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You have 15$. How would you spend it so that you'll be the happiest you can be for 15$ ?
  • It depends on what I'm trying to maximize.

    If I just want the happiness spike ASAP, then I would just buy $15 worth of Magic cards, or maybe a booster pack or three, depending on the set.

    If I'm trying to maximize my overall happiness over any amount of time, I think spending $15 on something reusable, like a nice pair of socks or a hat would work out for me.

    If I want to maximize happiness in general, then spending it on someone else I care about does double duty. It makes someone else happy, and I get happiness from being involved in the process.

  • New Astro Bot Will Feature Over 150 Bots Inspired By PlayStation Characters; No In-Game Purchases Or Multiplayer
  • They're just fun little nods to PlayStation's history. Previous AstroBot games have been fun little 3D platformers, with little tidbits that pay tribute to the PlayStation and its various controllers and accessories and even major series.

    This is just saying that there are going to be a ton of references, hinting at the scope and budget of the game.

  • [Discussion] Do you still use your Steam Deck much?
  • Mine is mostly a machine for travel. It's a godsend on flights, or for keeping up with an MMO like FFXIV when I'm gone for a week or longer. It's also handy for group things when we have a TV (Jackbox for family, or Moonrakers: Luminor for my board game group).

  • A cool guide on survival knots
  • I learned knots growing up, and I find myself using two half hitches and a taut line hitch fairly often. Slip knots are great for quick releases. A clove hitch doesn't do too much on its own, but is great for starting a lashing, or wrapping around one post, as long as the other end will be tensioned with a taut line hitch or similar.

  • Announcing Cowboy Bebop Collaboration Promo Cards
  • This is supposed to be more in-universe, and related to the fun video they released last week of the Bebop OP but with MtG characters/iconography. It's pretty neat, and some of the small details are really funny.

  • New Catan game has overpopulation, pollution, fossil fuels, and clean energy
  • This is real. I saw news about it maybe 1-2 months ago or so. Catan has largely rotated out of my group's play pool, but I still remember it as the game that kinda got us into resource-based games 20 years ago.

  • Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes
  • To be more specific, there are 4 time zones in the contiguous 48 states: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern. Alaska is also one hour behind Pacific, and Hawaii (usually) one hour behind Alaskan. But Hawaii also doesn't observe daylight savings time.

    This also doesn't account for how some states (like Arizona) don't observe DST while Navajo Nation (in Arizona) does, while Hopi land (surrounded by Navajo) doesn't.

    Time is confusing.

  • specialization is for insects
  • Are you telling me you don't like my (hypothetical) Child of Alara boardwipes deck?

    In actuality, I'm with you. I build my decks so that they're fun to play, and hopefully fun to play against. A guy at my local store apparently only builds decks that are a slog to play against. Thalia and Gitrog death and taxes, with Winter Orb and fogs to show the game down so he can win with Gates. Norin thievery. Anikthea enchantment lockout, with multiple ways to populate copies of Sphere of Safety and other pillowfort enchantments. You get the idea.

  • Do you think deck total value is a good enough indicator of how strong it is?
  • Price doesn't always equal power, but some big pieces are expensive.

    First of all, you should look at the cheapest value/printing for a card to really see what the "value" of your deck is. Spending on an older foil card can be vastly more expensive than the reprinted, non-foil version.

    Second, it kinda depends on what the money is being spent on. I dropped over $100 the other month just adding a fetchland and a few shocks into a 3-color deck. Spending money on a manabase, or on the staples that hold a deck together, isn't the same as spending on the big combo pieces that do uniquely powerful things.

    As a rule of thumb, I know the price of my deck, but I don't use it as a thermometer for how high-powered it is. I do use it as an indication of how invested I am in it, since the more I want it to perform, the more money I'll throw into it.

    If price point is an issue with your pod, consider having your powerful pet decks and whatnot, but also setting up a budget deck where the total value of the deck (once again, using cheapest printings) must be below a price point. I've seen interesting budget formats where each card must be sub-$1, or Pauper EDH, or where the total value of the deck must be below $25, or $50, or $100. Discussion is the best thing about playing Commander, a social format. Figure out what makes everyone have a good time and roll with that.

  • The Finals’ Season 2 brings hacker powers, a 5v5 mode, new map and more to the multiplayer shooter this week
  • I enjoyed this game for a weekend. It's neat, and does some stuff (like destruction and movement) better than a lot of other shooters out there. I think the game modes are a little intimidating for me, as a casual player, though, so I gave up on it. Glad to see they're working on everything and adding to the game over time!

  • Steam Metroidvania Fusion sale
  • I got it a few months ago but haven't given it a shot yet. I've always been a little wary of 3D Metroidvanias because I feel like I'll get way too lost. Might give it a play on the Steam Deck next week, though.

  • TF2 Smissmas Patch!

    It's a Smissmas Miracle! Cool little patch that I might reinstall TF2 to try out.

    Anything in here look exciting to you?

    New to coffee

    Hi, this sounds like a dumb question, but how should I "get into" coffee? Most of the time, I just use a Keurig and whatever pods I find at Costco. I know there's an entire world out there of people who know exactly what they're doing, but it's all quite confusing.

    If I'm typically only ever making coffee for myself, what should my brewing method be? Nespresso? Pour-over? French press?

    And should I be looking to try everything black, or are lattes and whatnot a good way to learn what my tastes are?

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