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  • Interesting. The way I work, variable naming is one of the key areas that I would never want to outsource to an AI -- careful choice of variable names is a key part of code quality for me: unimportant things should have neutral, non-distracting names while mportant things often cause me to break out a thesaurus for just the right word.

  • How many comics need to be sold for a story to be considered a success?
  • LOL -- good point. I guess the correct answer is zero. 😃

  • How many comics need to be sold for a story to be considered a success?
  • One.

    I'm thinking of a comic made to tell the story of a relationship, culminating in a wedding proposal.

    The definition of success is different for different cases.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If two states disagree, what alternative would you suggest? "Flip a coin and move on" or "Just give in to the other side" are solutions that are likely to be abused: one rogue state can wreck havoc by making unreasonable demands. Going to war over it seems worse than spending millions in court. The courts ARE our inexpensive, fair way of resolving disputes (even if they aren't as inexpensive as we might like).

  • Which height should I choose for a ring?
  • Interesting. When I have sized a wedding ring (something I have done several times because of a combination of not fitting, and of me losing a ring twice over the past 28 years) I obviously had to work to get the right size. Like you, I chose rounded edges which made it easier for me to get the ring on and off my finger. Originally I had a width of 4 mm, and moving to 3 mm worked much better for me. (My fingers are particularly narrow and long compared to most men's hands.) But I have never been asked what "height" to use.

    I would speculate that it affects the weight of the ring. (In my experience, too heavy a ring can be a problem. For instance, a heavy ring May vibrate against the steering wheel on long drives and make my fingers sore.) No one can really see the "height", so why not go with the thinnest that makes the ring still sturdy?

  • How the Japanese look at the US — comic in recent Tokyo newspaper.
  • Yes, which is why it is so important for people to understand: THE CURRENT REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOT THE SAME AS WHAT IT USED TO BE!!

  • Neuroscience Explains Women's Reaction to Sexual Harassment
  • That's the common gag, but ACTUALLY the difference is in whether the recipient of the comment was open to hearing it and whether the speaker intends merely those literal words or has other implications.

  • Neuroscience Explains Women's Reaction to Sexual Harassment
  • I carefully read through the article and did not find a link to the study. Would you be willing to share the link here?

  • Dioxus Labs + “High-level Rust
  • This article starts off as a response to another article, but doesn't link to the article it is talking about! I found that frustrating and poor form, community-wise.

  • Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon?
  • He can appoint two new members to the Supreme Court and then have them rule that Trump, as President, is immune to being prosecuted or held responsible for any state or federal crime but like Bush v. Gore it isn't a precedent and doesn't apply to any other President.

  • If presidential immunity is absolute..
  • Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. Yes, it is completely absurd and would undermine the bedrock principles of our legal system. However, apparently somewhere between 3 and 6 members of the US Supreme Court may be seriously considering it.

    (To be fair, he does claim that this absolute immunity would go away if half of the House and 2/3 of the Senate decided to impeach the President.)

  • The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Source Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor
  • Great question -- would someone ask that of my boss please? 😉

  • I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system?
  • Yes. The average cost of cancer treatment is around $150,000 USD here and expensive cases can be much more.

  • I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system?
  • Here is my perspective on the answer to your question:

    Our government is not functional. It is not that it doesn't "want" a healthy work force, but that it isn't capable of setting any sort of a policy.

    The last time the US made any meaningful change in healthcare policy was under Obama. My impression of what happened is that there was a brief (2 yr) moment when the Presidency, House, and Senate were all controlled by the same party. The Democrats passed "health reform" which was basically the Republican health care reform package from 4 years earlier.

    In the 13 years since then, the only Republican position on health care has been that Obama's "ACA" law is "bad". There is literally no suggestion of what else would be better. (I'm not counting the anti-abortion laws as "health care" -- they are seen here as a moral issue, not a health care one.) The Democrats' position has been a mix of "we shouldn't let the Republicans take us back to something WORSE!" and "the whole system is broken and needs to be replaced".

    We have two problems. First, our government is structured so that it cannot easily accomplish anything, at least without cooperation between the two opposed parties. Secondly, one of the two parties is insane and wants to destroy the government (and has enough electoral support to win almost half the time).

  • Announcing
  • Thank you.

  • Announcing
  • How concerned should I be?

    What are the unspecified policies the developer claims that the company has failed to uphold? Who is this particular developer, and how much should I trust them? (I don't follow nginx development at all.)

    I celebrate the fact that open source licenses exist specifically to allow people to make a fork like this when they have disagreements! But I don't know enough about this particular case to decide how it should affect my own plans.

  • How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly?
  • Here's what I use:

    • LGBT+ most formal (and old fashioned)
    • LGBTQ+ less formal
    • "people" most inclusive
  • [Reuters BreakingViews] Investors will say “OK Boomer” to aging Reddit
  • On my profile it says "redditor for 18 years".

  • Recap Monday - Week 36: what did you play last week?
  • We broke out some older games that work for 5 players. A full game of Citadels and several hands of The Great Dalmuti. All card games, all with very simple rules so hardly any time was spent teaching them.

  • Google reaches tentative settlement in US Play Store lawsuit
  • Under the government's theory, in this case, I cannot understand how the Google App Store is a monopoly, but the Apple App Store is not. Can anyone explain that to me?

  • mcherm mcherm


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