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No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment
  • What's their policy when someone buys one of these systems from one of these dickheads?

    Easier solution is to not install games that are rootkits run by a shitty company.

  • Toxic linux communities moment:
  • Split the difference and run LMDE.

  • No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships
  • No, I'm actually working through my backlog and it's been the best overall way to track what I've done and haven't done in a game. I've played tons of games without them. (My most played game does not have them.) Fuck, I'd be happy at this point if they added at least a damn guide of all the shit I missed when I wasn't playing. It's just sensory overload when opening up NMS.

  • No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships
  • That's my issue with it that I've already 100% the game myself a long time ago and every time I've gone back, I've just either been lost as to what to do, or already done with the content they added and then looked at all that had been added and just couldn't be bothered. I wish there was some way to get a reward or whatever for completing objectives, but in the case of this game, I've got a life and missed a lot of the rewards due to running out of time.

    For example, maybe they could rework their expedition thing to limited time to start saves, but after you started a save under that expedition you would have unlimited or extended time to finish it.

    As far as adding more achievements, I have zero issue with them adding more as long as the content they add them to has no monetary cost. Like with so many other games adding DLC after the fact and adding those achievements then. Especially since the achievements on all the platforms don't seperate the achievements by the content that it belongs to. Like Forza or Fallout where each DLC adds achievements but I have to go and research what is actually base game versus what's DLC or other random bullshit that was added.

  • Walgreens is cutting prices on 1,500 items, joining Target, Walmart and Amazon | CNN Business
  • Holy shit yes. Even the local brands around here are ridiculous.

  • No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships
  • You know, I'll be candid. Them never adding any more achievements really hasn't helped me go back to the game. I wish with all this extra content they would have added some so I had some goals to work towards/enjoy when going back. It's just a mess of things when I open it up now. Don't even know where to start.

    Before someone says it; I use achievements as a guide to play games to see if I've done a lot of the content or if I've missed things that I otherwise would have overlooked.

  • Banter has evolved
  • I mean this sounds like something I'd say to my friends and I'm middle aged, so, guess he just needs to step his game up.

  • Finally, a use for microplastics...
  • Nah, 3d print a benchy with mine.

  • Its over buddy
  • Make sure it's above your face while doing so.

  • Cybertruck Deliveries Halted Due To Car Being A Big Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Work
  • This is old web journalism. All the links in the text are actual links to other articles or pieces of information. This is how most news articles were in the 90s and early 2k. Y'know, before all the links in the text turned into ad links. This article gives a jumping off point to find out more info. The opinion piece does nothing but attract attention to the information linked within.

    We're all here talking about it so it seems to have worked. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Scenes From a MAGA Meltdown: Inside the “America First” Movement’s War Over Democracy
  • Because Americans love them some crazed lunatic "reality" entertainment.

  • Removed
    Federal judge blocks Biden administration rule requiring dealers at gun shows to run background checks
  • Same for me as well and I have ublock and unpaywall installed.

  • Need a good resource to learn linux
  • Are we related?

  • mihnt mihnt
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