać nie można (…) udostępnianie zbiorów danych osobom nieupoważnionym przewidziana jest kara grzywny, ogr. lub pozb.wolności do 2 lat." - skomentowała posłanka Agnieszka Pomaska.

    > Panie @a_niedzielski , czy teraz będzie Pan ujawniał, kto jakie leki bierze? Może od razu podam, jakie biorę? Lekarz może być też pacjentem. Ujawnianie jego schorzeń wykorzystując dostęp do bazy jest haniebne! @NaczelnaL - uważa Katarzyna Lubnauer.

    > Zgłupiał czy się spodlił? Tak właśnie bezpieczne są Wasze dane, Polki i Polacy - oceniła Barbara Nowacka.

    > Art 231 kodeksu karnego czeka pana ministra @a_niedzielski Teraz mu nie dadzą. My dopilnujemy. Szkoda mi go trochę. Ale brak kompetencji nie zwalnia z odpowiedzialności - uważa były minister zdrowia Bartosz Arłukowicz.

    Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country’s constitution Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country's constitution

    Austria’s leader is proposing to enshrine in the country’s constitution a right to use cash, which remains more popular in the Alpine nation than in many other places.

    Austrian leader proposes enshrining the use of cash in his country's constitution
    Baltic countries strike deal to disconnect from Russian power grid earlier than expected Baltic countries reach deal to cut off from Russian power grid quicker

    Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have agreed to speed up their integration into the European Union's electricity system in order to desynchronize from the Russian power grid. #EuropeNews

    Baltic countries reach deal to cut off from Russian power grid quicker
    EU beer production back to pre-pandemic levels: Eurostat EU beer production back to pre-pandemic levels: Eurostat – DW – 08/03/2023

    The EU's statistical agency said Germany was the bloc's top beer producer, whereas the Netherlands was the top exporter. The majority of the EU's beer was exported in 2022 to the UK.

    EU beer production back to pre-pandemic levels: Eurostat  – DW – 08/03/2023
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    Wacken Open Air 2023 deluged by rain – DW – 08/01/2023

    as is tradition

    worldnews misk
    Donald Trump indictment: Ex-president charged with bid to overturn 2020 election Donald Trump indictment: Ex-president charged with bid to overturn 2020 election

    The former US president is accused of four counts and "prolific lies about election fraud".

    Donald Trump indictment: Ex-president charged with bid to overturn 2020 election
    worldnews misk
    Fitch downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+ Fitch downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+

    The rating agency said it had noted a "steady deterioration" in governance over the last 20 years.

    Fitch downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+
    misk misk

    Left due to inconsistent federation policy allowing extremist instances like Eheads and Lgrad but not Threads.

    moved to: (which also kind of sucked)

    currently at:

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