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Atari just bought Intellivision, putting an end to the very first console war
  • Even original Nolan Bushnell's Atari, was bought by Warner Brothers, then (mostly) bought by Jack Tramiel after leaving Commodore. So it's not an unbroken line. Infogrames Fr's new management has quit with the NFT nonsense, and is making Atari-related stuff that isn't awful.

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • Also, Courtney Love is 10x the musician Kurt ever was, listen to any track on America's Sweetheart and you'll break your heart. It's better that she's free.

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • The average quality of music in the world doubled the day Kurt Cobain solved his headache problem. Grunge was a disease caused by not changing your clothes, and using too much heroin instead of learning to play instruments and sing.

    And, I'm peak GenX and a Seattleite.

  • What would your last words be?
  • "What was that noise?"

  • What happened to "You're welcome!" as a response to "Thank You"? It's not even included in the canned answers on an apple watch. Have we as a society abandoned it?
  • Most languages respond something like "it's nothing", de nada. English is a little weird saying "welcome".

  • "I want to live forever in AI"
  • Joke's on them, I've never been "well rested" in my life or my digital afterlife.

  • Signs you're getting old?
  • Multiple of your friends have cancer, died of cancer, or of other illnesses. But mostly the cancer.

    You wonder if your bowels are OK. They are not.

  • "I want to live forever in AI"
  • It's still a surviving working copy. "I" go away and reboot every time I fall asleep.

  • why do you use xmpp instead of matrix?
  • You made an obviously incorrect claim, and now you've doubled down on "nobody should have a phone or computer", which is… no longer in reality. Thanks for not having a productive conversation.


  • why do you use xmpp instead of matrix?
  • If you can't afford an iPhone, that's tough, but I live in the US where it's 56%, and around the world it's 28%, which is not "doesn't exist". And in any case Signal exists for the others. Yes, if you use a freecycled GNU/Linux phone with not-sold-in-Shenzhen wireless chipset not supported by any carrier so it has to be hardwired to ethernet, you'll have a harder time.

    And if you do try to do everything at once, you fail at everything. Which is what happened after Google EEE'd and crushed XMPP, it's unsupported in full by anyone. There's no money in open source networking, it's near impossible to fund the people who work on critical infrastructure, let alone new toys.

    Meanwhile, there's a system that's been working for 35 years.

  • Deleted
  • I have two.

    Scheme. It's a fantastic language, you can cleanly switch from functional, procedural, or weird time machines (macros & continuations) solutions to any problem. Most Schemes (esp. Chez, CHICKEN, Gambit, Gerbil) compile to very fast binaries, close enough to C even with dynamic typing and garbage collection. C FFI depends on impl, but usually it's pretty simple; in CHICKEN you can just write inline C code. SRFI vary from essential libraries to angels-on-pinheads nonsense, but there's something to pick from.

    Down side is the fractured, infighting community. R6RS was a practical batteries-included spec, which pissed off the teaching-only fans, so they made an inferior R7RS, and now committees are trying to make R7RS-large which is just bad R6RS. But if you pick one, and mostly stick to the spec language, it's not a problem for the developer.

    BASIC. I know, ridiculous, right? And I mean line-numbered, Atari or TRS-80 BASIC. But there was never a better language for teaching programming, or for banging out a small interactive program. Turn on any 8-bit computer (or start an emulator), it prompts READY, and you can write something small & interesting. Your modern 64-bit giant machine is not READY.

  • Does anybody else feel guilty being suspicious of anybody in a black hoodie with the hood up?
  • Of course not. I am the guy in long coat, hoodie or toque, big black boots, and face mask.

    Crime rates have dropped massively, you're being driven into a panic by pro-police, racist media manipulation.

  • why do you use xmpp instead of matrix?
  • You don't have to solve every problem in a single application. If you need privacy, use iMessage or Signal.

    Public chat is by definition not secure, anyone can be sitting in the room logging, so it's not that essential as long as client-server uses TLS. Modern IRC does have SDCC chat, but not all clients will use it, so stick to secure messengers.

  • why do you use xmpp instead of matrix?
  • Don't use either, they're unreliable services and not enough people use them. Stick to IRC.

  • Who would you save between your cat and your worst enemy?
  • There's about 8 billion Humans, and about half of them suck more than any friendly domestic animal. The worst? I'd create an emergency.

  • He revealed the secrets !
  • "She". The gag of SwiftOnSecurity is it's Taylor Swift, posting infosec. Tho these days she mostly trolls like this.

  • When a real user uses the app
  • If they had "fixed" it, there would be a "My Computer" icon. No such thing exists, go TRY the Infinite Mac I linked above.

  • When a real user uses the app
  • Yes your uncle who works at Nintendo ^W Apple told you about it.

  • mdhughes Digital Mark
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